Hey there everyone and welcome to my next fanfic. This is a Dukes of HazzardSmallville crossover. My friend Teresa from the Smallvillenews website, inspired me with a picture that looked as though Bo and another lady were a young Jonathan and Martha Kent. I thought of all things, I could make that a reality in a fic. So here it is, Bo, Kent, Who? It will get more Smallvillish the farther we get in.


Well howdy stranger and welcome to Hazzard County. For those of you who ain't familiar with Hazzard, know that Strange things generally happen here. This tale is no different. It might just be a little stranger than most. This strange story is a love story, and it all begins on a Saturday afternoon at ole Hazzard Pond with a young man by the name of Bo and a little lady named Mindy Sue.

"That was some mighty fine cookin' Mindy Sue darlin'. The best fried chicken I ever had."

"Course it was Bo, I made it 'specially for you."

"Just the way I love it. Just like I love you."

The young blonde, Bo wrapped his well toned arms around the auburn haired fair skinned Mindy Sue from behind and hugged her close. The embrace lasted for a few wonderful moments. Many thoughts went through Bo's mind, the past year of courtship with the beautiful woman in his arms. He thought of all the time they've spent together and how she had sort of been adopted as one of the Duke family. He smiled at what he had planned for the evening and glanced down at his pocket where there was a square shaped box. Bo could feel the love between the two of them like nothing else he had ever felt before in his girl chasing times. Bo intended to make it official that night. She was to become a Duke. Ever since he met Mindy Sue, Bo never felt inclined to see any other girl and never planned to anymore. He squeezed her just a little harder at that thought. Bo's eyes twinkled and then a wild and mischievous grin grew on his face as a new thought came to his mind.

"Hey Mindy Sue, wanna go for a dip?"

She turned her head so that her gaze met with Bo's twinkling baby blue eyes. She tried so hard to suppress the smile that was forming under her skin. Her face muscles were trying so hard, but her mind wouldn't let them betray what she was actually feeling or thinking, especially to Bo. She wanted to tease him a little first.

"It depends. What type of dip you were suggesting?"

"Well, I can think of four different types of dippin'. How 'bout we do the one right now, and I'll show ya the other three later?"

"And what 'one' would that be Bo?" she asked innocently, but knowing perfectly well what 'one' he was suggesting.

He winked at her and said "Let's go swimming." and then gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

She finally let herself smile. More than that, she let herself laugh and gave that very sweet blonde a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Alright, lets go for 'a dip.'"


So a very happy couple spent the afternoon in Hazzard pond splashing around and having a good time. There was a lot of horseplay and a lot of affection that went on during that time. Over all it was a great couple hours that made both Mindy Sue and Bo very happy. None of them would have given that time up for the world. He held her in another loving, and very wet embrace.

"I love ya Bo Duke"

"I love ya too, my beautiful Mindy Sue."

After their fingers were sufficiently pruned, they decided that they would leave the pond and go for a drive. They held hands as they walked towards the car. Bo led Mindy Sue to the General Lee, a bright orange Dodge charger with a confederate flag on the roof, and a giant 01 painted on the door.

"Your chariot awaits m'lady." He bowed down low and held his hand out. She took his hand and then Bo expertly picked her up and slid her in through the open window. He then slid over the hood and slipped into the driver's seat through the window as well.

"Where we gonna go Chauffeur?"

"I dunno. Just thought it'd be nice to go for a drive. I think it'd be relaxin'"

"Sounds good ta me Bo."

The powerful engine of the General Lee roared to life and sped off. Bo took the General on all the more scenic roads in Hazzard. He took Mindy Sue to the mountains, and too the caves. He even took her out into a meadow that was the most beautiful in the tri-county area. They spent the time chatting about their life and enjoying each other's company. Among other things, one topic they talked about a lot was how they were excited about how they were both waiting for a letter in the mail. They both applied to get into Metropolis University and hoped that they would both be accepted. They wanted to go there together and were planning the time they'd spend out there in Kansas with each other.

They ate a nice supper in that large and beautiful meadow from a hidden basket that Bo had in the back seat. He had worked hard all that morning to prepare Mindy Sue's favorite meal all by himself. Well he did have a little help from Daisy, but he wasn't about to admit that to anyone. That morning he told Luke, Daisy, and Uncle Jesse what he was going to do that evening, and they were all for it. They would meet him at the Boars Nest after suppertime for a very special night.

So after their nice dinner Bo and Mindy Sue got back in the General and headed back for town. They were just a couple minutes from Hazzard creek when something out of the ordinary happened.

"Bo, take me for a jump."


"Take me for a jump. I've seen you jump the General hundreds of times with Luke, but you've never taken me. Jump the creek with me Bo."

"If you say so darlin', I was wantin' ta do this with you today, I just didn't know how ta ask ya. I've been thinking 'bout it fer the past five minutes."

"You could've just asked, I've been wanting to ask for the past five minutes. Isn't that silly of both of us? Well let's get goin' Bo. The day ain't getting' any younger."

"Have I told you how much I love you today Mindy Sue?"

"Yes, but frequent reminders are always a nice."

"I love you. Now hang on we're about ta jump."

Mindy Sue reached over and held Bo's hand as he gunned the engine and hit the bump just before the creek. Mindy's grasp tightened on Bo's hand as the General began its ascent. She reached over with her other hand and pressed the horn sending the first twelve notes of "Dixie" flying in the air as they were over the creek bed. She shouted together with Bo a triumphant "YEEEEEEHAW!" As the General Lee made contact with the far side of the creek with a thunk.

"Wow! That was amazing Bo. Now I know why you love doing that so much, what a thrill."

Bo chuckled and wrapped an arm around Mindy Sue's shoulder and continued to drive. "Yeah."

The rest of the drive towards town was done in contented silence. Bo kept on glancing over to her and squeezing her hand. He also kept thinking about what he was going to do in just a few short minutes. He grinned and then broke the silence.

"Hey Mindy Sue, lets go jukin'."

Now for those of you who are culturally deprived, jukin' is a social gathering where people come together to drink, have fun, and dance. The place for that in Hazzard is in none other than the "Boars Nest."

"I'd love to go jukin' tonight Bo. We've had so much fun today already, I'm ready for more. Oh is Daisy, Luke and Uncle Jesse gonna be there?"

"Yes they are darlin', I told them we'd be there after suppertime."

"Is something goin' on that I don't know about Bo Duke?"

"Well, yes. Lets just say, I'm about ta show ya the other three types of dippin' that I know."

At that moment Bo stopped the General. They had made it to the Boars Nest parking lot. He slid out of his window and went around to the passenger side. He reached in and wrapped his arms around her, Mindy Sue reached her arms around his neck and held on. He pulled her out with both of them clinging to the other. He held her in his arms even after pulling her out all the way.

She kissed him on the cheek. "To the Boars Nest?"

He kissed her on the head and then her cheek then said with a smile, "To the Boars Nest." and carried her through the front door.