My End of the Bargain

Disclaimer: I do not own or pretend to own the Harry Potter series that I acknowledge to belong to JK Rowling.

Summary: An unspoken deal is silently broken. HGHP please R&R

A/n: I never thought I'd see the day I'd write a HermioneHarry…but here it is. I never actually mention the character's names or specified who's talking but I think it's pretty clear who is talking and who is being talked about. Please review, thanks.


I find it hard to be around you.

Not because you irritate me, but because I really don't know how to act around you.

I want to show you I care but I don't want anyone else seeing; I want to impress you but I don't want to attract other's attention.

People have told me so often: "you're so articulate! I wish I could speak my mind like you do"

Little do they know, all you have to do is get within a one-meter radius of me and I get tongue-tied. Not that I don't know what to say but I know I can't…shouldn't say it.

How often have I been told: "I am so jealous of how you don't care what others think about you"

Shows what they know about me. I care a lot about what you think. I care so much I avoid seeing you as much as possible so there's no chance of embarrassing myself in front of you.

My best friend is so in love with you. I feel like such a bad person for feeling for you as much as I do; worse still she has no idea and confides in me about her feelings for you.

We never really talked about our feelings for each other, we always just assumed.

I am not supposed to like you; you are not supposed to like me. That has been long established. I don't know if you've kept up your end of the bargain but I know I haven't kept up mine.