Okay, so the title of the first chapter reminds me a LOT of Gundam Wing. But who cares! Welcome to 'Wishes'! The Sequel to 'A Week to Love You'. Please! Read 'A Week to Love You' before reading this! Nothing will make sense… And remember to review! To all of the reviewers of 'A Week to Love You'…I LOVE YOU!
Ookami: That's a bad thing…Wait, you made a sequel?
Of course I did.
Ookami: I must sabotage it…
-Glares at Ookami and throws a spoon at his eye-
Ookami: AHHH! –whimpers- Phoenix owns nothing but the plot and his terrible writing skill. Oh, and a half eaten Snickers bar…And some buttons…
-burps- Don't own the Snickers anymore.
Ookami: Disgusting… Anyway… That was the disclaimer...Now read… That, or help me get this spoon out of my eye.
'Shooting Star'
It was a typical day in Hallow Bastion, recently renamed Radiant Gardens. Clouds lofted over head and sun peeked through those clouds, giving a nice overcast. The days past had been full of hot weather and no rain… Luckily, that was about to change. As time went by, the clouds grew darker and a sharp roil of thunder wavered the sky. It seemed the sky would split in half and pour down the tears of the Ancient ones.
"It looks pretty bad out there… Odd." A gentle musing from theoh, so monotonous Cloud as he stood beside the window of his small house, his arms crossed over his bare chest. His skin was that flawless milk and cream perfection so white that his scars even blended in. If you looked close enough, you could see the rough and pitted edges.
Truth be told, storms soothed Cloud. It reminded him of better times, when he was small. Unfortunately… Yuffie was not, by any means, soothed by the thunder and lightening that split across the sky.
"Ahhh! Oh, Leon, make it stop!" Whimpered the dark haired ninja as she fought to cuddle against the brunette man who scowled at her fiercely.
"Shut up." His voice was cold, and held a bite to it that made Yuffie whimper even more. Large green eyes settled on Cloud's form…And without looking he announced,
"If you touch me, I will gut you."
"God, you're so mean! Leon! Hold me!" And she promptly dove at the bare-chested, and very sunburned, Leon.
Now, if Leon had been any other person, he would have wailed as her hand came down in an open-handed slap to his tender shoulder… But Leon was Leon, so his reaction fit him just fine. He shoved the girl off roughly and glared daggers at her, a low growl coming from his throat,
"I… Am in pain…Go away before I beat you."
She pouted from her spot on the floor, "Where's Cid?" Ignoring the threat completely as she questioned Cloud who stood unmoving from the window.
"But it's raining!"
A slow smile curled his lips as he lifted a hand to touch the rain-spattered glass, "So it is…"
Both Leon and Cloud managed to ignore her cries of protest… But eventually, she made herself scarce, flailing as she ran down the streets, to find her way to Merlin's and no doubt, assault Cid. A soft sound of the bed sighing as Leon took his weight from it, and the gentle slaps of his bare feet as he made his way towards Cloud. Leon needed no invitation as he wound his arms around Cloud's waist, setting his chin on his lovers pale shoulder,
"Why didn't you get burned?" He questioned lightly, nuzzling into his neck.
Cloud gave something that sounded like laughter to Leon, and a grunt to everyone else, "I stayed in the shade. You're the idiot who was in the sun all day."
Leon frowned, "I was working."
"You were plating flowers. Hardly working, if you ask me."
Leon glared a little and nipped sharply at Cloud's neck, making the blond man gasp, "I didn't ask you. Besides, Aerith asked me to. The castle needs more life to it, she says."
Cloud, who was still glowering from the nip to his neck, nodded once, "It doesn't really need anymore life… She puts it there wherever she goes."
Leon and Cloud had a moment of total agreement. Aerith was the brightest person either of them knew, and she was very easy to talk to. She was the problem solver…She even got Cloud to be, sort of, civil to Sephiroth, who had made himself known after Hallow Bastion had been renamed. The silver haired, dark angel seemed to get along with most everyone…Save for Yuffie…but only Sora got along with Yuffie. Sora got along with everyone.
Leon gave a frown, "I miss him."
Cloud lowered a hand to slid along Leon's that were still clasped around his waist, "Who, lover?"
"Sora…" Leon said softly, sighing gently. Cloud gave a smile,
"I miss him, too. I wonder if he ever found Riku?"
"It seems likely… I guess we'll never know...Hmm?"
Cloud gave Leon's hand a small squeeze, "Positive, lover, positive."
Leon laughed. It was a bright, surprised sound that filled the dim room with mirth to rival Aerith's. But it was gone as quickly as it had came, "This coming from the worlds biggest pessimist."
Cloud chuckled, "Sephiroth is the worlds biggest pessimist. I just had a good teacher."
A bolt of lightening split the sky…And something was amiss. This energy was different somehow...It had an odd feel to it, Cloud could tell. He squinted through the rain that had gotten heavier and saw…Something peculiar.
"Why don't you go see him?" Leon asked.
"Look." Cloud pointed at the window to a figure that seemed to be sailing towards the ground at an incredible speed. Leon eyes' grew wide and he pulled away from his lover with a kiss to his cheek, pulling on a white shirt and buttoning his leather pants. Cloud took longer to dress, changing from his night pants to the navy blue pants he always wore. He pulled his pleatedvest over his head and left the zipper in the middle of his chest, as far as it could go. He didn't bother with his shoulder armor, but he did grab his sheath and his giant sword before he even put on his boots.
The brunette looked back from the door, "What?"
Cloud held the gunblade by its blade, his hands protected by thick leather gloves. Leon had the grace to look abashed as he took the sword by the handle and grabbed his sheath, placing it as his side,
"Why are you so excited?" Cloud asked, bemused with his lover's actions.
"Nothing has happened here since Sora left…I'm getting bored."
Cloud sighed, "If I felt the energy shift, Sephiroth will have, too. He'll beat us there."
"So? Let's go." And into the storm they went.
We were on the beach again, and it was about to storm… but I really didn't care. With Sora tucked under my arm…Who would? Darkness fell around us in a gentle wash that left my skin cool… And my libido cooler. Sex on the beach wasn't just a strong drink. Gentle fingers still traced over my chest in abstract patterns, touching over a bite mark below my left nipple. My breath left me in a hiss, and I felt myself arching up to meet those teasing fingers. I swear to everything holy that Sora giggled as he leaned over my chest, to lick the spot he had bitten not fifteen minutes ago.
I gave a throaty chuckle, "Want a round three?"
Sora shied away from my chest and buried his face into my shoulder, "No! I'm too sore… I don't think I can move, you big bully!"
I laughed and kissed his head, "You asked for it."
He glanced up at me, and blinked, "So I did." He leaned in for a kiss, and I granted him that kiss. It was gentle, a sign of affection, and a sign of our love… He pulled back first, and the look in his eyes was dreamy and dazed. I felt the same, but hey…At least I didn't look so silly. Sora looked up at the night sky and squinted,
"Was that…a shooting star?"
"With this overcast? You're crazy!"
"No! I saw it…I really did."
I laughed and kissed his cheek. I wasn't going to argue with him, "Make a wish, baby."
'I want to see them again. I want him to see them.' Sora smiled softly.
"What was your wish?"
"I can't tell you. It defeats the entire purpose." He teased me lightly. So I sulked,
"Oh…Fine… Hey, the storm is getting pretty bad. Think we should go inside? Where it's warm, and safe?"
I looked to Sora… And he looked like he was dozing off. I was glad he put his pants back on. He seemed to love the black ones I had given him. I was back in my favorite khakis.
"Sora?" I shook him softly...And I got no response. It worried me. The second I tried to move, I felt sluggish...Like all I wanted to do was sleep. I hadn't felt like this before, and this, too, worried me. I think that, before I passed out… My last thought was 'Don't let him die.'
-!-End Riku-!-
"It was a shooting star." Cloud wasn't a believer of miracles or phenomena's, and a shooting star was the only explanation that he could give himself.
"It's too cloudy to see a shooting star, Choco. Get your eyes checked." Sephiroth deadpanned, standing in the spot that he thought he saw the figure crash at. The rain was pouring down, and the wind was roaring… But the silver haired man took great pleasure in watching how the chocobo's lover moved through the rain, with that shirt clinging to every crevice of every muscle.
"Call me 'choco' or 'chocobo' one more time, and I'll kill you."
"You've tried."
"I know I have."
"I am impervious to your threats, Choco."
Cloud glared, "Fine then… Then at least, stop staring at my lover."
"I need someone to look at… You bore me, now. Besides, he's wet and looks good enough to eat."
"I don't bore you, that's a lie. You're jealous…" An evil glint slid into Cloud's eyes, "Sephy-kun."
Anyone else would have thought Sephiroth stayed perfectly still…But to Cloud, he jumped as if he had been shot, "Never…Say…That…again…"
"No problem, Sephy-kun."
Sephiroth growled, and unsheathed Masamune, obviously preparing to split Cloud in twine.
"Will you two stop acting like children! Shut up, and for once, work together." Leon spat acidly, his sword held in front of him, ready to defend himself against anything that might come up. Cloud blinked and lowered his head, mumbling an apology. He had never really seen Leon angry… Hell, he had never heard him raise his voice. Sephiroth chuckled at Cloud's actions as he brushed past the blond, moving towards Leon with confidence.
Without looking, the brunette pointed his gunblade behind him and fired one shot at the silver haired mans feet. Sephiroth froze, now realizing that the kitten had claws, "Don't come near me. Take the west side of town. Cloud and I will take the east. Whatever it was, it landed close by." And with that, Leon motioned for Cloud and began to move through the rain as if it never bothered him. Cloud walked after him, giving Sephiroth a glare. The silver haired man sighed and ran a hand through his rain soaked locks, shaking his wing slightly, not that it would have done him any good.
So Sephiroth set off towards the west, and it didn't take him very long to find what he was looking for. A crumpled mass of pale, pale flesh rolled to one side. Sephiroth lifted a brow as he knelt, taking the form by its shoulder and rolling it to its back.
"He could pass for my son, or brother." Sephiroth mused lightly. He checked the male over for any wounds, made sure his pulse was steady and strong. If he had a flashlight, he would have checked his pupils for a concussion. Satisfied with the boy's health, Sephiroth lifted him easily into his arms. He was heavier than he looked, but he managed. He carried him like a child, gingerly...As if he were afraid to hurt him.
"I should take him to Merlin's…Aerith will be able to help."
Sephiroth would have flown if, one it hadn't been raining and two, if the boy in his arms was a little lighter. But he didn't really want to risk his cargo. He moved silently through the rain, glancing down, every so often, at the boy he held in his arms. He was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Sephiroth didn't know many allies that had silver hair…Most of, that he knew, were enemies, himself included. Though, he wasn't an enemy anymore. But…Enemy or not, Sephiroth wanted the sleeping boy in his arms, and he would have him. Who could resist Sephiroth? Hmm…
That one guy.
Okay, so there were three so far. If Sephiroth was lucky… No more would be added to his list. He brushed these thoughts off and most likely the look of wonderment on his face as well, as he pushed open the door to Merlin's.
"Look what the cat drug in." This from Cid, who didn't even look from his spot on the bed, stretched out and dozing. Sephiroth did not even flinch, but set the unconscious form of the boy against the wall and pulled his trench coat from his body, revealing his mostly bare chest, only his vest covering some his flesh…but it didn't really do that.
"Leon and Cloud are still looking, but I doubt they'll find anything. To my knowledge, this is the only one that fell from the sky." He said lightly as he set his coat over a chair by the fire to dry and began taking off his boots and wringing out his hair. Aerith stood, and gave Sephiroth a warm smile,
"Thank you." She said, soft-spoken as always. She moved towards the boy and knelt beside him, her hands glowing green from a simple Cure spell. She pressed her hands to his chest, and the boy groaned slightly, but did not wake up, "He should wake in a few hours. Please stay by him. I need to find Cloud." She didn't even bother to but on a coat as she walked out of the house.
"Thank the Ancient's she's asleep." Said Sephiroth dryly as he glanced to Yuffie.
"A small blessin'." Cid responded uninterestedly. Sephiroth rolled his eyes and moved to sit beside the boy, pulling his head into his lap. He removed his gloves before he began to idly touch the other's silver hair, marveling in the feel of it against his palm. Oh, yes. Sephiroth wanted this one. And what Sephiroth wanted, he seldom was denied.
"Leon!" Cloud's voice rose above the wind as he knelt beside the form of Sora. The boy's skin held a healthy tan, but he was cold to the touch, because of the storm. It hadn't taken them very long to find him. They hadn't really known what they were looking for, but it wasn't every day you saw a half-naked body leaned against a building in Radiant Gardens.
"Sweet Ancient's…" Leon mumbled as he dropped beside Cloud, glancing worriedly at his lover before he pulled Sora into his arms, "Where should we take him?"
"Our place. I don't trust Sephiroth. When he's conscious, we'll take him to Merlin's."
"Agreed." Leon lifted him, holding him to his chest, on hand pressing his head close to his body, the other supporting his weight. Cloud gave Leon a very loving smile as he walked close to Leon, and Leon caught that smile, returning it. Both of them were fairly private, and very cold to most everyone else. But to each other and Sora…They were normal, loving people. Cloud leaned over to press a kiss to his lover's cheek, and place his fingers at Sora's throat,
"His pulse is strong… How the hell did he get here?"
"A shooting star." Leon said simply, "Do you think there could be others?"
Cloud shrugged, "If so, Sephiroth will find them, and take them to Merlin's. We need to find Aerith."
Leon gave a small sound, "After he's warm."
Cloud laughed a little, "Alright, after he's warm."
They were both silent as the neared Cloud and Leon's house. Already they could hear the wood creaking.
"Do you…think he'll stay this time?" Leon asked as he stood at the door, waiting for it to be opened. Cloud just gave a shrug as he opened the door, motioning for Leon to go first, "Don't be so indifferent, Cloud. You love this kid just as much as I do."
"Hello, Aerith. We were going to come see you, but…Well, you found us first." Cloud said without casting a glance to his lover. The young woman gave a secret smile to both of them before she moved to Leon, looking at the boy in his arms,
"Oh, my…He's grown so much…" She touched Sora's hair gently, "Put him on the bed. Sephiroth came back with on. He has silver hair and he looks around Sora's age."
Leon did as he was told, "Do you think they know each other?"
She nodded, "It is very possible. You only saw one flash of light, right Cloud?"
The blond nodded, "That's right. When he wakes up, we'll bring him to Merlin's." He was quiet for a moment, "He…Will wake up… won't he?"
Aerith laughed softly as she cast her Cure spell, "Of course he will be."
"Thank the Ancients." This, from Leon as he fell into a chair near the fireplace, extending his legs out in front of him to get comfortable.
Aerith giggled softly as she moved away from Sora, pulling the covers over his still form, "No need to thank me." And with that, she was gone, back out into the storm to tend to the other boy.
Cloud rolled his eyes as he began to strip down, "She is so weird sometimes."
Leon gave a chortle as he, too, began to strip, setting his cloths in front of the fireplace, "I'm too tired for a shower, and the bed is taken…"
Cloud cast a glance to Leon as he changed his boxers, moving to the slightly taller brunette, placing his arms around his shoulders. He leaned in; placing his lips near Leon's, "It won't be the first time three of us shared a bed." He gave his lover a quick kiss and lead him to the bed.
They slid beneath the covers, one on either side of Sora, curling around him. Leon's hand managed to find Cloud's, and they held Sora, and each other through the night. Sora was in for a surprise when he woke up.
Yea! Okay, if you were confused:
'Sephiroth didn't know many allies that had silver hair…Most of, that he knew, were enemies, himself included'—Is it just me, or does Square enjoy making their bad guys silvery and hot? –shrugs- I though I'd add that.
'Thank the ancients.' – If you're a fan of FFVII, you'll know why Aerith said 'No need to thank me.'
Yay! First chapter of my long awaited Sequel!…Okay, not long awaited… But …You know… it's here! I couldn't think of a better title, and thoughts for Chapter two are already brewing! Stay tuned!