Disclaimer: I love FF7 but I only own this plot and that is why I am not rich ;sigh;

Aurthor's Note: This is my first fanfic so I would appreciate any comments that you have. I really hope you guys enjoy and just a forewarning it might be a little slow since I am just setting up the relationship between Rufus and Tifa.

Chapter 1: Partners

It was an early morning when Tifa left to the market to pick up a few things for home. It wasn't a happy trip looking at the increasing number of children living on the streets. Constantly she sighed at each new face wandering around looking for scraps of food. Something had to be done she thought as she purchased some cleaning supplies, the last items on her list.

On the way home Tifa contemplated what she could do to help more than she already had. Cloud had helped build a small cabin that the children could sleep in at night and if Tifa could afford they were treated to home cooked meals. Still the number of children kept growing and she was not an orphange as her main concentration was on Marlene and Denzel.

Walking into the bar she dropped the bags on the table finally deciding the action she must take. It was time for a talk with Rufus as dreadful as that sounded in her head.

"Marlene, Denzel!" she called out seeing if they were still home. The barmaid was answered by a soft voice followed by running footsteps. " Tifa! Welcome Back!" Marlene said with a happy tune in her voice that matched her soft smile.

It felt good to come home to such a happy face causing Tifa to grin and nod at the girl's welcome. "Where's Denzel?" asked Tifa with a brow arched up. "He went out to play ball." replied the young girl walking down the steps.

"Ok, well Marlene can I ask a favor of you ?" Marlene jumped at the chance to help with anything since it made her feel almost like an adult. Tifa giggled at the reaction "I have to go out again and I place you in charge of the house. Just put the groceries away and make sure Denzel gets back by supper. I'll be back by then and don't forget to not let any strangers in."

"You can count on me" said Marlene pointing at herself with her little thumb. Tifa softly grabbed Marlene's head as she planted a kiss on her forehead. "Be back soon!" Tifa yelled locking the door behind her. It was going to be a long walk to the Healing Lodge.

The sun was shining brighter now that it was noon time causing Tifa to squint her ruby eyes as they adjusted. Heading towards the outskirts of the edge she reached into her pocket for her cell. She dialed Cloud's number who was out on a delivery, it would be best that she gave him a head's up so the blonde didn't have to worry about her whereabouts.

Please leave your message for "Cloud Strife" at the sound of the tone.

Tifa smirked as she was not surprised, he never picked up his phone. "Hey Cloud, I am heading to the Healing Lodge. There are too many orphaned kids and I think Rufus should do something about it if he's planning on rebuilding Midgar. Don't worry about me, I'll be back to make dinner."

The phone made a loud clap sound as it was shut closed and placed back in her respective pocket. In the distance she could see one of her frequent customers loading a pick up truck. "Hey Ray!" Tifa shouted catching the man's attention.

"Well, well, isn't it my favorite lady."

"Only because I serve you the finest liquor," Ray chuckled and nodded in agreement. "What can I do for you today miss?" he asked closing the door on the back of the truck. "Well, I was wondering are you heading out?" an index finger rose to the side of her chin as she tilted her head.

"Yup. Heading towards Kalm to drop off some things to the ex-wife. Everyday she claiming something new to be hers. I swear one day she'll aim for my truck too." Shrugging her shoulders to avoid his rantings of his ex wife Tifa walked closer to the truck "Then would you mind dropping me off somewhere?"

Ray quickly made his way to the passenger door and opened it up for her. "It would be my pleasure. Maybe pay off my current tab?" Tifa just smiled at his question rolling her eyes pretending to be annoyed at him as she sat in the car. "Your lucky you are one of my favorite customers," Ray's face brightend up as he started the car. "Where to?"

"Healing Lodge, it's on the way to Kalm."

In the trunk Tifa was amused by Ray singing off key to country music. For a moment she thought that could have been one of the reasons his wife left him. It was only a fifteen minute ride which deep down Tifa was thankful for.

She waved goodbye as the truck disappeared in the dust it kicked up. She turned to look up at the lodge and felt a twinge in her stomach. Saving the world was easy enough so why couldn't a simple conversation?

Trudging up the long stairway Tifa collected her thoughts as to what she would say. Taking a deep breathe she knocked on the door. Heavy boots could be heard on the other side approaching "Who the hell could that be?"

The door swung open wide as a familiar face greeted Tifa. "If it isn't the barmaid. What brings you here?" said Reno grinning as he leaned against the doorframe. "I came here to speak to Rufus," the words came out calm and serious.

"Come right in. I'll go see if he wants to see you," said the Turk strolling away. The room was pretty empty of anything. The lodge definitely needed a woman's touch which it seemed that Elena had not been up to the task.

"The boss said he doesn't want to see you," the voice startled Tifa as her face became flushed. There was no way she was going back home now. "I don't care what he wants!" with clenched fists Tifa pushed through Reno towards the room she saw him exit out of.

The angry woman busted into the room "Who do you think you are turning people away. It's not like your powerful anymore."

Rufus was sitting down in his leather chair amused at her reaction. His hands were folded on the desk which was covered in plenty of paperwork. "Hello to you to Ms. Lockheart. This must obviously be something important otherwise you might have not taken Reno's joke seriously. I apologize for his irresponsibility."

A small gasp of embarrassment escaped her lips as her eyes adverted to the ground and her cheeks turned a shade darker.

Reno was hanging outside the doorway snickering but was rudely waved away by Rufus.

"No need to be embarrassed, tell me what do I owe the pleasure," the leather crinkled as he laid back in his chair. Tifa took a seat in front of his desk taking a good look at the president. In the back of her mind she could not believe he survived that attack a couple of years back and unfazed. She had to admit he was handsome but that was besides the point.

" I came here today because since you plan on rebuilding Midgar I think you should start by solving the problem with the increasing number of orphans. I mean these children are the future and everyday they are struggling to survive with no food, shelter or education. I think you should do something about it as your first step and this would definitely give you a better reputation." Tifa griped the armrest hoping she did not just sound like a rambling idiot.

He was impressed and intrigued by this woman's idea and ashamed that he could not come up with something that simple on his own. "You really love those children Lockheart," "I do, they deserve better."

His fingers drummed on his desk as he thought on how to address her concerns. "Ok, you convinced me, but I must propose this to you. Considering the environment I grew up in I know nothing about children and my experiences could not be called your typical childhood. Since it was your idea then how about we work together on this to make this happen. You provide the ideas and I provide the funds. A partnership if you may."

The good news caused Tifa to move to the edge of her seat, but to work with Rufus was unthinkable. "I thank you for listening and taking me seriously but I don't have the time and by no means of disrespect I could never see myself working with you considering…"

A chuckle followed by a wiry grin was all he could answer for their past. Slowly he walked towards the young woman and balanced himself against his desk. It would be a few more months before full recovery, but that was a mere setback that was left in the back of the president's mind.

"So you would let the past prevent these children that you claim to care so dearly about of any help. I will not make any plans without you. It was your idea and it would be wrong of me to take all the credit. You have nothing to fear Lockheart, I don't bite." answered the blonde while crossing his hidden muscular arms across his chest.

He was right and now she was cornered into saying yes like a dog to its master but she would not be treated as such. What would Cloud say about all this? In her heart she felt this would be the right thing to do. Reeve has worked closely with Rufus on rebuilding and he turned out to be an alright guy, creepy, but still held a place in AVALANCHE.

" Since you put it that way I'll help you but I want you to know that I am not working for you. Don't think that you have any sort of control over me or think of me as one of your lackeys." she said sternly.

"When I say partners that is exactly what I mean. Now I must warn you that we will be seeing each other more often going over plans, budgets, and all the other diplomatic garbage we must go through. I hope you can get over your distaste of me rather quickly," he slowly walked over to a stack of cabinets to take out some paperwork and headed back towards Tifa.

" I guess I would prefer it that way so I can keep an eye what your doing." she said eyeing the papers.

Shaking his head in an exhausted manner "Ah… trust is very important if we are going to work together. If your sure your ready for the challenge then sign your name on these lines. These are documents that state you agreed to a partnership and that we share any profits and losses."

She stared at the paper reconsidering the whole thing. It was strange to see Rufus in a different light making such a comprise, although she could never be too sure. By the looks of him Tifa would have no problem beating him down if he screwed up on his part of the deal. A devilish grin spread across her mouth at the thought as she signed her name selling herself to the devil's spawn.

"It's an honor to be in business with you," a hand was extended out to Tifa as she shook and nodded.

"Sorry to be abrupt but I must get back quickly and get dinner ready," she said quickly getting up from her chair.

"I understand. How did you get here if you don't mind me asking?" asked Rufus as he put the papers inside a folder on his desk.

" One of my customers dropped me off since they were heading towards Kalm."

He ran his fingers through his hair before reaching out to her elbow leading her towards the outside of the lodge. "I refuse to let you walk all the way back by yourself and yes I am aware you are more than capable of handling any situation but it would be unkind of me. I will have my driver take you home."

Tifa quickly moved her elbow shaking her head "I couldn't," Before she knew it his index finger was under her chin raising her head up slightly. "I would feel better knowing you arrived back safely as well as plenty of time to cook. Don't insult my hospitality."

Her ruby eyes met his green, causing her to blush uncomfortably. His gaze was assertive proving he still knew how to intimidate, a trademark of a true leader. His touch was gentle yet firm, oh how she could beat herself over the head for these minor thoughts until she murmured an exasperated "Alright, you win again."

Of course Rufus wanted to accompany her but he was still to weak to even make it down the stairs, which always think he should remodel and put in an elevator one of these days. His knees started to give way as he had already overexerted himself. Just as quickly as his finger was under her chin was just as quickly as it was gone.

"You will be hearing from me soon, Lockheart," before she could utter a word Rufus already had his back turned towards her. Once he was out of sight all his weight was shifted on the wall as his respiratory effort increased.

"Mr. President! You have to take it easy. Your nowhere near fully recovered." The red haired Turk had been eavesdropping and quickly rushed to his boss' aid. His weakness was only shared amongst his Turks and there was no way he would let Tifa see him in such a pitiful state. As Reno helped him back to his desk he tuned out Reno's complaints about his actions.

Outside the barmaid had wanted to at least say goodbye but was rushed by the honking downstairs. It was for the best as she looked down at her watch to see that it was almost time for supper.


Please Review so I can have incentives to continue writing, bah I'll write the next chapters anyways but leave one anyways. Thanks!