Chapter Eight: New Beginning

Disclaimer: ZOMG! I DIDN'T PUT THIS DOWN FOR A FEW CHAPTERS! I AM SO SORRY! –ahem- Okies, here's the deal; I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh and never will, got it? Good.

A/N: Last chapter of this fic then it's Christmas Dragons 2, I hope that you all like that one as much as you liked the first one that launched it all. Enjoy!

Seto watched Niobe carefully. He did notice that she was bigger in the gut area. Draco licked his human's face before turning little again. He worried for his mate and now he knew why. She was heavy with eggs and either today or tomorrow, she would birth them. He wanted to be next to her when it happened but knew that it would never happen because she would get snappish again and his human would never let him out of his sight again.

Niobe cracked one ruby eye and chirped a hello to Joey before falling back asleep. She needed it and will use every drop of energy to give birth to the eggs. She nuzzled his hands and purred softly, slowly drifting off into sleep.

Yami's dragon, Slifer had gone small like the others, into the six-inch size and wrapped himself around Yami's neck, warming him up slightly. He was a guardian of the dragons and now he needed sleep. Flying with people on your back is not a fun nor easy thing to do.

Joey left the others as he walked home. Glitter flew after him and clutched onto his shirt, crawling up to his shoulder. She peered into Joey's hands and saw the sleeping dragon. At least she is getting her much deserved rest.

"JOEY! BRING A TOWEL!" Serenity shouted at her big brother. Joey quickly left the room and ran back carrying three towels. Niobe screamed as she let the second egg out. Panting heavily, she turned and looked at one of the eggs, all dry and shiny because of Serenity's cleaning. She nuzzled the black egg and breathed on it to keep it warm. The second egg was set next to the first, giving Niobe a grand look of pearl white. Inside, two baby dragons were growing a little bit more and Niobe couldn't be happier. She wrapped her tail around the two eggs and rested her head on them, closing her eyes for a much need sleep.

The group of people was there, waiting for news about Niobe. Tristan put a hand on Tea's shoulder to try to calm her down as Karyu and Wyrda paced the room. Seto was leaned against a doorway, his eyes closed and arms crossed. He was here because Draco was worrying and plus, he was to be a human grandfather, in a weird way. That made him feel old, something he doesn't want to feel for a VERY long time.

Yugi and Yami sat on the couch, mirroring each others movements: arms crossed, legs crossed and a foot bouncing on a knee, both in perfect timing to each other. Their dragons were asleep, needing it after the excitement earlier that day.

Suddenly, a noise had caused all, even though Seto won't admit it, to jump. Serenity held the dirty and bloody towels in hand and dropped them off in the bathroom's hamper. "Well?" Tristan asked, his worried look getting the better of him.

"Joey will tell you soon. Right now we have something to do," Serenity said, a blank face on. She went out of the room again and went back to Joey's room. Once she was out of everyone's sight, she grinned and gave a soft giggle at the looks on their faces.

Niobe's wing wasn't healed but it was set and a cast like splint was on it to keep it from moving. Joey petted the dragon, who immediately woke up and chirped. Carefully picking her and the eggs up, he carried them out of his room to the living room.

"Kaiba, you are a grandfather," he smirked at the CEO. Seto glared but looked at the eggs. He'll NEVER admit this but his heart softened at the sight of the eggs and the image of the baby dragons.

Draco flew off his shoulder and went to Niobe, who greeted him in return and nuzzled him. Tea smiled and Tristan made a face but then looked at Serenity in the doorway and wished that he could be like that to her. Yugi and Yami just smiled at the two dragons and felt happy for them. Melanie had called from the hospital and gave her thanks and apologizes for whatever the dragons went through. Of course, no one will ever fight dragons again in pits now that it was outlawed but you know how humans are.

Niobe put her head on the black egg as Joey carefully picked up the white egg and gently gave it to Seto. "Take good care of it and tell us when it hatches," Joey told the CEO, who just gave him a 'nah duh' look and carefully closed his hand, keeping the egg warm.

Draco nuzzled his mate once more before flying to Seto's shoulder. The two left without a word and went to the Kaiba Corp. building where Mokuba and Kiba were.

Tea stroked Niobe's head and felt the dragon purr beneath her fingertip. "We'll see you soon Niobe. Take good care of Joey and the others," she whispered to the sleeping dragon. Wyrda followed Tea out the door, chirping her goodbyes.

One by one, the others left, leaving the Wheelers alone in the apartment. Joey walked back to him room; setting the towel Niobe and the egg were in on the desk. He petted Niobe's head and went to his bed, crawling in and fell asleep, not even thinking about food.

A/N: Whew! That was hard. Now my fingers hurt but I have to put up the first chapter of Christmas Dragons 2 or you guys will be so mad at me. REVIEW!