So far I haven't created anything but this twisted plot content and I do not claim any of the Inu Yasha cast. Don't sue, hire me instead.

Principles of Lust
By Devon Masterson-Bond
Precept Four: Woes of Lust

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Kagura yelled into the phone.

"Don't yell at me, Kagura, we care about her too," Kagome snapped.

"She's my little sister," she replied more calmly. "If she left the club, then she probably went home."

"We checked already with her emergency key," Kagome sighed pacing the floor as she talked on the phone. She ran her hands through her hair. "I don't know if she's okay."

"You need to worry more about her state of mind," Kagura commented. She left the room to talk more privately. Fortunately she was done with the good part of her date. He was resting up for the next round. It had been four weeks and he was not boring yet, he was a keeper in her book. "Lust can take care of herself. She is not exactly easy to kill but if she is out screwing around, it will not be pretty in the morning."

"I know."

"Look, I will cast a locator spell and bring her back. You and the girls get some sleep. You have practice in the afternoon and an audition."

"Kagura, this is…"

"Just get some sleep. I will find her." Kagura hung up the phone and went back into the room to grab some clothes. The phone rang again. "Get some rest, Kagome."

"This is Kanna," a monotone voice replied. "Did you forget me already?"

Kagura sighed. "It's late you know?"

"I feel a disturbance amongst us."

"Rin is missing," she replied.

"Tsubaki has her. I saw it in my mirror."

"That saves time."

"Rin is upset. Please calm her before you visit me. Good night, sister." The phone line went dead.

Kagura hung up the phone. Was she the only one who was normal? One sister was emotionally dysfunctional and the other was socially dysfunctional, but she loved them both. Having Naraku for a father was bound to make anyone maladjusted, she was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Lust is just too nice for what fate had in store for her." She opened the car door and gripped the wheel. "You better appreciate me," she sighed turning the ignition. Kagura shifted gears and pulled out of her parking space. "Me to the rescue, I suppose," turning towards Tsubaki's New York penthouse.


Brown eyes tore themselves open before their owner leaned over on her side. "Here, Miss Lust," a voice cried out as they scurried over with a trash can before the last meal revisited on the floor.

Rin emptied her stomach then dry heaved. A pair of hands reached out to comfort her, one holding her hair back and the other rubbing small circles in her back.

"Must be the human in you," Tsubaki muttered in disgust when she walked into the room. "Thank the kamis I had already been dead for centuries before you came along. That weakness is all you father's making."

Rin shot her mother a look as she collected herself. She was handed a towel to wipe her mouth. The taste was horrible. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Once she rinsed her mouth and splashed her face, she took a deep breath. "It's about time. I was about to have Hojo go in after you. It would make for some excellent practice since he's tied to me."

"I am not like you," she said softly. Her throat was raw from her food out take.

Tsubaki smiled. "Oh, I am not so sure. Tonight's little episode showed me different. You're a nasty little girl." Rin's eyes widened then narrowed. "There's no reason to be sour about it. Besides it further proves you are more than suited at being hime. It's getting boring keeping an eye on the others making sure they don't expose us. I do have a life after all."

"This is why I don't…" Rin began.

"You don't want, Lust?" Tsubaki asked moving closer.

Rin stepped back for a moment then balled her fists. "Stop it."

"Oh please," Tsubaki chuckled. She moved closer and pushed Rin back. "Don't try to push me little girl. I did not kill you upon finding out your bastard father managed to impregnate me. You live only because I allow it."

Brown grew cold. "Are you sure it is not because my father allows it? the one you can't kill, the one strand that won't turn?"

Tsubaki's eyes sparked with malice for a second before she laughed and pulled away. "You are daddy's little girl after all. I see why he likes you so much. Don't piss me off again, Lust. You will accept your role as hime and take my place."

"While you run free to kill whoever?" Tsubaki sighed feeling her anger rear again. The little bitch was getting on her nerves. Now that Lust was finally an adult, she was such a handful. It was Naraku's doing she knew it. Bastard. "He treats her like some sort of science experiment and she still likes him better than me. I'll have to change tactics."

"It's been a long night, Lust, go home. I am sure your meddling sisters have sniffed you out by now as always."

Rin nodded. She was tired and not up for the theatrics her mother wax known for. "Thanks, Hojo."

He nodded and smiled. "Anytime, Miss Lust."

"I saved your life from the miko," Tsubaki offered.

"Kagome wouldn't have killed me," she replied then sighed. She would regret this later she knew it, but Tsubaki was her mother. Maybe she could change, who knew? "Thanks anyway."

Tsubaki smiled triumphantly. Her daughter was entirely too easy. Obviously Lust was hoping for some sort of change of heart. She would never change! She was victimized and transformed into a vengeance demon. Why the hell should she change? The idea was laughable. The very minute she did, her life would end and 'peace' would come to her. There was no such thing. Lust was sentimental…just like she once was. It made her sick to her stomach to see her daughter slowly on the same path. The girl would have been in the gutter somewhere or eaten by wolves by now because of her trusting nature. Fortunately she and Naraku were breaking Lust of that. There was no such thing as a happy ending.

Rin walked down the hall and pushed the button for the elevator. Right on cue the door opened and Kagura stepped out. "Good you were waiting for me. Let's go."

"I figured you would be busy," she said getting inside. She leaned against the wall of the of the elevator car. "So how was your date with Bank? You've been seeing him consistently."

A black eyebrow rose as the door closed, but allowed the subject change for now. "The usual."

"'The usual.' No juicy details or bragging?"

"Now is not the time," she answered, "it would be too sensitive for you."

Brown eyes clouded as Rin smirked. "I love you, Kagura, never change."

"I do not intend to," she pushed the ground floor button on the elevator.

"How did you know where I was?"

"Kanna. She was worried. She has been worried about you since you moved out on your own. She says something is about to happen."

"Shouldn't I be worrying about her," Rin chuckled playing it off. "She's the one who's going to marry a guy, she's only known for six months."

"What's this?" Kagura asked turning around. "What guy?"

Rin smiled. "You should pay closer attention to your youngest sister. I will be fine I promise."

"Yeah. Yeah, we share a father your physical body is safe. What is this about Kanna?"

"Hmm…for some unconditional chocolate ice cream, I think I can loosen my tongue out of silence."

Kagura looked sideways at her. "You can, huh? Put it on my tab. It's bed time for you. Practice is still on for tomorrow and you have an audition. I do have a band to manage or did you forget?"

"They don't hate me do they?"

"I somehow doubt anyone can hate you, Lust," she sighed almost wistfully. "Kagome was the most concerned."

"I don't know why when I almost raped and killed her."

"With Kagome? Well that was a surprise. I did not know you were a lesbian."

"I'm not. I can respond to anyone with a strong enough chi. A succubus isn't exactly choosy when hunting and I was drunk." Rin closed her eyes. "Before you say anything, I know drinking was stupid. I feel bad enough as it is."

Kagura looked at her sternly. "You haven't been yourself, even Naraku noticed. He wants to see us both tomorrow."

"Daddy's visiting us?" she nearly squealed then calmed down.

"No, one of his puppets is, tomorrow for lunch."


Kagura shook her head. Sometimes she wondered about her sister. "Why do you get all excited about Naraku? He sees us as some kind of dolls and our lives are for his amusement."

"Daddy loves us in his own way," she answered. "Besides at least he let's me live my own life and is genuine curious about it."

"Well that is true, as much as I hate to admit it, the bastard has been more of a parent than our mothers."

Rin wrinkled her nose at the insult/compliment. Her sister would never change. "We have Kikyo."

"Yes and her three times a week calls about our health." Kagura rolled her eyes.

"Like a normal mother. It's not perfect but we do have a family."

"You remember that tomorrow when you think of running away from your problems, dear sister." Rin's eyes widened. "Yes, I know you as well. Those girls are your friends and will hunt you down if you do not show up for practice. Be the predator and be there to face them." Kagura pulled up to Rin's building. "Now get some sleep and maybe you will find that chocolate you wanted waiting for you after practice."

A smile crossed Rin's face. "Night," she hugged Kagura. She opened the door, "People love you too, Kagura. You're not the cold hearted bitch you portray."

"Do not go spreading that around, Lust, you will ruin my reputation." Rin shook her head then shut the door. Sleep was calling her. She needed all that she could get.


"Sesshomaru Tensaiga," he said curtly into the phone.

"Hello, sweetheart," Izayoi greeted over the line. Sesshomaru's eyebrow twitched. "Do you have lady in mind for the ball?"

"I do not require an escort," he answered diplomatically.

"It is not as though you have to start a life with the woman, though that would be nice. I would like to become a grandmother someday."

"You are being overdramatic."

"I am your mother, what do you expect?"

"You are not my mother."

"Are we back to that?" she asked lightly. A grin spread across her face while she imagined his facial expression. "Who came to all of your chess tournaments and stayed with you when you were in a coma for ten days."

"You certainly are annoying and clingy like some mothers."

"It is only because I love you. Now have a good day and I will see you for lunch tomorrow."

"That is fine," he replied hanging up the phone. There was not point arguing with the woman. He learned that early on and despite what he said, he did not mind her existence. "At least she maintains distance," he thought rubbing his hand absently. It had been aching most of the day. "Rin..." That girl still weighed on his mind, even now. He never saw her again after that day and he would love to see how powerful she had become.

"Daydreaming I see," a feminine voice greeted.

"I thought you were in New York."

Blue eyes widened in pleasure. "So you do care," she chuckled. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me."

"What do you want Sara?"

"You mean besides you as my mate?" she grinned. Sesshomaru growled lowly. This routine was growing old. "Don't be such a spoil sport. You know I have wanted you ever since we met as children in the hospital. You gave me a reason to get better."

"I told you to quit your incessant wailing. I hardly see that as reason for my person becoming a means of survival. You should exist for yourself."

Sara smiled. She leaned against his desk. "I love you, Sesshomaru Tensaiga and nothing will change that. I will wear you down." She pulled a disk out and slid it towards him as a change of subject. "While I was on the plane, I saw this and got it for you. It is a Japanese-American band that I think you would be interested in scouting."

"What is the cost of such an interest?"

Sara bristled. He always knew how to push her buttons good and bad. "I was bringing this to you with honorable intentions, but now I think I will hold on to this until you are less cynical."

"I do not need your help, woman."

A tinge of sadness dashed though her eyes for a second. "I am not going to argue with you today, I am too jetlagged." Sesshomaru merely looked at her as she stood to her feet. "Hopefully you will be in a better mood next time."

Sesshomaru did not comment but went back to looking at his reports. Maybe she would take a hint and stop chasing him. He was not interested. Finding a mate was not an issue for him. The female was out there and when he came across her, he would collect her. Sara dropped her things and slammed her hands on the desk not even earning a look from him.

"Why are you so heartless?" she asked trying to keep the hurt out of her voice. "I want to be yours and all I ask is that you acknowledge me and you won't even do that. Why?"

"I do not have to explain myself to you." The scar on his hand ached again. It usually ached when he was around others which was another reason why he preferred to be alone. He stood to his feet and dominated Sara's lithe form. "I am not interested in you or any other female."

"Then are you…"

"Leave my office," he growled. It was bad enough that there were such rumors floating around. but no one would dare foster one of them in his presence.

"I am sorry," she said before leaving. She really was tired. "I'll never get him this way."

Sesshomaru sat down once she was gone. He was annoyed now. "What else could go wrong?"


"What else go could wrong?" Inutaisho wondered to himself after finding out from his secretary that the entertainment he hired for the ball was quite ill. The ball was in three days. Where was he going to find entertainers that he liked on such short notice?

"Inutaisho-sama, Onigumo-san is here to see you," a voice greeted over in the intercom

"Thank you, Yura, send him in please."

Inutaisho stood as the door opened. "Tensaiga-sama," Naraku greeted politely.

"Onigumo-san, I trust that you have been well," Inutaisho greeted. "How are your daughters?"

"They rarely cease to disappoint," he sneered, "though my youngest has managed to become more amusing."


"Yes," he answered, "but not as much as my little Lust." Inutaisho frowned slightly. "I shall get down to business."

"What does bring you by today?"

"I heard you entertainment fell ill."

"Word travels fast."

"It does, doesn't it?"

"Are you here to offer a suggestion or just to gloat over your handiwork?"

Naraku smiled. "You are good Inu-sama. What happened with your entertainer was an unfortunate accident and I have come to make amends." He removed a CD from his pocket with a business card on top. "My solution."

Inu-sama took the CD and examined it. "I will listen to it."

"That's fine," he said walking to the door.

"They must be special if you physically brought it to me."

"I find their combination amusing to say the least," he answered, "and you will find that they will not be as sensitive."

"Sensitive? You are speaking in riddles."

He smirked, "It is what I do. Give your family my best and tell Sesshomaru to do his best." Naraku left the office. Inu-sama shook his head. As he walked to his desk, Fate's words from years ago played in his head. "They have a rather violent chemistry. It will make for some rather sultry nights when they become adults…"

He flipped the CD in his hand. Obviously Naraku was aware of what happened all those years ago. He had hoped that the mark would fade or Sesshomaru would take interest in another, but he did not. His son ignored most females deeming them bothersome including Sara. He did tolerate her more than others. "So it's time for her to come back and somehow this decision is going to start the wheel in motion again." He sighed and hit the button on the disk drive then leaned back as destiny started to play out.


Rin and Kagura sat across from 'Naraku' sipping whatever. They hated dealing with proxies but sometimes it was the only way to see him. "Daddy, what did you want to talk to us about?" Rin asked.

"I have decided that it is time for your sisters to move to the next level and look for mates. Lust, since you have no need to look for one, you will be in charge of their progress." Rin's eyes widened slightly. "Fortunately for you Kanna has already informed me of her choice. She has remarkable timing."

"Quite," Kagura said dryly. She was not pleased with this latest development. "What brought this about?"

"It is the natural progression of things," he smirked. He turned to Rin and the heart broken look she tried vainly to hide. "She still doesn't know." His smile grew. "Lust, find out everything you can about Kohaku before I give my approval."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good." He stood and left.

"He is such a bastard." Kagura balled her fists. "I can't believe…" her sentence trailed as her business phone rang. Automatically she grabbed it and answered. "Hello, how can I help you?" she greeted through her teeth.

"I am sorry this Inutaisho Tensaiga and I am calling from Tokyo…"

"Inutaisho-sama….I apologize. I am surprised that you're calling me."

"You are Naraku's oldest daughter, correct?"


"That explains. Well your father visited me today and he gave me the CD of your band Seven. I would like them to play at the Crimson Ball that I have every year. They would have to leave on the first flight available since it is in three days…"

"We will be there."

"Excellent. I will have my assistant get your itinerary and advise you. I will have arrangements for the hotel and vehicular transportation as well. Thank you for working with me."

"Thank you and we will see you tomorrow." Kagura said into the phone. Now the day was not so crappy. She turned to Rin and smirked. "Don't let Naraku get to you."

"I'm fine."

"Good," she replied standing, "because we have work to do and I need my little Lust."

To be continued…

Teaser for Reunion of Lust

"Do not try me," he growled, "Rin. We may not be children but my tolerance has changed little."

"So you still try to beat up little girls?" she grinned. "Nice to know you have matured."

© 2007 Devon Masterson-Bond 04/28/07