As you know this is an Ahiru and Fakir fic so I hope the people who read this may enjoy it. So no more chit-chat here's the story. (Or at least the first chapter.)


Chapter 1: Duck

In the middle of a misty lake sat a small yellow duck who at times quacked. 'Fakir sure hasn't been here in a while. Maybe he forgot about me.' Swimming to the usual dock where he would sit and write, she sat in the water hoping for his return that day.

About noon she decided on giving up, 'Maybe he did forget about me.' She swam out to the middle of the lake when a sudden sound of thunder rang in the air. She quacked loudly as rain began to fall and lightning flashed in the sky. 'A storm? I didn't even see the warning clouds.' She began to hurry to the shore before the lightning could get the chance to hit the water. She glanced at the sky and before she knew it, the lightning hit the water and she got shocked. She soon felt as it she were heavier than an cow.'I'm sinking! I can't move! Ducks can't drown!' She stared at what seemed to be an endless lake.

The lightning continued to flash in the sky lighting the dark water. She tried to move her wings to swim upwards, but to no avail. She brought her wings in front of her and stared at them, 'Stupid wings.' Another flash of lightning lighted the waters and her eyes widened in shock 'Hands?' The next flash of lightning had returned her hands back to wings. 'No more I can't breathe.' She then lost conscious.


I know its short, the length should increase . Though the reason I put it this short to see if this might encourage people to continue reading it. So if you enjoyed this please let me know with an review. So the I may be stimulated to continue writing. Thanx for reading! (n.n)