Taking over me

The night was still, no breeze or chirpings, no, just perfectly still. Stars twinkled with warning and the fire flies floated like feathers through the peaceful midnight air. Through the stillness their giggles drifted lazily amongst the trees, their feet hitting the ground with a silent perfection. With a loud gasp he was pushed against a tree, their lips meeting with ferocity as she slowly pulled his jacket off his shoulders and arms and onto the floor where it pooled gently. Their breaths came in pants as they pulled apart, a small squeal coming from her delicate lips as she avoided his grabbing hands and ran towards the lake.

Within minutes she found herself pushed by his body into the freezing liquid of the surrounding waters, his lips pressed ferociously on hers as with force he pulled her hair from its style, the ebony black abyss of hair falling like silk down her back, dipping like the fingers of a willow tree into the water. She moaned for him as he caressed her scalp, large finger tips soothing her into relaxation as they ignored the shivering of their cold limbs. Fingers moving, always touching.

Pulling away she watched him blush, giggling slightly at the childlike innocence that was reflected on his face like usual. His large but wet arms coming to bring her closer, trying to warm her shivering body. His black hair had drooped slightly from the messy style it was usually in; he was a very handsome man. Tall, dark and soft hair, muscled and toned and a strength like that of no other. She was a very beautiful woman, small in size but her womanly curves were unique and divine, her long black hair was thick but so soft like silk, her eyes a deep pool that would push him to command and insanity.

She was a friend of Bulma's and they had only just met but it seemed even after all those years of never finding women attractive like his master did, something this time just clicked. When their eyes met he felt everything that was him melt and succumb to her. The tournament had been the best and everyone was in the mood to party over his triumphant win. So Bulma had planned a two week camping trip, BBQ's and hikes, swimming and games in the forest not far from West city. It was then that he met her.

That night she had shown him so many new things, so many heats of passion that he could never describe and promised him so much more. He had been a little afraid and slightly uncomfortable but it seemed with each kiss she gave he succumbed more, with each touch or stroke he found himself more willing to bow to her. Hand in hand they walked silently back to the camp, their clothes and hair messy and soaked but neither cared. Their eyes were drooping in tiredness as the early morning sun peeked a nosy eye above the distant horizon.

The soft dirt beneath their bare feet moulded with a gentle caress along the skin of their feet and toes. Their fingers entwined powerfully as she lent against his shoulder, her head resting on his upper arm as he sniffed her hair. The trickle of rippling water a soothing tune as they bid goodbye, a soft kiss on the lips turned romantic and fiery as she soon vanished from view and into the tent of the girls. His face held a smile of satisfaction and fulfilment as he watched her go, her eyes never leaving his until they were parted from sight by the zip. Once gone he heard her settle in and whispered a gentle good night before walking to his own tent and lying down with a large sigh.

Blinking she opened her eyes, the now brightly shining sun blinding her as her sleep filled eyes adjusted to the light. She could smell breakfast, hear the bustle of her friends outside as she placed her dressing gown upon her still cold body and walked outside, her eyes met instantly with her loves, Bulma's loud voice pulling them way from their gaze as she called everyone over for breakfast.

"So guys we going to go on that walk today? We keep blowing it off but I swear when we get to the top of that mountain the view will be breath taking!" Yamcha smiled at everyone with large eyes, Bulma's whine as she hated walking filled the air and Krillen laughed at the mixed moods of the people around him. Goku's voice drawing Chichi's attention to him.

"Yamcha the view will be spectacular but we will never make it up there and back in one day and it's already late. I and you maybe if we were on our own but there are people here who aren't built like us. Maybe we could go for a walk down that road just there it leads to waterfalls, they're really pretty." Goku smiled at Chichi as he remembered the evening he had spend bathing with her underneath them, the way their hands roamed the body of the others and the calming sound of the falling water. Chichi smiled at him lustfully, her eyes closed slightly as she looked at him through her lashes.

"Yeah I suppose your right Kid. So the waterfalls good? Not that you would be able to see them at 3AM, pretty dark. I've heard you sneaking off so don't give me that clueless look young man" The group laughed, even Chichi as Goku blushed. His small black eyes darted to the floor quickly as he tried to hide his face.

Time passed and breakfast soon finished, the men walking off to tidy up their tent and fetch some more firewood for that night. Bulma, Lunch and Chichi washed the cutlery amidst in gossip. Bulma talking about her love life, Lunch about how she wished Tien would get with her and Chichi keeping quiet as she let the other two gossip between them. She watched as Goku literally picked a tree from the ground, its roots tearing at the shear strength he possessed and his fast moving hands soon cut the trunk into large blocks of wood.

Kami that man was amazing, so strong and so gorgeous; he was like a dream walking on Earth and she was lucky enough to have him fall for her. So many years she had waited for this day, for the right man that would finally aid her into success and Goku was that one. She breathed a sigh of relief and admiration for the boy; she would enjoy spending the rest of eternity with him. Once she had him where he was needed he would do anything for her and she would be the happiest girl in the world. He was handsome, gentle with her (most of the time) and Kami she bet he would pack a punch in the bed department, at least she hoped so.

Stuttering he dug his heels in the dirt, the air was thick with the humidity of summer, the chirps of the evening crickets danced through the vegetation of the dark woods. Chichi had a firm grip on his hands as she dragged him up to the fire, the music Bulma had on a rhythm to her body as she moved around slightly and begged him to do the same. He just make excuses of how he couldn't dance, she rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered pleas and begs in a sexual whisper in his ear. Goku soon giving in and swirling around with her, happy his friends did not see the little rubs she would give his groin with her hips.

The sun had set far below the hills, the stars and moon twinkling with ardour above them as they talked and cuddled under the moonlight. Bulma and Yamcha fidgeted in the corner by her tent and Krillen was sat encouraging the now blushing Tien to ask Lunch out, Lunch in turn was listening to Roshi who for once was not being perverted but instead tried to learn a recipe. Hidden in the shadows she stroked his cheeks, her small fingers now stroking the delicate skin on his lips as she gazed into his eyes, pleased to see a small read aura forming within them.

Leaning up she kissed him on the lips quickly and softly. This man, this Goku he was an amazing person. So strong and powerful, no man on the Earth could possibly possess what he did. If he wanted, if he worked for it, he could have the whole planet bowing down before him, worshiping him like the god he is. He could fight anyone and anything and win, rule with an iron hand. But he didn't. His kindness was greater than any angel and his passion for the protection of innocence was immense. Yet he could gain so much more and she would change him for that. It was only so long before he fell for her and then they could rule together.


lol hope you liked this. I was stuck in a car for four hours travelling up to Manchester and I thought of this so I wrote the general idea down and POOF here you go. Please review. Bye xx

Lots of love and luck

Chemical Connection
