He liked Dream Jimmy. Even though he would try to curl up in a solitary ball Dream Jimmy would uncurl him, draw him close and hold him just like the big nancy boy he was. Dream Jimmy didn't mind if he cried a bit and made Dream Jimmy's shirt wet. Dream Jimmy knew all about the leg.

But Dream Jimmy was a bastard too, just like the real one. Dream Jimmy would shake the little bottle and look at him mournfully. Damn you Dream Jimmy! But he would still murmur an apology into Dream Jimmy's chest and promise to be good. Dream Jimmy would sigh and he knew he had been forgiven when he would feel Dream Jimmy's hand on his hair - stroking it gently.

Then Dream Jimmy would hold him until he went back to sleep and all was well in the Dream Land of House.

House was out for the count. He actually looked content. Wilson wondered what he was dreaming about. Then he looked at his watch and carefully untangled himself from the sleeping man and left the office.