The camp was strangely quiet the next morning. Aaron didn't make a sound, just looked at Claire and Charlie with his big blue eyes as if he wanted to ask a question.

Walt and Michael sat under a tree playing backgammon and munching on the occasional star fruit tossed their way.

Hurley and Libby were talking in low voices about their lives off the island and for once Hurley managed to find someone who believed him when he told them he was worth a hundred and fifty six million dollars.

Eko, Rose, Bernard and Ana-Lucia were discussing the events of the past week and what was happening to the 'poor girl' who'd been kidnapped by the 'others'.

Sun was talking in Korean to Jin, explaining what was going on. It was common knowledge round the campsite now that Bo had been injured in her escape from the 'others', though Jack and Kate had neglected to mention that Bo had killed the 'others', deciding perhaps Bo had enough to deal with without the added stress of everyone knowing what she'd done.

Sayid and Sawyer returned to the caves the next morning when they'd finally finished burying the 'others'. Jack and Kate looked up when they returned and Sayid shook his head subtly and nodded at Sawyer who clearly wasn't in the mood to talk.

The dark look on his face and his blood-covered hands would've made him look very sinister to anyone who didn't know the truth. He glanced at Bo's sleeping form and then at Jack.

"She gonna be ok?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "She's just resting at the minute."

"Sawyer, are you ok?" Kate asked carefully, watching as he wandered over to the water hole to wash the blood off himself.

"Fine," he replied straightening up and walking towards the trees. "I'll see you later."

He'd disappeared before anyone could say anything. Sayid sat beside Kate and took the water bottle she offered him.

"He's still having trouble dealing with this," he said quietly. "I think he hates himself because he knows he's related to Bo, but having not been the person who bought her up, he doesn't feel any kind of connection."

Kate and Jack nodded looking at each other for a moment before glancing down at Bo. She looked better now she wasn't covered in blood. It'd turned out that the only real injury she'd received was the stitches in her arm coming out. Apart from that and a few cuts and bruises she seemed unharmed.

"Do you think we should tell her?" Kate asked wonderingly.

"She deserves to know," Jack agreed. "But it's Sawyer's choice as to whether he tells her."

"Tell me what?" Bo asked opening her eyes and smiling weakly.

"Hey, you're supposed to be resting," Kate said in a motherly voice, trying to distract Bo.

"I'm fine," Bo said pulling herself into a sitting position and sounding decidedly like another 'Planie' who'd passed that way not long before. "How long was I out?"

"About eight hours," Jack said handing Bo a water bottle.

"Hang on," she glanced about as she took the water bottle. "Where's Sawyer?"

"He's gone for a walk," Sayid said, but even he knew how unconvincing he sounded.

"I'm gonna go find him," Bo said, standing up. Jack put his hands firmly on her shoulders.

"No," he said quietly. "You need to rest and Sawyer needs to think."

"If Sawyer thinks about whatever's bothering him it's only going to make him feel worse," Bo replied. "I can help him. Trust me."

"I don't think you can Bo," Kate began but Bo just slipped out of Jack's grasp and ran towards the jungle intent on finding Sawyer.

She knew exactly what was troubling Sawyer and she was determined to make him feel better. She ran through the trees, guessing where Sawyer would be.

Bo found him in a small clearing, sat with his back to a tree; his glasses perched on his nose as he attempted to read his book. Bo knew he'd be here. This was where Sawyer disappeared to when the beach got too noisy or when he wanted some time alone.

Sawyer looked up as Bo crashed into the clearing and he put the book down, marking his page carefully.

"Alright Bright Eyes?" He asked, trying to hide the note of awkwardness in his voice. "You're looking better."

"Thanks," Bo said wandering over and sitting in front o him. "Now, tell me, what's wrong?"

Sawyer was slightly taken aback. He hated the way Bo did that. Whenever he was feeling a particularly strong emotion she'd pick up on it. It was quite annoying really, especially since he'd already been made to admit his feelings for Kate.

"Nothings wrong," he said, though he knew Bo wouldn't give up until he talked.

"So, sitting out here in the middle of the jungle trying and failing to read your book is nothing?" Bo asked one eyebrow raised.

"I'm not failing to read my book!" He protested.

"Sawyer, you've been sat here for at least half an hour and you're on the same page you were last time I saw you reading," Bo pointed out. Sawyer sighed.

"You're annoying, you know that?" He grumbled.

"Yup," Bo replied. "Now are you gonna tell me, or am I gonna have to force it out of you?"

"It's difficult," Sawyer said, running a hand through his long hair.

"Start from the beginning," Bo prompted.

"Well," Sawyer paused and swallowed. "You know how you hate your parents?"

"Yeah," Bo said trying to ignore the rising feeling of hate towards the people she'd called 'parents'.

"Well, they weren't your parents," Sawyer said quietly.

"I know," Bo nodded. Sawyer frowned.

"You know?" He asked curiously.

"The 'others' told me," Bo said and began explaining about the first time they'd kidnapped her.

"Oh, right," Sawyer swallowed. "So do you have any idea who your parents are?"

"Yeah," Bo said shrugging. "Mary was my Mum, and you're my Dad."

Sawyer just stared at her. He took several deep breaths and then scratched his head, awkwardly.

"So how long have you known?" He asked.

"I worked it out last night," Bo said quietly. "When you look at all the facts it kinda makes sense. I mean we were meant to be on the same flight. Everything happens for a reason."

"Right," Sawyer nodded and stood up, Bo following suite.

"I also know that you feel guilty for one, giving me up to people I had to murder because they were so evil, two for not telling me sooner, and three for feeling no connection to me whatsoever," Bo continued as they walked back to camp. "But when you think about it, you do have a connection with me. I mean, you let me root through your stuff and you always look out for me. We'll always be related no matter what."

Sawyer was finding this easier than he'd first anticipated. Bo was taking the news better than he could've hoped for as well.

"I just came to say goodbye," Bo said suddenly, sounding quite sad. "I'm gonna go and live in the jungle. When everyone finds out what happened with me and the 'others' they'll all hate me, and I suppose it's gonna be awkward between me and you, so it'll just be easier if I go live somewhere else."

"Bo, no one knows what happened to the 'others' and if they ask, we'll just tell them that we did what had to be done and that you had nothing to do with it," Sawyer said. "And as for us, ok, things might be a bit awkward, but we could always work at our relationship. Or not, you know, whatever…"

"No, that'd be good," Bo said quickly, smiling. "I've not had a Dad for so long, it'll be nice."

"Well, it wasn't just me that looked after you before," Sawyer reasoned. "It was Kate and Jack and Sayid and…."

He trailed off stopping for a moment. Bo looked at him worriedly.

"What?" She asked.

"We make one odd family," Sawyer grinned. Bo couldn't help laughing then.

Jack, Kate and Sayid looked up as Bo and Sawyer came back, laughing and joking and they all knew that everything, for once, was going to be ok.

Bo didn't realise it until much later when they were all eating fruit and laughing and chatting on the beach with the other 'Planies', but as they had a good time, forgetting all about the 'others' and everything that had happened since coming to the island she finally realised that she'd found what she'd always wanted. They might've been very different, they might've been mad, they might've done bad things off the island, but when it came down to it, Bo finally had a proper family.