This is my first fic in a while. Kinda rusty….So tell me what you think, k? This is the prequel to my currently untitled story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Roxas. Wouldn't it be cool if I did. ;-)


"Roxas?…Roxas? Are you awake?"

No. Leave me alone.

"Roxas, please wake up. It's almost time."

I can't.

"Now you're just being difficult."

It can't be helped. Sorry.

"You're not sorry! You're just being lazy."

Leave me alone. I need sleep.

"You've slept long enough, now come on! Please?"

Why can't you just accept that I'm not coming?

"Because I don't want to, now come on!"

I'm going back to sleep.

"The others will leave without you if you don't hurry up!"

So? It's not like anyone will miss me…

"Sure they will!"

You're just saying that so I'll come.

"If I didn't want you there, why would I be bothering you so insistently?"

Because you're weird?

"Hey! That wasn't nice."


"Haha. I don't mind. But seriously…please come with us."

I don't belong with you…with them…I don't fit.

"What do you mean?"

You know what I mean. I'm different from the rest of them.

"And you actually think they care?"

I care.

"I don't see why. I like you just the way you are."

…Who the heck are you anyways?

"Don't you remember?"

Not really, no.

"That makes me sad in a way…though I guess I should have seen it coming."

Now you're just confusing me.

"You're no different from the others."

That's a lie.

"Yes, I know. But still…in a way…it's almost the truth."

"Roxas…just because you don't have the one thing you want most doesn't mean you have nothing."

It's not just that I have nothing. It's that I am nothing.

"Are those your words or someone else's?"

Either way, it's true.

"Only if you believe it is."

Well I do.

"…Roxas…do you really…do you really and truly believe that?"

"I thought not…"

But it doesn't matter. I'm still not…normal.

"Define normal."

Well that doesn't sound dumb at all.

"But seriously! You act like the others do, you talk like the others, dress like them. What makes you think you're so different?

Because I can't feel like them.

"Have you ever tried?"

Maybe…how would I ever be able to tell if I don't know what a lot of emotions feel like?

"What are you so afraid of anyway? Just tell me that."

I don't know…

"Are you still…afraid of the dark?"

……This is pointless. I'm leaving now. Bye.

"When you're ready to answer my question, I'll be here…waiting…"


Yeah, that's it. Sorry, it's short. But please R&R! D