Pair Me! Munch/Monique

Summary: Munch and Monique learn the joys of chat use…

Disclaimer: Own Nothing

Author's Note: Cyber sex, completely.

SunglassesAtNight: John

Dontstaremyass: Monique

SunglassesAtNight: Hey Jeffries. How's life out of SVU?

Dontstaremyass: fck off munch. Wat do you want neway

SunglassesAtNight: Do you even know how to use proper grammer

Dontstaremyass: gives you the finger hows that for proper grammer

SunglassesAtNight: Well if you're offering. wink

Dontstaremyass: …….

Dontstaremyass: did you just ask if I wanna cyber?

SunglassesAtNight: Depends, would you be willing to cyber?

Dontstaremyass: do you even kno how to cyber????

SunglassesAtNight: One of my ex-wives was very fond of it. It was the only way she'd be willing to do it.

Dontstaremyass: cant imagine y.

SunglassesAtNight: You know if we're going to do this, you could at least talk properly.

Dontstaremyass: I never agreed to do this munch. I'm not that desperate to get laid.

SunglassesAtNight: Fine. Your loss.

Dontstaremyass: actually, its ur loss. I'm ont complaining.

Dontstaremyass: not


Dontstaremyass: oh don't give me that!!!!!!


Dontstaremyass: its rly been a long time hasn't it?

SunglassesAtNight: You have no idea.

Dontstaremyass: fine! Just don't expect my typing 2 get btter


SunglassesAtNight: Wouldn't dream of it.


Dontstaremyass: ok, watever, just get started. lies down

SunglassesAtNight: Pulls off clothes, slowly and seductively

Dontstaremyass: don't even think about it munch. It don't work 4 u.

SunglassesAtNight: Shrugs Doesn't matter. Leaps onto of you.

Dontstaremyass: grunts

SunglassesAtNight: I am NOT heavy.

Dontstaremyass: you don't have to be for that to hurt now stop complaining or ill go and chat w/sum1 else. Maybe fin.

Dontstaremyass: or liv wink

SunglassesAtNight: Kinky. Pulls off your clothes

Dontstaremyass: grabs urdck and gives u a handjob.

SunglassesAtNight: So no kissing?

Dontstaremyass: MUNCH!

SunglassesAtNight: Fine! Fingers you

Dontstaremyass: oh don't be a pussy, get down there! pushes ur head down

SunglassesAtNight: Kisses your most sensitive area

Dontstaremyass: slapping self for agreeing to this.

SunglassesAtNight: Inserts two fingers, squeezing your thigh

Dontstaremyass: checks watch

SunglassesAtNight: Moves faster and rougher

Dontstaremyass: files nails

SunglassesAtNight: Let's go.

Dontstaremyass: Done already????

SunglassesAtNight: Inserts self.

Dontstaremyass: Imagines Denzel Washington pushing his dck in my p---y

SunglassesAtNight: Handcuffs you to bed.

Dontstaremyass: raises eyebrow kinky.

SunglassesAtNight: Rubs your "button"

Dontstaremyass: u had me & then lost me

SunglassesAtNight: To quote the younger generation, bite me.

Dontstaremyass: bites ur nipple

SunglassesAtNight: Ow! What did you do that for?

Dontstaremyass: u told me to.

SunglassesAtNight: hmmm……

SunglassesAtNight: Get on all fours.

Dontstaremyass: ……………….

Dontstaremyass: does

SunglassesAtNight: Pushes dck back in ur p---y.

Dontstaremyass: impressed by new word usage.

SunglassesAtNight: Fucks you hard.

Dontstaremyass: harder

SunglassesAtNight: obeys

Dontstaremyass: actually gets turned on

SunglassesAtNight: smiles smugly. Grabs ur boobs and squeezes

Dontstaremyass: moan moan this is getting moderately enjoyable

SunglassesAtNight: Well it better be more than moderately enjoyable, I'm about to come.

Dontstaremyass: we've only been at it for a few minutes…..AND THIS IS CYBER SEX!!!!!!!!

SunglassesAtNight: Yeah, and I'm masturbating.


Dontstaremyass: that was NOT an image I needed in my head.

SunglassesAtNight: Can we get back to the task at hand please?

Dontstaremyass: yeah sure.

SunglassesAtNight: bucks harder

Dontstaremyass: pounds into you.

SunglasesAtNight: Jefferies! Jefferies!

SunglassesAtNight: ……..

SunglassesAtNight: Finishes


SunglassesAtNight: That was great.


SunglassesAtNight: Thank you for that.


SunglassesAtNight: Jefferies???


SunglassesAtNight: Are you there?

Dontstaremyass: yea I'm here. Sry, I was cybering w/sum1 else too.

SunglassesAtNight: Oh, who? deeply hurt

Dontstaremyass: liv wink wink

SunglassesAtNight: Um, how is that possible? Liv isn't online.



SunglassesAtNight: You were orgasming weren't you?

Dontstaremyass: orgasming isn't a word john.

SunglassesAtNight: Who gives a shit, you were cumming, weren't u?

Dontstaremyass: disgusted I liked you better w/ ur proper grammer bull shit.

Dontstaremyass has signed off.

SunglassesAtNight: I am soooo good.

"John!" I look up at Olivia as everybody heads out the door of the precinct.

"Are you coming?"

I smile, then turn off my computer. "In more ways than one."

A/N: Ok, I would like to apologize for the long awaited absence. But in my own defense, I just started college, and I had a lot of work to do, not to mention, I got a new computer and forgot to transfer over the list of pairs I had made up, so as of now, I will be taking requests. Just review this chapter and tell me what pairing you would like.

Few rules:

1.) I already know when I'm writing the Elliot/Olivia story, so none of those for my next chapter.

2.) As this chapter involved Munch and Monique the next chapter can't include those two in the pair.

3.) One vote per person please.

4.) Remember, without the vote, I can't write the next chapter. That doesn't bother me, but the question is, does it bother you?

Thank you, one and all, and I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to do this chapter. Next chapter I swear I will try and get up faster, but again, school comes first, I'm working on it though!

