Tea: The Slave

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

A/N: I don't know how this idea came to me, it just did. Anyways, I hope that you like it. It is pro-Tea so I'm sure that some of my fans will be happy, especially one. –cough- Kilnorc –cough- Anyways, on with the fic!

Chapter One: Prologue

In Domino City, it was like any other city, except that there were five houses that were in power over the city, well, sections of the city that is. The House of Moto, the House of Kaiba, the House of Ishtar, the House of Wheeler, and the House of Bakura.

Each of these Houses were fighting for complete dominance for the city. The citizens of Domino were either a member of each House or a slave of each House. Everyone had to wear their House colors in order to show their alliance with them. Blue for the House of Kaiba, red for the House of Bakura, green for the House of Wheeler, violet for the House of Ishtar and black for the House of Moto. Now buying slaves was nothing new in the city, in fact it was all over the world.

Each House had at least a hundred or more slaves and keeping up with them all was very difficult. The most common of slaves though were female. The young men of the Houses were always buying new slaves, each one boosting about how pretty their newest one was before going out to buy a new one to outmatch the competition. Though the citizens were happy being protected by their Houses, they wished to change colors and go into a different House. Only slaves could go into different Houses when they were bought by a different House.

Of course, slaves don't have a choice in the matter in which House they end up in. They were bought and sold everyday so what did it matter to them, except for the treatment. With every new slave, another one is traded or sent back, creating an unfair life for them. Only if there was someway that the Houses could work together in any way but alas, that dream is not yet realized.