Okay, finally an update. I know, my updates are all screwy time-wise, but I have other important things in my life, so I write when I can.

I am sorry to report that I must put this story on hold while I work on another fanfiction that I recently started, but rest assured I will pick this back up. I feel that if I wrote both stories at the same time, I would be putting less effort into this one, and that is unfair to you readers. I know I would rather wait for a while and get a good story than get half-hearted updates sooner. My other story is a Lost/Red Eye fic, and I would like to thank emptyvoices for the inspiration. emptyvoices - you mentioned a 24/Red Eye story, and though I don't watch 24, I immediately thought of a Lost crossover, so credit goes to you. I hope you guys will read my other story, because, come on, it's still got RedEye elements. So here we go. Oh, and Jackson is pretty horrible to Lisa in this chapter. Mentally, not physically, but just don't read it if you're sensitive, I guess.

They pulled up at a motel after some more time on the road. The sky was just beginning to darken, and Lisa could see the last rays of sun peaking out from behind clouds, painting them a brilliant color of sharp pink. Jackson got out of the car and opened the door for Lisa. She took Jackson's hand and let him help her out. When she was standing, Jackson put an arm protectively around her waist and they walked towards the front desk together. Always the gentleman, Jackson.

Jackson ordered a one bed room for them, and requested a bottle of champaigne to be sent to the room. When the teen at the desk gave him a look, Jackson smiled and sqeezed Lisa, saying, "It's a special occasion. Our one month anniversary, actually." Jackson winked at the boy and slipped him a fifty dollar bill. The teen smirked and handed them the room key, while Lisa did her best to keep from gagging.

They arrived at the room, which was nothing special with a beaten up mini-fridge, an old television set, and a lumpy couch that had seen better days. The only respectable-looking thing in the room was the queen-sized bed, which looked somewhat comfortable. Jackson walked over and settled himself on the bed, grabbing the remote control from the top of the television as he walked past it. He flipped through the channels, and after a few minutes, he looked over at Lisa, who was still standing in the doorway, staring into space. She snapped to attention when Jackson patted the side of the bed next to him.

"Come over here, Leese."

Lisa felt bile rise in the back of her throat, but swallowed it back down and kept her face expressionless. She walked over to the bed and sat next to Jackson, settling herself against the pillows, half sitting, half lying down. Jackson put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her head onto his chest and continued flipping through the channels while he absent-mindedly stroked her hair. Lisa pushed her head deeper into his chest to keep herself from shivering at Jackson's touch. When Jackson felt the pressure, he smiled, thinking that she was finally warming up to him.

He finally stopped channel surfing when he came to something he thought he might like.On the bottom of the screen it read "You are watching The Hills Have Eyes: Unrated." Lisa watched for a few minutes, but soon things got gory, and she squeezed her eyes shut and put her hand over her ear. The other ear was blocked from the sound by Jackson's chest, so she didn't have to worry about it. Jackson looked at Lisa, smirked, and was about to turn the volume up when there was a knock at the door. He stood up and looked through the spy-hole, and saw that it was the teen from the front desk, holding a bottle of cheap wine. Jackson opened the door and the boy handed him the bottle. He thanked him, and waited for the boy to turn around and walk back. When the boy stood there, Jackson realized the kid wanted another tip. He locked onto the boy's eyes and glared at him, toning down his glare so that the boy wouldn't be oto petrified.

"Is there anything else?" Jackson asked menacingly.

"Uh, no. No sir, thank you," the boy almost tripped over his own feet scrambling to get back to his desk.

Jackson rolled his eyes, closed and locked the door, and grabbed two wine glasses from the mini-fridge. He poured the liquid into each glass and handed one to Lisa, who moved over to let him get comfortable again. He pulled her close to him again, and raised his glass towards Lisa.

"To you, Lisa. You finally learned your place. Congratulations," Jackson knocked his glass lightly against Lisa and took a sip. Lisa glared at Jackson, unable to help herself, and knocked his glass out of his hand. Jackson's eyes lit up with malice and he stepped on the glass.

"Pick it up and apologize, Lisa," he demanded coldly.

Lisa immediately apologized and got on the floor to pick up the broken glass. She lost her cool for a moment, and she knew it would cost her. There was no way she could let her temper ruin her plan, she just had to bide her time, and soon she would be free of Jackson for good. She gathered most of the large pieces in a paper towel and threw them in the trash barrel. Jackson debated stepping on Lisa's hand or pushing her down onto her chest while she was picking up the glass, but then he remembered that he had read a review of the movie they were watching and he realized there was a better punishment for Lisa, though he grabbed a large piece of glass from the pile just in case. He poured another glass of wine for himself and handed Lisa her glass again.

Lisa downed her glass in one mouthful, and Jackson smirked. He poured her some more, but she restrained herself and only took a small sip, her eyes fixed on the movie again. After a few minutes, Jackson and Lisa were both watching the film intently, Lisa with her eyes wide and Jackson with one eyebrow raised. At one point during the movie, one of the "monsters" started to come towards a woman menacingly. Lisa realized what it was about to do and started shaking uncontrollably. She tried to get off the bed but Jackson pulled her closer and kept her facing towards the television. She closed her eyes, trying to block out both the images from the movie and her own memories. Jackson placed the glass on her wrist and applied a slight pressure to it.

"Open your eyes, Leese."

Lisa shook her head wildly and Jackson pressed harder, blood slowly seeping up on either side of the shard.

"Please, Jackson. Turn it off. Please don't make me watch this," she pleaded.

"Lisa, I am trying to enjoy a movie, don't ruin it. Watch the movie with me," he demanded.

Lisa opened her eyes and Jackson forced her to watch the extended scene with him. She sat on the bed with Jackson's arm on her shoulder, trying not to vomit and shaking so violently that Jackson pulled her into him to still her. Tears flowed freely from her eyes and she fidgeted against Jackson's still body. As soon as the scene was over, there was a commercial break and Lisa rushed to the bathroom to empty her stomach of anything in it. When she was finished being sick, she slumped over the toilet and dry heaved for a full minute before she slumped onto the floor, sobbing. After giving her time to be sick, Jackson walked into the bathroom and pulled Lisa up by the arm, bringing her to the sink. Lisa's legs buckled underneath her, and Jackson quickly grabbed both arms.

"Wash your face, Leese."

Lisa complied, letting the cool water run over her wrists before splashing it onto her tear-streaked face. She rinsed out her mouth and let the water run over her wrists before Jackson turned it off. He grabbed a towel patted her dry, picked her up and brought her to the bed. Lisa weakly turned her head and was relieved to see that the television had been turned off. Jackson placed her on the bed, and climbed in next to her, both of them fully clothed. He put his arm around her, something that was quickly becoming routine, and she closed her eyes. Seconds before she drifted off to sleep, Lisa realized that Jackson hadn't restrained her in any way. She also realized that Jackson would be on his guard because of this. At any rate, she was too exhausted and nauseous to try and plan an escape yet. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Short chapter, I know, but I've explained my situation, and I felt that this was the best place to end the chapter. You guys should feel free to suggest plot lines, and I will definitely take them into consideration for this particular story. Anyway, here is the link to my crossover fic; if it doesn't show up, you can obviously just go to my profile and click from there.

http/ for sticking with me through my first story, you guys. I promise that this will not be a permanent hiatus. I was a girl scout once, you know. (wink)