Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story line :D go me! Here's yet another DASEY fic! Enjoy ;) R&R!

1-Don't Say You Love Me

Casey MacDonald held her compact mirror up to her face, studying her reflection as her mother's car sped towards the movie theater. Her mother was going on a date with some 'guy' and she'd bribed Casey with movie tickets to see a rerun of her favorite movie, The Notebook. Corny as it was Casey had caved, hoping beyond hope that she'd find SOMEONE . . . ANYONE interesting there. She loved her school but going to an all girls private school coudl be very stifling (AN: I don't know if it was all girls or not, someone correct me if I'm wrong!) Sighing Casey snapped the mirror shut after puckering her lips a bit, making sure her lipstick was even and stepped out of the car, one leg after the other. She was after all extremely graceful in situations such as this. It had to be this way or she'd fall on her face in front of everyone.

Derek Venturi leaned against the brick wall of the dilapidated theater, looking around for his best friend Sam. He was supposed to be bringing their dates to see "The Notebook." Derek would never admit it but that was the exact kind of thing he wanted to find. He just doubted he ever would. To him that just didn't seem like real life. He puffed some air, watching the foggy smoke looking stuff float through the December air, it was undoubtedly impossible to find that in reality. Atleast that's what he thought before he saw a gorgeous brunette stepping out of a car. Because as soon as he saw her his breath caught in his chest and his eyes locked on her.

She had pale skin that matched her beautiful blue eyes, along with chocolate brown hair that at the moment was in ringlets and pulled half up, matching the black knit tank top and ripped jeans that she was wearing. To his excitement she wasn't accompanied by anyone that is when Derek went in "for the kill." Although this time he wasn't sure whether this was "a kill" or not. HIs heart was beating so fast he wasn't sure.

Without missing a beat Casey paid for her ticket and was in the theater before the boy behind her even had a chance to blink. She knew she'd caught atleast a few boys attention and that in turn made her smile widly, catching even more glances for her to keep. She enjoyed the attnetion she recieved but most of the time she just wished for what Noah and Allie had in the movie.

"You alone?" She heard a manly voice, which had a boyish switch to it, say quietly in her ear. Jumping from surprise her popcorn flew all over the one behind her. Casey could feel her face heat up as she turned around to face whoever it was that was making her stomach flip before she'd even seen him.

"Yeah," She choked, half at embarassment and half trying not to laugh at this gorgeous guy now covered in extremely buttery popcorn. "I'm so sorr about that!" She said louder this time. Grabbing a few napkins from the counter she dabbed the butter off his tan face and arms, considering he was wearing a wife beater with a jacket in his hand. She sighed, he was almost too gorgeous to be real. SHe could see his six pack rippling through the shirt and each muscle acting in its own turn as he moved. He wasn't trying to show off his muscles or act macho, he just was and she fell for him almost instantaneously. Sticking her hand out she waited for him to take hers. He did to her relief, because she was sure she'd look like an idiot standing there going "Here's my hand, I'm Casey and I'm a fucking idiot!" Riiight, there was no way. She smiled sweetly and tilted her head to the left just a little bit, biting her bottom lip nervously. "I'm Casey," She said. He shook her hand slowly.

Derek stared at the beautiful girl in front of him, not quite aware that he now smelled like cheap butter and was covered in popcorn. She was shaking his hand. He could smell her strawberry kiwi shampoo and that tiny hint that she wore the MENS body spray TAG. Course a lot of girls he knew did, the shit smelled good. He wanted to know her. He didn't want to leave her. As he stared at her, he was lost and he didn't see anything or anyone else. He'd found her.

Casey chuckled a bit, hoping to break the idiotic silence that surrounded the two of them. She was sure he was waiting for someone, but that didn't seem to make him want to let go of her hand, so she sqeezed a little bit. This simple gesture must of triggered something because the next thing she knew he had one hand on her cheek and he'd pulled her lips to his. HIs soft pink lips were pressing into her own pungent, pink ones. She could smell him and feel his heart pulsating as they inched closer together before he pulled away slowly, letting her swallow what had just been handed her.

"I'm derek," He said softly, staring at the ground. She smiled at him shyly now.

"Nice to meet you," She replied, "Maybe I'll see you sometime soon?" She asked because she could hear some guy and two girls calling his name.

Derek heard Sam and he two girls he'd brought with them. They were shouting his name so loud he was sure they could hear them in Uruguay. He shook his head and looked at Casey, a gorgeous name, Casey. That had been the most godly . . . the most amazing kiss of his life. He'd never felt so much emotion in one kiss.

"Maybe I'll see you sometime soon?" He'd heard her ask, it'd been a question. She WANTED to see him again. Derek felt his voice catch in his throat and his anticipation grew higher as he felt Sam growing ever closer with some girl he knew could never match the one that now stood nervously in front of him.

"Oh . . . god I hope so." He said to her, kissed her again and turned around. Feeling his own heart wrench out and stay right there with her. He'd just fallen in love, he could bet his life on it.

Casey stared after Derek as he walked away. How could he be so sultry? She'd just fallen in love with some gorgeous guy who'd kissed her, left her his name and then gone off with some girl who had on way too much make up and her skirt looked like something her little sister Lizzie wore eight years ago. Sighing Casey wiped away a tear. She'd poured her heart into that kiss without meaning to. Now she was going to pay. Because she knew she'd never see him again.

Looking behind him as the "Courtney girl" took his hand in her own slimy one he saw a tear slide down Casey's face. He knew he loved her and he knew . . . he knew he'd never see her again.

AN: I hope you guys liked that . . .this is just the beginning of this story. OMG I'm so excited to write this. I mean we're all used to the usual DASEY fics but I HOPE this one turns out to be MORE than average, you can check out my other DASEY fic FAT LIP in my profile if you want. I like that story lol. R&R for me K? THANKSYOU ROCK