Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who

Chapter 5

They worked in silence for a while, until Jack broke it with: "So that was Jackie Tyler, remind me to never get on her bad side. I don't wanna ruin my good looks with a bruised face!" He paused and then, realising that he was basically talking to himself, he asked slowly, "So, Doc, how much longer do you think this will take?"

The Doctor scooted out from under the console and after giving the question some thought, replied "3 or 4 days at most."

They had been parked in the Powell Estate for the better part of a week before Rose asked the Doctor the same question again; "Doctor, Jack told me it would be fixed in 3 or 4 days. That was 6 days ago, are you sure you know what you're doin'?"

Sparks flew from the console as the Doctor attached some wires to it.

"Well, that pretty much answers my question," Rose muttered.

"One – minute – Rose." The Doctor grunted, now wrestling with some particularly large wires. He connected two of the wires together and stood back to admire his work. "Now it is nearly there, I think." He proceeded over to the console and flipped a switch.

Rose waited for a minute, but when nothing seemed to happen, she asked, "Was something supposed to happen?"

The Doctor turned to face her, "Yes it was," and then at the expectant look on her face he smiled and added, "And yes it did!"

"Ok, way to go Doc!" Jack exclaimed, "testing, testing, one, two, one, two. You getting all of this Doc!"

"Every word," The Doctor confirmed, a manic grin forming on his face. "I told you I'd get it fixed! And we all know how extraordinarily clever I am! But I must say I'm glad that I got it fixed when I did, any more of not understanding people and it would've driven me nuts! And not being able to just say whatever I fancied to people, that was driving me round the bend too, because if there's one thing I can do, it's talk!"

"Well I'm not goin' to argue with that," Rose said, smiling. Then she gave the Doctor a hug, before going and hugging Jack too. She was a little surprised when; once she had finished hugging Jack, the Doctor hugged him too!

"So, Doc, tell us; how come you know so much and yet you don't even speak another language?" Jack inquired.

"I do speak other languages, I actually speak a lot of different languages," the Doctor protested.

"So why didn't you speak English?" Rose asked.

"You humans, you're so self centred aren't you? There are other languages that are more widely spoken than English you know, they don't speak it everywhere in the universe. They don't even speak it everywhere in your world!" The Doctor countered.

"I guess that makes sense," Jack said.

Of course it makes sense," the Doctor agreed, "But that isn't the only reason I don't speak it." He became more serious, "I wanted to carry on speaking Gallifreyan because there is no one else to. It is a dead language, but along with the TARDIS it's the last little bit of home that I have, and I didn't want to forget it. That sounds all stupid and nostalgic doesn't it?"

"No, no it doesn't," Rose reassured him.

"Well while I'm in stupid soppy mode," the Doctor continued "I may as well just say thank you to you both. You both got me through this, either wise I think I'd have gone crazy not being able to communicate with anyone."

"That's ok," Rose said quietly.

"Yeah, anytime Doc," Jack said, smiling.

"So, anyway, as good as I may be at talking, we can't stand around chin-wagging all day," the Doctor said, brightening. He grinned, "Who's up for an adventure!"



A/N: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed this story and encouraged me to continue, please review and tell me what you thought of the last chapter. And thanks to HoVis for the idea of the Doctor speaking Gallifreyan because it's all he has left of home. So, anyway, that's me finished for now, should I bother trying to write another fic, that's the question. Please review!