Continuing off of Love, Betrayal and Ramen

Chapter One: Wind

Inuyasha woke up suddenly due to a dream. It was weird, the dream seemed almost real…

Inuyasha got up and left the hut. He walked to the stream not too far from where he was staying. He kneeled down and splashed a handful of water onto his face to help wake him up. Once he was done, he stood back up and looked to the sky. Tonight was a full moon. Out of nowhere he had an image with in his mind of a girl he once knew, three years ago. She was tall and kind and had glowing blue eyes. Inuyasha shook his head. He had to stop thinking about her. She was dead, and has been for three years…

Inuyasha sighed and made his way back to his hut. He had also spent the last three years alone. He hardly even talked to anyone. What was the point? He didn't want to get close to someone and have his heart break…again. Inuyasha sighed again and sat down in the middle of the path he was taking. What to do? He thought while picking at the grass beneath his feet. He had nothing to do. There was no longer Naraku to fight or a Jewel to protect and put together. The jewel was now currently in the present time, buried somewhere…

Inuyasha jumped up suddenly as he heard footsteps approach him.

"Who's there?" He asked around him, seeing nothing but darkness, "who's there?"

A bright light was cast upon the ground all around Inuyasha. Inuyasha could now clearly see two girls coming toward him.

"Smash?' he asked, "Sora?"

The two girls smiled at Inuyasha and each one grabbed one of his arms.

"How ya doin'?" Smash asked Inuyasha, swinging on his right arm.

Inuyasha snorted and shook the two girls off him

"What are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning!' He asked crossly, "you've been gone for three years and now suddenly I'm your night teddy bear."

Sora chuckled, "yea whatever, I thought you'd say that…We came because…well, I forgot.." she looked to Smash.

Smash sighed and looked to Inuyasha, who looked just as perplexed as Sora.

"We need help…" Smash said, "do you think you can help?"

"So that's it?" Inuyasha asked annoyed, "I haven't seen you in forever, and now when you actually do show, you need to me to do something…I'M NOT A MAID!"

"You look good enough to be a maid…" Sora said, grinning, crossing her arms.

"Ha-ha, very funny." Inuyasha said, frowning looking away from the two, "where have you guys been anyway?"

"I was at a goat convention up in the mountains. Oh, and I got lost too!" Sora said happily, "I never realized that it was so fun to get lost…"

Inuyasha sniggered, "Lost in your mind you mean…"

Sora wasn't listening. She was too busy watching a butterfly fly by.

However, Smash put her hands on her hips and looked Inuyasha in the eye.

"You wouldn't believe where I went!" She blurted out, "I was at a ramen convention back in the present!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened, "Huh? How can you travel between the present and here? You don't have any jewel shards like Kagome had had."

Smash shrugged, "I'm like Kiona and I have the power!" as she said that she made a pose to show off her muscles, "and I've been working out with my bud Batista back home!"

"Who the hell is Batista?" Inuyasha asked curiously as Sora began to zoom around acting like a bee.

"You know," Smash said, "Batista bitch!"

"….Well, now that explains everything!" Inuyasha exclaimed, annoyed, "I guess it doesn't matter…"

"Humph! Kiona would know what I'm talking about!" Smash said, crossing her arms and giving Inuyasha the evil eye.

"…yea…" Inuyasha said. He looked to the ground. Smash undid her arms and tried to cheer Inuyasha up.

"Sorry 'bout that!" Smash said, slapping Inuyasha on the back, "you know me, I have no head!"

Inuyasha grinned, "you filled it up with ramen!"

Sora stopped zooming around and laughed, "ha-ha!" she giggled, pointed at Smash.

Smash frowned and looked back to Inuyasha.

"So, like I said, we need your help!" Smash said, "there's some weird stuff going on in the mountains. Villagers up there say there is this mysterious light…There might be demons involved or some even greater power that we can't even begin to comprehend…"

"You just did." Sora said, taking a cup of noodles out of nowhere.

Inuyasha and Smash sighed.

"Fine." Inuyasha replied at last, "I will help ya. So, which mountains is it?"

The two girls looked at one another and then pointed into two different directions, "That way!" the shouted in unison, one pointing north and the other pointing south.

Inuyasha's sweat dropped and sighed, "this is gonna be a nightmare…"


Back home in the present Kagome Higurashi was walking home from school. She was now a Junior in High School, and she was really popular with her fellow class mates. It was as if she had totally forgot about the feudal era and Inuyasha completely. However, one day as she walking home from school, she decided to stop by the shrine at which the bone eaters well resided. She opened the door slowly and looked inside, remembering the times she had back in the past. She sighed and walked in and closed the door gently. She set her back pack down and she sat down. She couldn't help but wonder if Inuyasha actually missed her.

"I guess it doesn't matter anyway…" Kagome said finally, sitting up, "its not like I can go back and apologize or anything…"

Kagome was about to leave, when suddenly, a gust of wind blew past and Kagome was knocked down. Kagome tried to keep her balance, but it was impossible due to the powerful gust of wind that pushed her.

"Ah!" she yelled out, waving her arms for balance. Despite her attempts, she fell backwards and landed straight into the well. She prepared herself for the impact for when she hit the bottom, but it never came…


Not too far from Kagome's place, Dr. Yumichi was sitting down in his living room watching the news. Nothing interesting was on this evening, so he decided to do something else. He was heading for his room when the door to the room down the hall opened suddenly. Dr. Yumichi walked over and looked inside. This was Kiona's room. Dr. Yumichi had made a promise with himself not to touch or move anything in there. He wanted it to be the same as it was the last day Kiona had spent in it. He looked around the room and turned on the light. The window was open. That's strange…Dr. Yumichi thought to himself, coming over to close the window. As he approached it, a very powerful gust burst out and pushed Yumichi back. He flew back and crashed into the desk behind him. He shook his head.

"Ouch" he said, rubbing his neck that had gotten banged up against the hard wood. He was getting up when he noticed something shiny in his lap. He looked down and saw it was a locket. It was Kiona's locket. This locket had once belonged to her mother long ago before she had died. Kiona always kept it on. She never took it off, even when she showered. Yumichi found it odd for it to be here. He could have sworn when they burned her she was wearing it…

The necklace glowed. It was glowing a color of blue. It was very peculiar, yet it was a sign…