This is it! The poll is closed and here is the last chapter!... nope you enjoyed and huge thanks to all those that voted!

Disclaimer: No own, no sue.



"Blondie, hey, you still alive?"

One blue eye cracked open to glare at the boys walking through his door, especially Kiba, with his lovely greeting.

"What are you doing here?"

Shikamaru looked at the boy still occupying the bed before speaking.

"Have you gotten up at all, Naruto?"

It was with a wince that said person managed to roll over.

"I tried a couple times."

"Tried!" Kiba was by the bed instantly. "What the hell did that asshole do to you!"

If he hadn't been so sore, Naruto might have laughed, seeing his friend this concerned.

"He was just a little rough last night, that's all. Dog Breath, get me some more pain killers? He only left two by the bed and those wore off a couple hours ago."

A grumbling Kiba moved to the kitchen, returning with the requested pain killers and determined to sway his friend from continuing this course of action.

"I take it you're finally done with him now?"

Both pills were swallowed instantly.

"I think so."

"You think! Naruto, you can't even move!"

"Yeah, yeah, shut up, Dog Breath and help me get to the bathroom, I really need a shower."

"I'm not carrying you."

"Just give me a damn shoulder to lean on."

Naruto threw the sheets back, tensing as Kiba gasped.

"Dude, what the hell did he do! Is that blood?"

Shikamaru was off the couch, instantly by the bed, asking the question the other boys were thinking.

"Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

Blue eyes looked exasperated, though a pink tint highlighted the scarred cheeks.

"I'm fine, like I said, he was a bit rough but I stopped bleeding a long time ago."

"I have to agree with Kiba on this, you shouldn't see him again."

"What the hell is up with you two!"

"Naruto." It was obvious that Kiba was trying not to yell. "You can't even walk to your bathroom, he's been getting rougher each time, how long until he does some serious damage and you wouldn't even be able to tell the police who did it!"

"I would if you guys would just tell me who it is."

It was more growled than spoken, but the way that neither boy would look at him told him that they were not going to part with that secret. Kiba changed the subject quickly.

"Let's get you in the shower, the pain killers should be working by then."


The next morning a limping Naruto made it to his classes, though he was less than happy with the lack of padding on the seats and every time he was forced to sit, Kiba's words came back to him, making more and more sense.

What was he doing, sleeping with this guy who was obviously and admittedly stalking him. Doing it once, before he knew was one thing, but to keep coming back for more! It's no wonder the guy got rough with him, after all, he was tied to a bed and asking to be fucked senseless. So obviously the guy took up that offer.

By lunch time he had decided that he wasn't doing it again, he wasn't going to see how far this guy would take things.


"Yes, Dog Breath, I'm done with it. It proved your point, I couldn't get it up with girls cause I should have been with guys."

"So I get my stuff back?"

"Yeah, whenever you want to pick it up."

Shikamaru blinked, his gaze still on the clouds floating by as he talked.

"Going to date guys now?"

"Seems it's that or go for celibacy."

Kiba's jaw dropped.

"Oh please don't tell me you're going back to celibate!"

The sparkle was back in the blue eyes as Naruto laughed.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of that."

Kiba looked thoughtful while Choji worked through his second burger, thankfully swallowing before speaking.

"So we need to find you a boyfriend…"Kiba's face broke into a grin. "What about that Shino guy? He isn't bad looking."

"The one studying to be an etymologist! Eww! No way, you know spiders freak me out, he would flip the first time he saw me crush one."


Choji nodded his agreement before swallowing and added his two cents worth..

"What about that Lee guy?"

"Fuzzy Eyebrows! No way! Those things could attack."

Aside from a smirk, Shikamaru calmly added a tidbit of information.

"Not him, he's hung up on Sakura. So troublesome."

They all thought again before Kiba came up with another name.


Blonde hair shook in negative.

"Too uptight."

After that it became a game of naming people and shooting them down.


"He's like an older brother! That's like incest!"


"Too perverted."

"How can anyone be too perverted!" Kiba yelled loud enough to have several people look at them.

"Take his class, Dog Breath, you'll find out." Naruto shuddered from the memory.


"Guy's a block of ice, I would get frostbite in places I don't want to think about!"

Shikamaru barely contained a snicker at Naruto's comment, Choji, oblivious to the joke, kept on with the naming game.


"He has no eyebrows, the guy is just creepy."

"He is sexy though."

"Yeah if you're into the homicidal look."


"EWW! Just… eww!"

Even Kiba made gagging sounds and faces, causing Shikamaru to look quite satisfied with his suggestion.

After that the conversation degraded into jokes before they had to split up, some being done for the day while Naruto and Shikamaru had one more class left.


Naruto looked at his bed that night, unable to hold back a shiver when he thought of the things that had been done on it. Each night had been unique, but enjoyable in their own way, he knew a part of him was already regretting his decision, but he had to stand firm.

Kiba had been right, he didn't know what this guy would do next, and he didn't want to pay for that with his life.

His choice was firm, though that didn't stop his subconscious from bombarding his dreams with images and actions of his mystery lover.


The next morning it was a very unhappy blonde that stripped his bed, grumbling as he put on clean sheets and threw the other ones in the laundry basket. The pain had subsided for the most part by now, in fact he could either limp slightly without pain killers, or take the pain killers and walk perfectly fine.

He took the pain killers.

He almost dreaded going into class, it was the same class that all the other gifts had arrived during and the teacher was beginning to look at him suspiciously.

The blonde was not granted a respite on this day either, as class was interrupted by yet another delivery person.

Naruto's normally tan face was a bright red when the teacher set her scowl on him, and he briefly wondered if running was an option before the massive display of roses reached his desk, a card and package attached to the vase.

Refusing the gift was a thought, but then it wasn't the delivery guy's fault for bringing it when and where he was told to.

Pulling the golden ribbon freed the gift and card, tan fingers grabbing them quickly.

Curiosity getting the better of the blonde, he opened the box first, his jaw dropping at the sight of the beautiful necklace laying there.

A large, long stone hung from the middle, he guessed it was some kind of crystal, but wasn't certain, on either side of it round stones flanked it. Just by looking, this necklace had to be worth quite a lot.

The letter seemed to yell to be read, glaring defiantly at him from the desk until he couldn't take it anymore and ripped the envelope open rather viciously.

'My beautiful blonde,

May I still call you that? Mine? I truly hope so. I realize I was out of line last time we were together, I wish I could explain everything to you, but I don't want to weigh down your perfect shoulders with my problems. I found the solace I sought when our bodies joined, but did not realize the price it cost you. I can never apologize enough. Funny, I have never apologized for anything in my life, yet it falls so easily when I think I might have wronged you.

The necklace is a family heirloom, it has been in my family for over five generations, the only rule being that it has to stay in the family. I hope I am not breaking that rule now? If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, then please put the necklace on, I truly hope to see it on you, your beautiful tan neck would set it off perfectly. I await your decision.

Your devoted Stalker'

Naruto blinked, rereading the letter several times before the teacher clearing her throat garnered his full attention.

"Mr. Uzumaki, I believe the students behind you would like to be able to see the notes on the board."

He blushed beautifully, tucking the box with the necklace into his pocket and setting the flowers aside.

Naruto turned the page of his notebook, intent on writing his stalker a letter when another note was slid on his desk.

Glancing around he noticed the Uchiha sitting caddy corner behind him, smirking, before blue eyes turned back to read the paper.

'Hell of a gift, can you wrap your legs behind your head or something?.!'

It was a scowling blonde that looked back at the arrogant boy, flipping him off while mouthing the word "bastard".

His attention was back to penning yet another letter to the mystery man.


"Shikamaru! Wait up!"

The bored looking boy quirked an eyebrow at his friend, especially when he noticed the roses and the sealed envelope being held out to him.

"So troublesome, you realize this will only encourage him?"

"Just deliver it, alright? I promise it will be the last one."

"Fine, fine." He took the letter, walking off while muttering about having troublesome friends.


"I can't believe this! You're joking, right?.!"

"Look, Dog Breath, just tie the ropes, alright."

Kiba was fuming, pacing even as he ranted.

"You said you were through with this!"

"I am."

"Then why the fuck am I tying you up again!"

"This time is different."

"How so?.! You tied to a bed and blindfolded, sounds like every other time to me!"

Blue eyes rolled, why was this so difficult to explain?

"Because you're not really tying me down. Yes you will tie me to the bed, but not so that I couldn't get my hands free if I choose to."

"So it's a mock tie down?"

Naruto looked to the boy who just spoke around a mouthful of chips.

"Yeah, kind of. He knows that I have to find out who he is tonight or no more deals, but, he wanted to start like this. I think he wants an actual relationship."

The last was almost mumbled but even Shikamaru sat up.

"Are you serious?"

"He hinted at it in his letter."

Kiba wasn't happy, and voiced it with many grumbles and curses while he set up the ropes.


Naruto found himself not nearly as nervous tonight, he knew it was because he had the option of freeing himself for once.

Hearing the door open made his stomach jump in the usual way as his heart sped up.


He had set the necklace on the bedside table, determined that if he didn't find out the identity then his mystery lover could take it with him, and if he did, well, he might be wearing it by sunrise.

Again he was met with silence before a pair of soft lips brushed against his own.

"Hey, you came." A soft chuckle answered him, making the blonde realize how his words could be twisted and coloring his face. "Well, I guess not yet."

The stereo turned on, he knew the other guy was as nervous as he was, this time he wouldn't have anonymity by the end of the night.

Soon those soft lips were on his again, the lithe, hard body sliding between his legs with the ease of long time lovers.

Naruto wanted to say something, ask him questions but the soft lips and hot tongue that moved to his ear thoroughly turned his brain to a pleased mush.


He could swear his lover was purring as those strong hands moved over his body, touching every sensitive spot he had before thumbs made slow circles around his nipples, causing him to arch into the touch with a moan.

This reminded him of their first night, those hands exploring slowly, making his body shiver and beg for more of the touch.


Edited for ffn.. I really hate having to edit..

the unedited version, as usual, can be found on my yahoo group, the link is on my profile.


safe for now


"I… thought you wanted… to know…"

Naruto gasped, writhing on the bed, he did want to know but his brain wasn't telling him how to go about it.

Suddenly, the ropes on his wrists released, freeing his hands to grasp at the strong shoulders above his own and allowing him to lean up, this time initiating a long, deep kiss.

A need for air forced the lovers apart again and Naruto could feel his stomach clinching as one hand moved to the mask, intent on removing it and the mystery surrounding the other guy. There would be no going back, and that thought in itself was enough to make him hesitate, but Naruto Uzumaki would not be scared away, especially when the rewards could very well be worth it.

The black mask slowly fell beside the bed, and it was with hesitation that blue eyes began to blink open, trying to adjust to the light and focus after being so tightly closed.

His mystery lover stole his lips again in a kiss that could only be described as desperate, was he that afraid that this would be their last time?

When it broke this time, tan arms had wrapped around the other, holding him close as Naruto sucked at the soft bottom lip, finally releasing it and opening his eyes.

The only word that Naruto could use was black.

He wondered at first if he had really opened his eyes, but they began to focus, bringing the face above him into reality.

Black hair framed a pale face, some of the strands sticking to the sweat that beaded on the other as he kept up the torturous pace. The eyes that watched him were framed by long, thick black lashes, standing out against the pale porcelain skin, though the eyes themselves made Naruto wonder if he was stealing his soul.

It was like looking into twin pools of black ink, the light hitting them suddenly making the blonde think of obsidian. Everything about him, the man above was opposite, like sun and moon, and it was taking everything he had to wrap his brain around the reality even as the other continued to push into him at a steady pace.




Looky! Back to editing now...




"Sasuke Uchiha…"

"According to my drivers license."


Dark eyes rolled at hearing his name again.

"I know my name sounds great but is there a reason you keep saying it?"

Blue eyes blinked at the ceiling while tan arms were still draped across the pale back.

"You're my… stalker. You!"

"I know."

"But you could snap your fingers and have any girl."

This was met with a snort.

"And you think I want a girl because? I would think our relationship thus far would clearly show my orientation."

"Get off, you're heavy."

"Answer me one question first." Curious blue eyes told him to go on. "So, can you put your ankles behind your head?"

A smirk crossed the pale face as hands shoved him away by the shoulders, the blonde cursing as he was pulled to the pale chest.


"But you still want to be with me."

Naruto eyed him warily.

"What makes you think that?"

A smirk played over the perfect lips.

"If you didn't, you would have freaked at seeing me or at the very least would have already kicked me out."

He couldn't argue, that was true.

"How long have you been stalking me?"

Sasuke sighed, rolling onto his back and pulling Naruto to rest on his chest.

"Since the second day of college."

Blue eyes widened in shock.

"You've liked me for over a year and never said anything!"

"I wasn't certain how you would take it."

"Still. Damn."

"I have you now, though."

He couldn't help but smile softly before leaning up, placing a chaste kiss across the other's lips.

"So, you really were saying you wanted a relationship."

The worried obsidian eyes turned towards the ceiling before he spoke.


"Well what?"

The Uchiha let out a breath, trying not to snap even though this was stressing him horribly.

"Are you going to wear it?"

He nodded towards the necklace, realization lighting Naruto's eyes.

"Oh, that depends."

The playful smile only made him want to jump the other again.


"Are you going to put it on me?"

Sasuke gave his own smile as he pulled the tan body on top of his own, capturing the lips he adored in a passionate kiss as both their bodies reawakened with desire.

"I will, later."

"Yeah… later.. We have time…"



YES! dances around happily This is the first multi-chapter story that I have completed! YEAH! It's done!

Thank you to everyone who voted!.. It was a lot of fun!.. At least I think so… so now I just have to think of more ways to get people involved!..…

Thank you for sticking with me through this! Even when my motherboard died, Gama and I thank you for your patience:holds up little frog that just blinks before hopping away:.. Hehe.. Honest.. That was his way of saying thanks! sweat drops