Sasuke Hears Something Part 5

Here's chapter 5!! Sorry for the late update… School's been killing me so I had like no time for writing. Plus I sorta had writer's block. Anyways, hope you like this chapter! There's a little Naru-Hina in this chapter, plus a bit of 'Sasuke realizing that he's a cold bastard and Sakura cares so much about him sort of thing' lol. (Oh, and check out my new story "The Most Important Thing") : )

It was in the middle of the afternoon. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were doing their training, when Sakura's cell phone rang. She picked it up and answered.

"Hello? Oh Kiba-kun!" Sasuke looked down from the tree branch he was perched on.

What's the dog-boy doing calling her? Sasuke frowned in annoyance.

"Uh huh… really! Can I come over? Right now? Are you sure? I might wanna stay for a while…" Sakura then giggled. "I just can't resist!"

Sasuke fell out of the tree.

Sakura said goodbye to Kiba, and hung up her phone. She then noticed Sasuke lying on the ground. "Sasuke? Are you alright?" Sakura went over to time and leaned down over his flushed face.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No. I'm fine." Sasuke replied shortly.

Sakura looked hurt. "Sasuke… is everything alright? Did… I do something to offend you?"

"You're… always annoying." Sasuke spat out. Sakura gasped. Tears glimmered in her emerald eyes. She looked reproachfully at him. Sasuke mentally winced. He'd hurt her… again.

Jeez you're such a bastard, you know?

That… didn't come out right.

Sakura stared at him for a few more moments, then turned and called to Naruto and said "I'm… going to Kiba-kun's house… See you tomorrow Naruto. Sasuke."

Then she turned, wiped her eyes, and then ran away. Naruto turned to Sasuke.

"Sasuke… why do always hurt Sakura-chan? You know how much she cares about you…" Sasuke sighed.

"I know."

"You'd better go and apologize."

"Hn…" Sasuke turned and raised his hand in farewell, and started running after he was sure that he was out of Naruto's sight.

Naruto sighed. Then smiled sadly. He looked up into the sky. Then his stomach grumbled. "RAMEN TIME!!!!!" he shouted with glee, and rushed to the ramen stand. There he met with a shy, shuttering Hinata who offered to buy him ramen. He of course happily excepted to her delight, and while Naruto ate, he proceeded to tell Hinata about his life long dream to become the Hokage. She, blushing, listened in rapture to his long enthusiastic speech of how he was going to run Kohona.(Ramen stands on every block, emergency ramen packs for long missions, that kind of thing).

Sasuke was pumping chakra in his feet to run faster, but all of a sudden he felt weak. He stopped and knelt down to catch his breath.

Damn… I used up most of my chakra during training…

He got back up and started to walk slowly towards the dog boy's house. When he got to his home, he knocked on the front door. He got into those earlier messes from hiding and trying to be stealthy but this time, he'd take the simple, direct route.

Sasuke frowned. Nobody was answering.

Did they go on a DATE or something??!

He knocked again.

Still no answer.

He was about to turn around and go home, when he heard something… a giggle. Sakura's giggle to be exact. He knew it was her since he was often at the hearing end of her endless, and to be quite honest, CUTE, giggles.

Man… what's wrong with me lately??

Inner Sasuke was for once, silent. Sasuke will have to get over his dunce-ness (lol I dunno if that's even a word) all by himself.

He followed the sound of Sakura's laughter. It was coming from Kiba's backyard.

Now, you'd think that he'd be able to spot Sakura, see what she's doing, and end of story. No sounds or conversation being interpreted in a perverted way. But then that would be boring, wouldn't it? So, the problem was, first of all there was a fence circling Kiba's huge backyard. Now, what to do? Pretty simple, right?

Okay, so Plan A: Sasuke activates his sharingan, and is able to see right through the fence.

Failure. Unable to, due to lack of chakra.

Alright then, so we move on to Plan B: make a hole on the fence and peek in.

It is failure, yet again. See, his fence is made of a special impermeable material, AND it's protected by a force-field.

Plan C: climb a tree and look over the fence!

Failure yet again. Kiba's fence is ENOURMOUSLY tall, because of the huge dogs that he raises. Don't want them to escape, do we? Oh yes, and there are no trees in range of his house. So scratch that plan.

So, this leaves only one option.


Only aided with his hearing, he must listen as closely as possible and try to make sure that Sakura and Kiba are not doing anything… um… rated R, let's just say.

Sasuke hears Sakura giggle again. Here's what he hears:

Sakura (playfully): "Kiba-kun! You've kept me waiting for so long!"

Sasuke could just see her do her cute little pout.

Dog-boy (gruffly): "Well, you really wore him down the last time you came."

Sasuke snorted. Talking about it as if it were a person. He rolled his eyes.

Sakura: "Hehe, sorry about that. When I see him I just feel like jumping on him and squeezing him!"

Sasuke: wtf!!

Dog-boy: "Heh. Just be a bit more gentle this time, okay? He's very… sensitive."

Sakura: "Alright Kiba-kun! Don't worry. Can I pet him now?"

Sasuke's eyes went as wide as saucers.

Dog-boy: "Of course."

Sasuke heard some whimpers. His jaw dropped and he blushed profusely.

Dog-boy: "I think he likes you."

Sakura: "You think so? I'm glad! Hehe, I think he's gotten bigger than last time!"

Sasuke scoffed. Dude, mine's bigger than his'll ever be- wait. I can't just be thinking of myself. What the hell is Sakura thinking she's doing?? I never knew she was like this… All the other times were mistakes, but this sounds bad…

Sakura: "It's trying to get away from me!"

Dog-boy: "Just hold it firmly… There. Okay, I think that's enough. He's pretty exhausted."

Sakura: "That was fun! Hmm… maybe I should get one for myself!"


Sakura: "Sasuke-kun????!"

A few seconds later, both Sakura and Kiba were outside his backyard and found a very pissed off Sasuke.

Sasuke quickly strode to Sakura and grabbed both her shoulders and demanded "Sakura. What were you doing in there."

Sakura looked confused. "Umm… I was just playing with Kiba-kun's new puppy."

Sasuke's mouth opened. Then he just started laughing.

Both Sakura and Kiba looked at him in amazement slash confusion. Then they looked at each other and gave each other an "I don't know what the hell's wrong with him" look.

Sasuke gasped and tried to catch his breath, and then he quickly regained his composure.

He then turned and started to walk away. Then he cleared his throat slightly.

"Sakura, let's go."

Well, she wasn't going to argue, so after a quick goodbye to Kiba, she ran to catch up with Sasuke.

The two of them walked in silence for a while, both of them deep in thought. Then surprisingly, Sasuke broke the silence.

"Er…Sakura?" he said nervously.

"Yes Sasuke-kun?"

"About earlier…when we were training…"

Sakura tilted her head slightly and looked at him.

He stole a glance at her and in that moment it was the first time he actually saw her. She was actually really pretty, and her forehead didn't even seem that big.

She noticed him studying her, and she blushed.



"I'm sorry."

Author's note: Kay, so this chapter ended on a slightly fluffy note, please tell me what you thought about this chapter! Please review!