Kari: Hey Guys! ;; This itself is a bit old. ((Okay, A Few days)) but, I got the idea from an 'adventure' a friend and I had. XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. You think I'd be submitting stuff on ffnet if I were Kishimoto-Sensei, and if I owned Naruto that, Sakura would be alive, and Sasuke and Naruto would be single? Jeeze people! I thought you were smarter than that!

With his new camera, All he wanted was a picture of his favorite person.

"Say cheese Sakura-Chan!" Naruto shouted holding up a camera to his face. He pressed the button on top of the camera and the bright flash shot out. Sakura scowled hitting him hard on the head.

"Baka! What the hell was that for?" The pink-haired girl snapped, rubbing her eyes furiously. Naruto grinned, holding out a silver metallic colored digital camera. It was sleek and small.

"Iruka-Sensei got me this new camera as a gift! I just wanted to try it out" He explained.

Sasuke leaned up against a tree watching, with an eyebrow raised. If this got ugly, he'd have to have a talk with Iruka about his choice in gifts.

"Oi! Sasuke!" Naruto called running up to him. "Say cheese!" He shouted, repeating what he did to Sakura. Sasuke held up a hand in front of his face in an irritated manner. Naruto furrowed his brows, lowering the camera from his face. "Oh c'mon Sasuke!"

"I don't want my picture taken dobe," Sasuke replied cooly, turning his head. Naruto scowled. Pressing a few of the buttons on the camera, he brought up the picture he had just taken.

"Aw, Man, Your stupid hands in the way" He muttered disappointed.

"That was sort of the point moron" Naruto glared at him hard.

"Stop calling me names, teme! All I wanted was a picture!" Sasuke snatched the camera from the blond's hands. "Hey!" Naruto snapped reaching for his camera.

"If you want a picture so bad, Why don't you try to learn to take them correctly. They're all blurry" He told him, clicking through the various picture Naruto had already taken. He closed his obsidian eyes for a moment. They were hideous, blurred and crooked, with the occasional thumb violating the corners of each picture. Clicking out of the picture review, Sasuke turned the camera around in his hand so the lens was facing him. Clicking the little silver button at the top, Sasuke barely flinched when the flash went off. "There" He muttered tossing the camera to the blond.

Blinking, Naruto turned the camera over and gazed at the picture just taken. Sure enough, it wasn't blurry, and there was an absence of any random fingers. Naruto made a face. Sasuke had beat him again, this time with photography. "Take another Sasuke!" Naruto asked him, holding the camera out. Sasuke raised a brow.


"Take another picture, teme! This time I want to be in it!" Sasuke sighed gesturing with his hands, for Naruto to come stand beside him. Grinning, Naruto hopped up to Sasuke, and stood clumsily beside him. Smirking, Sasuke poised the camera before their faces, tugging on Naruto's arm, bringing Naruto sharply over closer to Sasuke. Holding down the little silver button the bright flash went off.

On the other side of the camera, the just taken picture flashed on the screen. On the screen were the two of them, Blues eyes were wide, Obsidian eyes were closed, and Sasuke lips were brushed against the blond's cheek.

Naruto blinked furiously.

All he wanted was the picture of his favorite person and he got it.

Gah! Review please! Constructive criticism is very welcomed!
