Twin Set of Lovers Rewrite

Series: Aliens Galore Series

Author: Dez/Jezebel Jinx/VampireQueen21

Couple: Mi/L + Dakeri/Rath smaller couples will be decided later

Rating: Mature (some sections might border on Adult but I don't think they get there)

Summary: Liz and Michael have had a past together, what happens when they both realize it? Liz is starting to realize she's changing. The Dupes are going to be helping Liz with her powers.

A.N. Zan never died; the truck never ran him over. Lonnie has left the dupes to go looking for the other aliens herself. This is up to a few days before 'Meet the Dupes'.

A.N. 2: I've rewritten this fic, I wasn't happy with the majority of the parts so I rewrote a lot of the first few chapters. Most will stay the same I just added more detail, back-story, etc and changed some lines that I looked at and wasn't pleased with. Also I changed Maria's character a lot, it doesn't become apparent till about Chapter 8 though, also for the sake of argument Maria doesn't know about Future Max, I'm not entire sure what ep Liz tells her so she just does not know.

A.N. 3: The prequel to this fic is called Fairy Tale: Rath and Dakeri's Story. I would recommend reading that first so you know more about Rath and Dakeri and more about the past lives of both Rath and Dakeri as well as Michael and Liz, but you don't have too you'll still be able to understand what's going on in this fic fine.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really I don't.

Chapter 1

November 17, 2000


Liz stalks up to the order window, frustrated with Michael for taking so long. "Michael, do you have the salad ready for table three? They've been waiting for that salad for about thirty minutes." She taps her fingernails against the metal sill.

"I got a lot on my mind right now Liz." Michael places the salad on the order window. "Salad." For the past couple weeks he's been having vivid dreams, some are peaceful and calming while others are not so much, it's all he has thought about since they started.

The latest had been a series of painful and torturous times. He was looking out of the eyes of someone, who he assumed was Rath, the alien he used to be on Antar, and Michael felt every last nuance of Rath's emotions. Heartbreak over a miscarriage his beloved had, frustration at his troops, and mind numbing fury directed toward Zan, his King and once best friend.

"Thank you." Liz hesitates for a moment staring at her friend. Something's going on with him, she can feel it, but what she doesn't know. Reluctantly moves away from Michael toward table three. "Sorry about the wait. It's on the house." Liz pleasantly smiles at the customer.

Liz goes to table four to take their orders when Maria came running through the Crash doors looking excited. She gets table four's orders and takes them to Michael. Then goes over to Agnes and asks if she can cover for the rest of her almost over shift. Agnes reluctantly agrees to it and Liz follows Maria into the back room. "You seem excited, what's going on?"

"Chica, I'm singing Saturday night at that new performance space center next to the museum!" Maria squeals and jumps up and down. "I mean can you believe it?"

Liz hugs Maria delighted for her. "I'm so happy for you Maria. This is a great opportunity."

"This is just another small stepping stone for me achieving my dream." Maria looks over at the clock. "Ugh, my shift is about to start." Maria goes to her locker and starts to get changed.

"Ria, you and me should celebrate tonight after your shift. We could go down to that new dance club 'Rave' and have the rest of the group come too." Liz punches out and begins to undress out of her uniform.

"Oh, chica, I can't… tonight the manager is taking me and the rest of the performers out to celebrate. If I didn't have to go to that it would be you and me you know it hon. But I gotta go to this if I want to make a good impression for future gigs. Cuz he'll tell someone that I'm really good, and then it's just a whole domino effect thing. You understand right?" Maria explains, not bothering to turn around to and look Liz in the face while she's explaining.

Michael exits the kitchen, his shift over as he hears the end of Maria's ramble. He and Maria have been in a serious off phase lately. Ever since Liz faked sleeping with Kyle Maria's been spending more time with Maxwell while he, Michael, has been with Liz. In fact if he were honest with himself he'd admit that ever since he found Liz crying on the balcony a month ago the last thing he wanted was to be around Maria. It was like he was drawn to Liz in some way.

"No, it's ok. Some other time." Michael hears the disappointment in Liz's voice, the need to comfort her almost overwhelming. Maria on the other hand didn't seem to notice or worse not care.

"Great." Maria puts on her antennae "I knew you would understand, girl," and goes out to feed the masses for a few hours.

Liz finishes changing and slumps down on the employee couch curious as to how her and Maria's friendship got so screwed up. After the Kyle incident, which Max told the whole group about, the majority of the gang didn't want anything to do with her.

Max for the obvious reasons, Tess never liked her but seemed now to respect her, Kyle avoided her, Isabel hated her for 'cheating' on her brother, and Maria became closer to Max and spent less and less time with her. However Alex was still the same, not disliking anyone and being everyone's friend and Michael surprised her a lot. He never believed for a second that she would sleep with Kyle not when she didn't love him.

Michael watches Liz as she sits on the couch, pain, sadness, and a touch of anger is radiating from her entire face. Automatically he ambles up to her taking the space next to her, and puts his arm around her shoulders, the display of comfort natural when it comes to Liz. He knew he should be worried about his acceptation of touching Liz so freely but he couldn't bring himself to dwell on it to heavily. "You ok?"

Liz doesn't say anything; she just shakes her head 'no' and leans into him, the movement natural for her as well. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Again she shakes her head negatively.

"Maybe later ok Michael?" Liz glances up at him knowing he'll understand why she doesn't want to talk yet. Most of the time she likes to sort out her feelings and thoughts before she involves other people.

"You can come over tonight if you want though. Even come through the front door and everything, since Dad's going to a convention and Mom's going with him." For some reason or another her parents weren't that thrilled with her growing friendship with Michael. They continued to try and push her either back towards Max, Kyle, or some other Roswellian boy, but not Michael.

"Alright, I'll be here at 7:30." The two stand from their positions on the sofa and face each other. Without saying a word Liz leans up and places a soft friendly kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you Michael, see you tonight." She leaves Michael standing there and ascends the stairs to the Parker's apartment. Liz feels better knowing Michael is coming over tonight. He has always been there for her and even more so since the Kyle fiasco.

October 30, 2000; Flashback

Liz was sitting on her balcony crying when she heard the familiar rattle of someone climbing her ladder. She's about to reach for the bat that she keeps by her chair, but she stops when she feels who it is. It's Michael. He's always making the rounds to make sure everyone is safe.

For some reason or another she's been able to feel whenever Michael is near since Max had healed her that fateful day in the Crashdown. She can faintly feel Max, Isabel, and Tess but with Michael it's always the strongest. She never really thought about why…till now that is.

Michael, who had heard Liz crying, climbed up the ladder to see her, looking like she had been waiting for him. "Are you ok?" He looks around the balcony. He notices her face, all red from her crying and her eyes puffy.

"I'm really fine Michael. I've just…I've a rough couple of days." Michael climbs over the wall, on to lean on it while looking at Liz.

"Look Liz, I know we don't really talk…but if you need to talk…I mean, what you say to me, well, I just won't tell Max. …And I won't tell Isabel, Tess…," Michael thinks for a short moment, "well, I never tell the blonde bitch anything." Liz laughs and he's warmed at making her laugh. It's been awhile since she's been happy enough to laugh. "Basically what I'm saying is that I won't tell anybody anything unless you want me too." For a few moments all she does is stare at him, making him squirm under her gaze.

"Umm, here sit down Michael." Liz moves her feet out of the way and motions for him to sit next to her. Slowly he walks over and takes the seat she offered. For the whole night the two talked till the early dawn hours, it was so easy for him to open up to Liz. Something that he should have questioned, he's never been able to open up that quickly with someone.

Liz didn't tell Michael about Future Max, but she did tell him that she never really slept with Kyle. It was just meant so Max would back off and think she had moved on. Liz had told him that there was something, something major that she wanted to tell him but she couldn't just yet. Michael didn't mind and told her that when she was ready to tell him he'd be there for her.

Before he left Liz hugged him and thanked him for being there and listening to her problems. Michael promised her that anything she needed anything, anything at all that he'd be there for her. Well, she was ready a few days later. To say Michael was astonished and humbled by Liz's sacrifice was an understatement. He almost couldn't believe how much she had sacrificed for him…for all of them.

End Flashback

Since that day on her balcony, Michael and her had gotten much closer. Something Max and Maria, not to mention the rest of the once close group, had noticed and most didn't exactly approve of it. Liz checks the time and decided that she has enough time to take a shower. She undresses, gets on her robe and goes into her bathroom leaving the door open. Turning the hot water facet then the cold, she drops her robe on the floor and gets in