Disclaimer: Don't own it.

Chapter 8

Everyone was getting ready for the court session that's going to start in a couple of hours. No one dressed fancy or horribly, they just dressed casually. Right now, Ray was brushing his hair into a low ponytail, tying it with a red ribbon. He sighed at the fact that Voltaire didn't stand a chance today. He wished he did. That way he wouldn't have to wait for him for so long.

He put his brush down and tied the ribbon. He looked on the mirror of Voltaire's private bathroom and smiled. A picture of Ray and his older lover hangs there. The picture is of them at Voltaire's summer home in Australia. The older man was sitting in a chair as the neko-jin had his arms wrapped around Voltaire's neck from behind them. They were both smiling happily.

Ray missed those days. Now, he'd have to wait for the years to go by while the older man is in prison. A knock sounded at the door so he hurriedly grabbed the picture so he could give it to his lover, replying to the knock a 'come in'.

Boris came into the room and said, "Lets go. We should get going."

"Okay." Ray answered as he left the bathroom, turning off the lights and following his lover's partner in evil deeds to the limo. The others following behind them.

They drove to the court house.


They made it to the court house within minutes and Ray couldn't wait to see his lover. To him, everybody wasn't moving fast enough. He wished that they would hurry up. Standing before the court room, Ray took a deep breath. This was it. Today he was going to watch him go to prison to do some time. Boris put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, reassuring him.

Ray and the others stepped into the court house and saw Voltaire sitting there, ready for trial. He was prepared for his verdict, Ray could tell. They all went to sit down behind Voltaire, Boris sitting next to the neko-jin. Ray layed his hand on his lover's shoulder so he could feel close to him.

The court session began and it felt like forever. The neko-jin went up to the stand as well as Voltaire and Boris. When it was time for recess Ray stayed with Voltaire in the court room. Boris just left to do something. "How long do you think you'll be in for?" Ray asked.

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine, I promise, Ray." Voltaire replied.

Boris came back in and sat back down next to Ray. He had a smirk on his face and Ray wondered why he was so happy.

The court session came back in from recess and everybody was back in the court room. The judge sat down and cleared his throat. "I have come to a verdict." The judge said. "He is not guilty."

The shock on everyone's face as they left the court house and drove back to the mansion was undeniable. Ray and the others couldn't help, but be suspicious of how this came to be. Though, they knew that Voltaire and Boris had something to do about it. They just knew they had somethig to do about it. It was a fact, but even knowing that Ray was happy about it.

He didn't care.

In Voltaire's room the neko-jin was laying there in bed with him, head atop his chest and his arms wrapped around his waist while the other held an arm around the neko-jin, hand playing in his hair. They were content. Boris was keeping sure that no one bothered them at all at the moment. Ray buries his face in Voltaire's chest and says, "Why'd you do that?"

"To get out of it and so you won't have to deal with me being in prison for such a long time. I acted the way I did because I didn't want anyone to get suspicious of it. So, I didn't even tell you. It was safer that way. Besides, Boris and I are skilled in this department anyhow." Voltaire answered truthfully.

"Hm. You really shouldn't have worried about it."

"But I did."

Ray leaned over Voltaire as he stared him in the eye. Voltaire put a stray strand of hair behind the neko-jin's ear and gave a small smile in return to his lover's. "I'm kind of upset that you did it, but my happiness about it over powers my common sense." The teen said as he leaned in for a kiss. The older man granted it to the young man. It was loving and passionate.

This was Ray's utopia.

Well, that's the end. It's not how I wanted it to end, but you know it's okay. I'll deal with it and hopefully you all can too. It's a short story, but I think it turned out pretty well for itself. I may do a sequeal, but don't count on it. Never count on it unless I get the urge, but if do you'll know because it will OBVIOUSLY say sequeal in the SUMMARY.

Anyhow, reviews would be nice...

Have a nice day.