A/N: The standard thank you for all the reviews! I really appreciate it. For a girl who's labeled 'worthless' and 'weak' in her class, you can imagine how much those reviews can boost up my spirits.

Thanks again!

Chapter 2: Never

Blood dripped from the thing in Gaara's outstretched hand, turning the grass at his feet a delicate shade of crimson.

It was the Kazekage's head. His eyes were still open, staring blankly in fear and shock.

Gaara's gaze flickered to it for but a moment, then he turned back to face the ninja's. Particularly, the one who dared to speak out. Noticing Gaara glaring at him, he winced and silently stepped back.

The silence was excruciating. All seemed shell-shocked at the fact that he was holding up the Kazekage's head, without seeming the least bit disturbed.

"He's dead." He said calmly. "I killed him. You no longer need to follow his orders." He put his hand down, dropping the head in the process. He then glared at the Sand Ninjas. Silently, they crept away.

Gaara walked forward, towards Naruto.

"I'm sorry this had to happen again." he said softly. "Never again will blood be spilt on the sand. We will never attack Konoha again. Never."

He extended a hand. A shadow of a smile touched Naruto's lips, and he took it in his, giving it a firm shake before letting it go.

"Thanks." He said, barely noticing the Jounins that were gathering around. "For everything."

Gaara nodded again. The sand slowly engulfed him, until he was no more.

Then Naruto realized that he had left Kakashi's body near the trees. He sighed, walked towards the trees, and picked him up.

The Jounins gave no sign of surprise, since a ninja was supposed to never show emotion in any situation. Naruto closed his eyes. It was too much.

Gai-sensei stepped forward. He didn't need to say anything. His eyes said enough.

"I'm not so sure who killed him," Naruto said, finding his voice. "But I think it was Sasuke."

Gai frowned. "What makes you say that?"

"I was supposed to meet Sasuke in the cave," he explained. "but I found Gaara instead. He must have come in Sasuke's place while Sasuke was fighting against Kakashi-sensei. Sasuke came just after I stopped Gaara."

"You fought against both of them?" Gai asked, looking a little awestruck. Naruto shook his head.

"No. I was too drained after fighting Gaara. Sasuke managed to knock me unconscious, using the Chidori. Hinata took over from then on."


Hiashi stepped forward, his brows furrowed.

"You fought against the rebel, Hinata? And you lived to tell the tale?" then his eyes narrowed. "Or did you run and hide before you finished the battle, leaving you unscathed?"

Naruto opened his mouth, ready to let him have it. The cold-hearted b wasn't even glad that his daughter was alright!

Hinata beat him to it.

"I did not run away." she said, softly yet firmly. "I stood ground and fought against him, until I could fight no more. I don't care what you think anymore, Hyuga-sama." She looked up, ivory eyes burning with deep anger.

"I will no longer be weak."

Everyone looked taken aback. And Naruto knew why. Saying 'Hyuga-sama' instead of 'otosama' meant that she was no longer so close to him as before. She respected him, but it was no longer the same as loving him.

Hiashi closed his pale, milky eyes. Then, he opened them and smiled.

"I've been waiting so long to hear you say something like that," he said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "And I'm glad I finally got to. I'm proud of you, Hinata. I was proud of you before, and I always will be. Never forget that."

Hinta sighed and leaned on her arms. Naruto laid back, his head resting on her lap. She blushed slightly, stroking his blonde locks tenderly. Up above, they sky threatened to pour, but both hardly cared.

"So," she said softly. "what's the news on Sasuke?"

"Well," Naruto shrugged. "they didn't find his body in the cave, so his officially declared 'missing: assumed dead' as Gai-sensei puts it."

"Do you think he really was the one who killed Kakashi-sensei?"

"Definitely. They found the kunai that pierced his forehead. It had the Uchiha crest engraved on it."

Hinata bit her lip. "Kakashi-sensei and he were always so…close. Why would he kill him?"

"Like I said, Kakashi-sensei's interference would have ruined his plan. At least, that's the most logical explanation I can come up with."

She was quiet after that, gently running his hair through her fingers. They were slightly damp due to the slight drizzle of rain.

Hard to believe we both nearly lost our lives a couple of days ago. Naruto thought, closing his cerulean eyes. I'm glad Hinata's alright.

His eyes snapped open when the reality struck him like a lightning bolt. He sat up suddenly, startling Hinata in the process.

"N-N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata looked at him fearfully. "Wh-what's wrong?"

He looked at her. He said nothing, but his blue eyes reflected worry.

She was attacked because of me, he thought, biting his lip. Because they knew she was my weakness. And I could barely keep her out of danger. She was attacked because she committed the cardinal sin of getting closer to me. Loving me.

I can't get close to her, he realized, because I can't protect her.

He stood up. Hinata followed his lead.


"Hinata-chan," he said softly, "I have shared so many moments with you that I will never forget. But…it can't last."

"I…I don't understand. What are you saying?"

"Us…we can't go on. We just can't."

Hinata turned away. She understood now, and it hurt so much.

"Why?" She said softly. "Why must you always confuse me? Why are you so complex? For once in your life, why can't you listen-really listen-to your heart?"

He didn't answer, and she began to walk away.

"Hinata." He said.

She turned back, her face wet with tears. Or maybe it was the rain, which was now coming down in torrents. It was hard to tell.

"Hinata, I still can't understand what my heart is saying. And I'm sorry if I must say what I think but, I only like you as a friend."

His sea-deep gaze looked into her pale eyes, brimming with tears.

"It isn't, and it never will be, love."


A/N: I finally finished it! On to my other stories. But I'm thinking of making a sequel to this. I'll wait for at least 10 people to ask me to make one though. Who knows, a lot of you might be contented with this ending, so when I make the sequel, you guys will say I should have left well enough alone.

You never know…

P.S: Bet you guys weren't expecting this kind of ending, neh?

Dark-watermistress Rei