AN: First ADJL fanfiction I've done. It's rather slashy (meaning gay.. which means male/male). If that isn't your cup of tea, please turn back now. Also, I haven't seen all of the episodes - most, but not all. So I don't know if Spud's parents have been introduced or mentioned at all. If they have, please tell me, yeah? So I can put the correct warnings (AU, etc.) or what have you, blahblah.

AN2: Edited some stuff to make it a little better. :)

Warnings: Non-graphic masturbation

Disclaimer: I do not own American Dragon: Jake Long or any characters from it. They all belong to Disney and.. the person who made them. Hurrah. I am not making a profit from this fanfiction.

Spud couldn't remember the last time he'd had a normal dream.

But, he thought, as he stared up at the ceiling, what are normal dreams? Can any dream be considered a normal one? Aren't they all unique to the person having them? Although, I guess wet dreams are what you would call "normal" for a guy my age.. but then again, how often do guys my age have dreams like that about their best friends?

Stopping that train of thought before he further confused himself, he rolled onto his stomach, trying and failing to find a comfortable position on the damp and sticky sheets beneath him.

Damp from his still-warm sweat. Sticky from his rapidly cooling semen.

He grimaced slightly at the feeling, but did not move. His eyes strayed to the digital clock sitting on the nightstand next to his bed.

4:53 AM. Splendiferous. Might as well get up. There's no way I'll be able to fall back asleep..

With a sigh, the 17-year-old slid out of his bed, his face scrunching up in mild disgust at the stain in the middle of the sheets, and the one on the front of his boxers.


He sighed again, louder, and swiped a long-fingered hand through his sweaty brown hair, before yanking the soiled sheets from the bed. He left them in a heap on the floor, intending to deal with them later, and trudged to the bathroom for a much-needed shower. He wasn't worried about waking his parents - they were out cold on the couch in the living room, sleeping off the effects of who knows what kinds of drugs.

He didn't even bother turning on the warm water; he turned the cold water on full blast, needing the shock of ice cold water hitting his naked body to get rid of any remaining arousal, to numb him, to maybe, just maybe, stop him from feeling the way he did.

Really, Spud thought as he lifted his head and let the freezing spray hit his face, this is all stupid Jake's fault.

Stupid Jake, with his hard, compact body.

Stupid Jake, with his caramel-colored skin.

Stupid Jake, with his pretty, pouty pink lips.

Stupid Jake, with his soft, adorably messy black hair.

Stupid Jake, with his beautiful, sparkling brown eyes.

Stupid Jake, with his shit-eating grin that frequently had Spud wanting to kiss it off and -

Stop! Spud screamed at himself. Stop it! Stop thinking about Jake! Stop thinking about how gorgeous he is, how every time you dream it's about him, naked and waiting and wanting and begging and - damnit!

Spud groaned miserably, staring down at his erection.

This is all stupid Jake's fault, he thought again, as his hand moved down his body to wrap around his swollen member.

He no longer felt the sting of the cold water. All he felt was the friction and the heat of his hand on his erection, and as he came, shuddering, he felt only the helpless, overwhelming, overpowering love for the one person in the world he shouldn't, couldn't love.

"Jake," he whispered, the hot tears on his cheeks washed away by the cold, cold water pouring down on him.

AN: There you go. :) Not sure if I'm going to continue it or leave it as a oneshot. I have ideas for more chapters, so if you liked this and want me to continue, please review and let me know, yeah?

Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated as well!