A/N: Wow...an up-date

The poof was gone before Danny could say anotehr word. Students staretd to pile out of the classrooms, one by one, some by groups. It seemed as if no one even noticed them. Danny winced everytime someone passed why, almost waiting for them to noticed that something was very wrong. He looked around for the two fairies - Cosmo and Wanda? - but didn't see them. He noticed Timmy looking extrmele yoncufsed but clam at the same time (weird combo).

"Danny, there you are!" came a voice. Danny turned and stared at the culprit, watching as none other than Sam Manson exit the classroom!

"Dude, where-" Tucker stopped and looked straight at Danny. "What's Timmy doing here?" he asked.

"Huh?" Timmy asked, turning around, just noticing they were talking to him.

"Timmy," Sam repeated, pointing at Danny. "What's he doing here?"

"Uh, we need to talk to you guys!" Danny quickly shouted, almost wincing at his new, high voice. "Fast!" He grabbed hold of Sam's and Tucker's hands and shoved Timmy into following him.

"Whoa!" Sam and Tucker exclaimed, kind of surprised at the little boy's strength. Even Timmy seemed a bit confused as to what was going on.

He lead them into a very deserted hallway where none of the other teenagers were. He looked around, making sure no one was listening. "Alright, listen," he started, looking at the three teenagers before him. Timmy sitll looked like Timmy to him (older, but still Timmy) so the appearance switch only worked on everyone excluded form the wish. ...good?

"Oh, how do I explain this..." he murmured to himself. He couldn't tell them about the two fairies, that was against the rules. So what could he do? Make it seem as if Desiree did it? He frowned. Timmy looked anxious to get out of there, almost worried.

"What's going on, Timmy?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger child. She crossed her arms and shifted her weight onto her left foot. She frown.

"Yeah, what do you have to explain?" Tucker added.

"First off, I'm not Timmy, I'm Danny," Danny spat, pointing a finger at them.

"Nice try," Sam scoffed. "Now seriously, what's up?"

"He's telling the truth," Timmy said. "I'm Timmy, he's Danny. Some ghost popped out of nowhere and...switched our appearances." He waved his arms about, trying to get their attention but only recieved gawking expressions. Tucker and Sam shared a glance and after a small pause, began laughing.

"You're trying to tell us that...in one school period you two totally changed places?" Tucker asked.

"Is it so hard to believe?" Timmy asked.

"You guys believed in ghosts and even hypnotism and magic, why is it not possible to believe that we switch...identities?" Danny asked, annoyed that his best friends didn't believe him.

"Uhm...because I doubt someone would wish you guys to switch appearances," Sam pointed out, stopping her laughter midway.

Timmy guiltily raised his hand, looking shy. Sam looked at him, at first puzzled at why he was raising his hand. Then it smacked her twelve times in the back of the head. "Oh boy," she mumbled.

"Guilty as charged?" Timmy asked, laughing quietly. He stopped and brought his hand back down.

"Ahem, let me get this straight, uh, you wished you two would change places?" Tucker asked, pointing from one boy to the other. Timmy nodded. "Why?" Tucker's bewilderment kind of amused Danny. Was it that hard to believe?

"Because he thought it'd be funny to be me for a few hours," Danny responded coolly. "After all, who wouldn't want to be." He smiled ratehr smugly. Timmy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Danny's expression grew grave again. "Bad news is, there's no way of figuring out where Desiree went or even how to reverse the wish otherwise," he said.

"If we can't find...Desieree, then we'll be switched like this for 12 hours," he said, going along with Danny's story of the ghost. Sam checked her purple wristwatch and furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's only 9:06, you guys got until that time in the P.M. to find Desiree," she remarked, looking at them. "That is, if you guys don't think you can make it the way you are."

"Being Danny is not gonna be hard," Tiummy said. "Twelve hours will be a piece of cake."

"And being Timmy can't be half as hard as being me," Danny said. "So I can make it striaght through, no problem."

"Oh yeah, well, you just wait and see!" Timmy said, glaring.

"Fine, I will! That is, if you don't call quits before the time is up," Danny retorted, snarling.

"I won't be the one calling quits!" Timmy shouted. By now both boys were glaring daggers at each other, the electric bolts nearly visible between their eyes. Tucker and Sam shared an expression, their eyes wide.

"Alright you two, break it up," Sam said, splitting them up. Danny and Timmy both turned their back to each otehr and frowned, crossing their arms over their chest. Sam sighed. "Calm down. Do you guys wanna wait 'til the twelve hours are up, or should we skip school and go looking for Desiree?"

"I'm up for the latter," Tucker said, grinning.

"Dunno, if the kid wants to we can go looking for Desiree," Timmy said, eyeing Danny out of the corner of his eye.

"Is that a challenge?!" Danny screeched, though you could tell he was trying hard to keep his voice level.

"Maybe," Timmy said, voice mocking.

"Forget Desiree," Danny said. "I want to do my victory dance when Timmy gives up."

"I accept your challenge!"

"This is gonna be a loooong twelve hours," Sam sigehd, rubbing her eyes.

"And interesting!" Tucker added.

E/N: I hope it didn't suck...I love the competitiveness etween Timmy and danny XD It sounds so...IC. Dunno why. 8)

--Airamé Phantom