Calling On The Past

By: Tidota Eru

The sky was a mixture of red and black, standing in a feild of silent screams. Fire set homes ablaze, no place for sweet dreams. A lone stranger comes and goes, ingoring everyone around him. People's cries for help go unheard, and their lights begin to dim. One surivor has made out of this torture alive, but he is still struggling hard to survive.

Ch.1: Begining of a New Age

My Dear Son,

Everyday I hope for the day where I'll get to see you agian. Thing's have been quite peaceful over here in Rio. But I still fear the day that He will come for us. We both know the reason that you were sent to this temple. Please be careful my son.



Raimundo read over and over the letter that his Mom had sent him. They wrote to each other, mostly because of Him, fearing the day He would be released.

Raimundo:I hope that day never comes

Heading of to training, he put the note away and left. He was soon greeted by his least favorite monk, Omi, the 'little cheeseball' just didn't know when to leave him alone. Luckily for him, training would begin soon. Kimiko walked in and flashed Rai a smile. He liked her a bit, but would never admit it to anyone. Clay came in, he was just your arverage cowboy, born and raised in Texas. Raimundo smiled at them, and Master Fung along with his dragon, Dojo slid in.

Dojo: Kid's, we got a Shen Gon Wu Alert!

Raimundo: What's it this time?

Dojo: pulls out a scroll The Hidden Abyass. When used the user can trap, just about anyone in another world.

Clay: Whew-e, Can't let Spicer grab this one that's for sure.

Kimiko: Then let's go!

Dojo super-sized into a huge dragon, and flew the kid's to the shen gon wu. Raimundo, suddenly got curious

Raimundo: Hey Dojo, where is this wu anyway?

Dojo: As far as I can tell, it's located somewhere in your hometown.

Raimundo: Rio? No way! Never thought a wu would appear there.

Omi: This is not a vacation! We must get retrieve the wu, before Jack Spicer finds it!

But, Jack Spicer would be just a stick of dyanmite compared to a whole crate, when He comes back for revenge. And His sights are set on Raimundo.

Ch.2: The Return of Him

Jack: HaHa, Once agian, I, Jack Spicer hold yet another shen gon wu.

Wuya, a little purple ghost of her former self, floated up to the black clad boy.

Wuya: Stop gloating, in case you haven't noticed, we have company.

Jack stopped gloating long enough to see the four monks and dragon that he despized so much.

Omi: Jack Spicer! Hand over the shen gon wu, or face the wrath of Omi.

The monks behind Omi, were embrassed and annoyed at the little monks statement.

Jack: I don't think so CheeseBall. Jack-bots Attack!

Surprisingly no bots appeared, the monks just stood there, waiting for the robots to spring, but none did.

Wuya:to Jack What's wrong?

Jack: I don't know, they always show up.

Voice: behind Jack But not today.

Jack tries to turn around, but the voice stops him, and he sees the monks are starting to run forward.

Voice: Give the wu to the monks, and I'll take it from here.

Jack looked at Wuya who nodded. Jack threw the wu to the monks and ran off back the ship with Wuya, leaving the group very confused.

Raimundo: That was weird.

Kimiko: Uh, did Jack just give us a wu? No showdown, nothing?

Clay: Suspious if you ask me.

Voice: Not if you know how to talk to them.

The monks turn around to see a fine-featured man, with red, cat-like eyes. Those eye's caused Raimundo to shiver inwardly from the man's gaze. He had seen those eye's before, but it had been so long. He never thought he would have to see them agian. The man laughed, seeing the frightened look on the boy's face.

Him: Well, Well, Long time no see, huh Raimundo?

Raimundo: Not long enough. What are you doing here anyway?

Him: Just here to delvier a message: I'm back, with blood freezing cold. To get my revenge, on the bold. The survior will be the first to die, as a tribute to the Mighty Ozai.

With that said, He, disappeared and all the monks were left staring after Him and his warning replaying in their minds.