Only note, is to pay close attention to the capitalization of "He", "She", "Him", "Her", "They" and "Them", if they're capitalized in the middle of a sentence. In general, "She, and Her" will refer to Athrun's wife. "He and Him" will refer to Cagalli's husband. I capitalized them very specifically, so it's not a typo. You should be able to tell, but if it's confusing, then please tell me.

Athrun sat up in his bed, shakily aware of his surroundings. Studying the empty room for a moment, he took a deep breath then flipped off the covers to head over to the bathroom. The room was still dark, but the window curtains were open. A beam of moonlight scanned across the room, illuminating his face with a pale glow, before disappearing again.

Finally reaching the sink, he turned on the cold water tap and let it run for a moment, before splashing water onto his face. Gazing into the mirror, he sighed. Droplets of water trickled down his face, converging at the tip of his chin then finally falling down onto the cool marble counter.

What was he doing here?... He was recently married. Only half a year had gone by, since he'd finally tied the knot with the woman he loved more than life itself. Yet work was hard on him, and he found himself frequently away on trips like this. Away from Her.

She wasn't fussy, nor did She complain. In some ways that made it harder on him, and he would have preferred it if She complained, or protested his frequent absences. But She understood, that he was simply trying to make a good life for Her, and to do that, required that he work very hard for Her. It was all for Her. She was so selfless. She always bade him goodbye with a smile, and un-fallen tears. Someday, he always promised, someday he wouldn't have to be away anymore.

Yet undoubtedly, there were occasional glances that he caught where it looked like there was an unspeakable sadness in Her eyes. They made him feel awful, but he loved those glances. He felt even more awful that he loved them... but they assured him that She cared.

Turning off the tap, and watching a few more drops of water drip out of the stainless steel spout, he returned to bed with a long sigh. His thoughts felt clearer... yet somehow more heavy. Back in the bathroom, the tap continued to drip. There was a leak.

Cagalli lay in bed, staring at the ceiling above her. At home there was a skylight where her bed was, so she could always look up at the stars. He had it put there, just for her, because He knew how much she loved looking at them every night, before drifting off to sleep.

He knew everything about her; He was an encyclopedia on her. Sometimes if she forgot herself, He would find her, and tell her who she was. She lived off Him. She would do anything for Him.

Even stay away from Him... Because the company was important, and He trusted only her with big company matters. If He said that He wanted her to go somewhere and seal a deal, she'd be on the next plane. She understood Him as well. She loved Him so much...

She heard the rain start outside, a slow and steady tempo. It rained at the worst times for her, so she could cry and blame it on the rain. The water was her mask. The tears were not her own.

Turning over and closing her eyes, trying to fool her mind into thinking that if she rolled over again she'd be looking at stars, she sighed. She would be home soon, just in a few days. Just a few more days...

Outside, the rain continued.

The morning air was cool and refreshing to travel in. Athrun boarded his limo, and was taken to a large building; The local branch of the company he was doing business with. As far as he knew, this was a big deal for them too, so he expected nothing less from them than the highest accommodations.

Stepping out of the limo, he surveyed his surroundings. Another limo pulled up behind his, and a blonde woman stepped out, doing the same as him before catching a hold of his gaze. She smiled, a gentle and peaceful smile. There was some other hidden emotion in her eyes, that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Perhaps it was the distance between them. Perhaps she hid it too well.

Cagalli approached him slowly, extending her hand. He accepted it mechanically.

"Cagalli Athha. Pleasure to meet you."

"Athrun Zala. The pleasure is mine."

His eyes looked into hers, searchingly. Her gaze fell to the direction of the door.

"Shall we?" She suggested. He nodded and released her hand from his grip.

"Let's get down to business… These are the contracts that our lawyers drew up. Does everything look good to you?" Athrun started, handing a hefty stack of paper to her. Cagalli began to read through them diligently, carefully checking for any loopholes.

"Everything looks okay…" She started, "Of course my signature will mean little more than a temporary agreement. I'll bring this back for review and then we'll consider extending the contract."

Athrun nodded. "Of course." The woman was intelligence, and professional yet somehow friendly at the same time. The perfect business woman really, except for the fact that there seemed to be something hidden beneath the layers of perfection she covered herself with. Strangely enough, that imperfection captivated him. He had never wanted to find something so desperately in his entire life…

Cagalli felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, and shifted slightly. He was gazing at her with such intensity, she could almost feel the masks of false personality come off of her. it was unsettling, yet relieving, as if a burden was being taken off of her. A slightly familiar feelings, not unlike the one you experience when you've just come home after a long day at work. Of course that was insane… she didn't even know this guy.

"Done?" He smiled. She nodded and began to pack up.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

The aura surrounding her was comforting. They could be good friends. They knew so little about each other, yet everything they knew was a similarity. They both did business. And finally… they both felt so comfortable around each other, that it disturbed them how comfortable they were. Finally, the issue that had been at the tip of both of their tongues rolled off.

"I'm married." Cagalli smiled weakly. Saying that had never been so hard.

"So am I." Athrun responded, swallowing the protest in his throat.

"-To the owner of my company..." She finished, nothing the discomfort on his face.

"That I'm not." He responded with a laugh.

"I love Him." She added, not sure why she felt she had to.

"And I love Her." He replied, to himself as much as her.

They were sitting at the hotel bar, kicking back double martinis and a little more than buzzed. His was the room beside hers, much to their amazement. But business was routine. It was done. They'd both be going back soon.

"Do you smoke?" Cagalli asked, taking out a pack of cigarettes.

"No." Athrun responded. "My wife hates it, so I quit."

She smiled in irony. "Same here." She informed him. He looked puzzled. "I just carry cigarettes with me, so that if someone does want one I have them." She admitted sheepishly.

He joined her in smiling. Such an interesting, but different person. She changed his perspective in a way that made him happy… But he couldn't really understand how.

The next day neither of them left. Cagalli indulged in the hotel's day spa. Athrun tried to contact an old friend in the city. They could have gone back, but neither felt like it.

They met again, at the hotel bar. They talked for hours, about anything that came up. She said goodbye four times, but started talking about something else and stayed for another two hours, then said goodbye again. Athrun could only laugh at the energy she had in her. He was so easy to talk to. She was wonderful to listen to.

Cagalli even talked about Him to Athrun. Athrun even talked about Her. They both agreed that She and He sounded like wonderful people. It'd be nice to meet Them sometime. Both were lucky to have Them.

When she finally said goodbye, he noticed the time and agreed that he should be getting to bed as well... Athrun noted that he'd have to give Her a call, just to hear Her voice. Cagalli nodded, remarking that she'd give Him a call too, to tell Him that she'd be coming back soon. Business was over.

They didn't want to leave...

They were like two streams, converging into one. The water within each rolled and tumbled towards each other, until they crashed into each other, swirling and mixing together.

A calmer stream was formed. They bathed in its comfort.

A raging river emerged. It crushed their worlds as they knew them.

"Hello?" Cagalli started, holding back the crack in her voice.

"Hi... Honey, are you okay? You sound upset." He answered, with care in His voice.

Overwhelming emotion snowballed into her heart. This was Him. She could tell Him anything. "I'm okay... A little shaken."

"That's okay... Is everything alright? Will you be back soon?" He asked with anticipation.

"It's..." She took a breath. Now it was time to give him the good news and head back to His side… Biting her lip, she finished her sentence. Her words sounded foreign to her own ears, as if she had left her own body. She was saying them without hearing what she was saying. She was speaking without thinking. Something else made the words fall out of her mouth, and she couldn't bring herself to catch them.

The rain outside hadn't started yet. It was pouring in her heart.

"It's... not going so well. I'm going to stay out here a few more days." Athrun finished, not sure why he lied. He'd just called his company, telling them the same thing. Now he was tell Her why he wouldn't be back this weekend. She understood, as always. She wished him a safe trip back, and to call her as soon as possible.

He looked up, finding a knock on the door. Not the one leading into the hallway, but the one that led to the other room. Carefully approaching it, he opened it slowly.

Cagalli was there, fidgeting with her fingernails, and looking at the ornately designed carpet. Athrun studied her for a moment.

"...I don't like this carpet very much." She started. "I like solid colors more."

He wrapped her in his arms and held her to him tightly. She choked on her next words.

"I love Him. Really..."

Athrun held her tighter. "I love Her too..."

"I don't believe in love at first sight." Cagalli said, as if it were a warning.

"How about attraction after a couple drinks, and two long nights of conversation?" Athrun chuckled. Cagalli laughed at this.

"I don't think I'm ready to leave yet… I want to get to know you more." She admitted.

"I'm staying out here for a few more days..." He started. She nodded.

"Me too. I like this city... I want to see more." Cagalli agreed, adding a lame excuse.

"No one knows you out here, right?" Athrun checked.

Cagalli nodded. "We can see the city together..."

He smiled, and pulled her into his room. She effortlessly followed.

Their heads were in denial, lecturing them on the immorality of their actions. Their thoughts were silenced by each other's touches. The slightest space in-between them seemed unbearable. They both thought of stopping, but never did.

The tap had stopped leaking. The rain had stopped pouring. It was the morning after the rain now: It was crisp, moist air. The refreshing space around them.

That night had never happened... It stayed in their memories forever.

Next Chapter:

"I gave Him my heart already, so what am I giving you?"

"Right now, I have you. And that's all I'll ever ask."

I've never really tried anything like this before, so please tell me what you think. If anything doesn't make sense, please say so.

Thanks for reading