A/N Once again I'd like to thank my beta SerpentClara for all her help, without her well if you read my unbeta'ed work you understand.

This chapter of Bothersome Facts there is some HHR goodness.

I don't own Harry Potter.


Wizarding Heaven

Dumbledore, Lily and James were watching as Harry was married to his best friend, all of them smiling at how happy Harry looked beside his new bride.

Lily wiped a tear away from her eye. "I'm so glad that he finally realised what was right in front of him."

James wrapped an arm around her shoulders, hugging her tightly. "Not every guy is clever enough to know true love when he first sees it."

Lily smiled again. "Oh, James, you're so sweet," she gushed.

"Oh James," a high falsetto voice said mockingly, "You're so pathetic."

James turned to glare at Sirius. "You have no sense of romance, Padfoot," he returned waspishly.

Sirius grinned and shoved the embracing couple aside so that he could peer into the pool that showed Harry and Hermione at their wedding ceremony.

"I knew they were made to be together. I could see it the first time I saw them."

Dumbledore beamed at his former students. "Yes, Harry and Hermione always had a bond that they could never share with anyone else."

"I worried about the boy going for that Weasley girl."

"Sirius, that's not very nice - there's nothing wrong with Ginny Weasley." Lily admonished.

"I'm not saying there is, Lily-flower. She's just not right for Harry."

Lily tried to look stern, but with a sigh, she relented. "You're right. I thought it was a little odd that he would pick his best friend's little sister. I mean, he is an honorary Weasley..."

"It was like he was dating his own sister!" James burst out.

Lily nodded absently. "Yes." She perked up, looking into the pool. "Oh, look, it's time to kiss the bride!"

They all fell silent when Harry kissed Hermione softly on the lips.

Lily burst into loud sobs. "Oh, my baby is married!" she wailed.

James exchanged a look with Sirius but wrapped his arms around his wife. "It's OK, Lily, Harry's happy."

"I know," Lily wailed. "I was just so afraid something would happen to him..."

Everyone was quiet for several moments before Sirius turned towards Dumbledore with a contemplative look on his face.


Dumbledore looked up, still smiling, his blue eyes suspiciously moist. "Yes?"

"Can I ask you something?"

Dumbledore's smile vanished. "Oh, bloody hell," he muttered.

Everyone turned to gape at him; even Lily stopped crying to stare.

"Did you just curse, Professor?" Lily gasped softly.

Dumbledore flushed a little. "Well- er- it's just that I've been asked questions before and it's never been good."

James smirked. "You mean when McGonagall asked why Lily or I couldn't have been our own Secret Keepers?"

Lily smiled. "Or when Harry asked why Voldemort didn't just stun me rather than kill me?"

"Or why Pettigrew or I didn't live in the house in Godric's Hollow?" Sirius piped in.

"That's easy: we would have killed each other after two days."

Lily nodded. "No, I would have killed the whole lot of you. It was bad enough to have to pick up after one child and my little Harry, let alone two children and Harry."

"Hey!" Sirius and James protested together.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore was stealthily making his way away from his three former students, hoping he could put off being asked another question that would be impossible for him to answer. He thought he had made it when his name was called.


"Damn," he muttered before making his way back to them. He managed a weak smile. "Yes?"

"Well, in the Department of Mysteries, when Voldemort possessed Harry … he was trying to get you to kill Harry, was he not?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly; he could tell that he wasn't going to like this one bit.

"Why didn't Voldemort just stop Harry's heart?"

Dumbledore gaped at Sirius, his mouth hanging open like a landed fish. "What?" he asked dumbly.

"Yeah, he was in Harry's body, but he most likely could have just shut down Harry's nervous system, stopped his heart, given him a stroke, burst blood vessels … hell, he could have jumped out of a window or something! Why did he wait for you to kill him?"

Wizarding hell

Voldemort banged his head against the rocky wall that made up the prison where he and his minions were being tortured for the rest of eternity.

"Blood hell, why didn't I think of these things?"

Wizarding Heaven

Dumbledore looked wildly around the comfortable room they were all in, trying to get out of answering the question. His eyes lit on the pool showing Harry and Hermione as they danced their first dance as husband and wife.

"Look!" He nearly shouted pointing at the pool. "They are doing something … interesting."

When Lily, James, and Sirius turned to look, Dumbledore hiked his robes up and ran from the room like a bat out of hell.

Lily was the first to see he was gone.

"Where did he go?" she asked.

James and Sirius shrugged.

"I think he's become even stranger after his death."

They all nodded before turning back to the pool to watch as Hermione winced discreetly when Harry trod on her foot.

"James?" Lily murmured.


"Why couldn't one of us be our own Secret Keeper?"



Just a little side note SerpentClara brought up: The whole "Bat out of Hell" saying-- Why would the bat want OUT of hell if it's dark like bats like::Shakes head at self:: I have way too much time on my hands.