Author's Notes:

This was something I started on a whim andended up having a ton of fun with. I said to myself:

"Screw proper characterization and realism! I wanna satiate the hunger of my inner yaoi fangirl dammnit!"

Is this a shameless PWP? Well the term stands for: Plot? What Plot? so YES IT IS!

Granted it's mostly used to describe a story or drabble that is nothing but lemony goodness but this particular fruit of mine is more like lemonade because there are other ingredients added to this particular concoction besides the obvious. Again, it has no real plot to speak of. This is just fun for me and you.

So with the knowledge that KH isn't mine but really belongs to ALL fans, enjoy...

Sora couldn't take another moment of this torture, his arms ached and he was certain that if this torment continued he would eventually give in to the blazing inferno. Then again, the heat might drive him mad before he burned to death, and looking down he realized that after all he had been through in his life the jump didn't seem so high...

"Hey! You lazy bum, get up! Break's over!"


"Don't just sit there looking like an idiot. You've been daydreaming for the past twenty minutes while I've been doing all the work!"

Riku's irritated voice cut through Sora's heat induced delusions like a cold shower. The sun shone brightly down on Destiny Islands this summer and the water glittered like precious jewels, unfortunately from their position on the shack roof neither boy could benefit from the sinfully cool sea breeze that the rest of the island enjoyed.

"I was NOT sitting there like an idiot, I was-I was ... contemplating existence!"

He stood from his cross-legged position, watching the girls swimming enviously, they had no idea how good they had it.

Riku snorted. "Sure you were. More like you were contemplating the girls in their bathing suits you lech. Besides I'm the one who contemplates, you're the one who runs around oblivious to the world around you."

"I was-do NOT!... I'm not oblivious you jerk and I was not staring at the girls suits."

He stood, blushing furiously.

"No, just their bodies in the suits. It's all right I believe you ... pervert." He ducked the wood panel that came flying through the air in the direction of his face, a yelp of pain confirmed that Wakka was not so lucky.

Sora growled, then sighed miserably.

"Aren't we finished yet?" He whined to the older boy with silver hair and ethereal green eyes. They have been friends for almost ever and without the perfect tan he sported Sora thought he would have made a great undead fiend, maybe a pasty vampire, and told him so, after pouting quite prettily in hopes of less work.

Riku's response was to put one hand on his hip and toss a hammer up and down in the other while casually mentioning how inviting a target the other boys' big, spiky head was and how close he was to the edge ... of the roof that is.

"Point taken but then who would get you the patch wood you need to fix said roof and cut the panels old man?" Sora pointed out grinning, eyes shinning guilelessly. The older boy, by a year, calculated the likelihood of the hammer nailing his buddy in one of those huge sky blue eyes. The odds were looking pretty good.


Sora stood and stretched, popping a few joints pleasantly.

"How much more do we gotta do I'm melting up here!" He complained.

Not that he wasn't used to hard work or anything, it's just that it was the height of summer in the tropics. He was hot, thirsty, and nearly blinded by the glare of the sun. He could be playing blitzball with Wakka instead of fixing the roof of a building nobody uses!

Being the man of mystery he was his feelings were, of course, written across his face for all the world to see and they were just as easy to read, especially for his closest friend.

"Well if you had just gone barefoot like I suggested for that island wide race instead of wearing those monstrous yellow boots then maybe you wouldn't have gotten stuck dangling from Tidus' storage shack's ceiling." Riku pointed out helpfully, wiping the sweat from his face then tightening the blue bandana that kept the hair out of his eyes.

"I'm going to need more nails and we're running out of wood panels see if there are anymore inside, if not we'll go to the cove and get ourselves one of the coconut trees." He spoke without hesitation, very matter of factly.

Sora looked at him as if he'd grown another head.

"Has the heat driven you stupid or something? We already covered the hole up and cutting down a whole nother tree to make more panels not to mention going to Pyore island to buy more nails ... it'll take all day AND some of tomorrow! Do we really have to do more? "

He waved his arms wildly about to emphasize his displeasure at this new turn of events.

"Yes," the silver haired boy answered looking critically at his handy work."to the second question any way but don't exaggerate it'll only take the rest of today besides, this patch won't hold for long and now that I've taken a closer look there are quite a few weak spots here and on the pier too, didn't you notice it when we came up? "

"Well, yeah! ... sorta." He scratched his head. "but why do we have to fix them now?"

"Because we've already started so we might as well finish. Do you want to work on it during Wakka's party this weekend? Or maybe after Selphi or Kairi falls through the dock?" Riku snapped. "And if worse comes to worse we'll just spend the night here tonight and leave in the morning."

They'd been at this all day already and he would have to catch up on his chores at home tomorrow as it is. Riku got a crafty look on his face and catchinghis friends expression Sora recognized it instantly. He's seen it often enough usually before some mischief was planned or a challenge was made. He never could resist a challenge or the chance to make some honest trouble.

"Unless it's a bit more than you can handle? After all we've been working all afternoon so I'll understand if you're too tired... sonny."

"I'm not tired! Just make sure YOU can keep up with MY pace blondie and anyway you do have a point." His partner agreed. "But, I want to switch off every so often. You cut this time while I hammer down the panels."

Riku thought about it. "Ok, then let's get started." He turned to the guys wrestling down on the beach. "Hey Tidus! Could you tell our parents Sora and me are going to be staying here tonight to finish our work!"

"No problem man and thanks for fixin up the woodwork you guys, me an Wakka'll take on the next project!" He called up, voice cracking slightly before settling to a smoother tone.

"I'll hold you to it." The silver blond laughed before turning back to Sora, from below they heard Wakka railing at an oblivious Tidus who had just unknowingly committed them to combing all of the beaches around the island clean of drift wood, shells, rocks, etc... and picking up the rotting/rotted greenery. The distinct sound of a blitzball meeting flesh echoed up to the roof along with a wail of pain. By the various threats and curses hurled between the two boys you could tell they were, obviously, the best of friends... after all you don't threaten to disembowel someone with a fishing hook unless you truly cared.

Meanwhile spike boy was clutching his sides and rolling.

Riku smirked.

Poor saps.

Meanwhile, after finally finishing the roof Sora came to the unhappy conclusion that it was time to get more wood glue and nails. He gave one last longing look at his friends, the girls who were pointing at himself and Riku and giggling madly, and the guys who were so focused on the ball and how to hit each other with it that the island could be sinking and they'd only wonder at the sudden the lack of beach.

Sighing he followed the older boy to the cove.

Eventually they found the perfect tree, it wasn't too young or too dry and most importantly it wasn't too large and would be easy to transport once they were done. Sora set the burlap bag he grabbed from the shack earlier down and began to climb.

"Ready when you are shorty!" Riku called up.

Sora leaned down long enough to stick his tongue out at his buddy before lobbing coconuts at the shiny silver target below who, of course, caught them expertly and set them in a pile some distance away before coming back to catch the next batch. Just when his victim thought they were finished a smaller one knocked him square upside the head.

"Dammit Sora!"

"Oops sorry, thought you could catch that one!" He sniggered with maniacal glee.

"Catch this!" Riku hurled a huge coconut into the air, catching the pointy haired devil right in the gut and sending him tumbling out of the tree and crashing almost head first into the sand.

"OOMPH! ... oooooooowwwww ... my head ..."

"You alright?" The silver devil asked, sounding more than a little pleased with himself.

"... No ..." Sora gasped out, winded.

"Oh good! Let's get back to work shall we?" As he turned to walk away the younger boy took this opportunity to snap his foot out and send his friend flying face first into the sand.

Sora alternately choked and gasped for air as he laughed himself silly at the sight of his rival spitting sand and trying to stand up yell only to fall backwards on his backside.

"You -sputter- little -choke- I'll -spit- just you -hack- wait."

"Two to one, getting slow already old man?"

"I'll show you old you brat." Riku stood wiping his mouth on his forearm then offered a hand, looking toward the general direction of the sun.

"Later, for now let's hurry up and get this done."

"Yeah ok, besides I'm kinda hungry."

Sora took the proffered hand and reached for one side of the two man saw, the green eyed boy grasped the other. As with every task they took on together it soon became a challenge and with just a few powerful, almost vicious strokes the tree came toppling down precariously close to Sora's feet.

"Careful there, not that your feet can get any bigger though right?"

"Well at least I know they'll never be as big as your head."

"Ouch. I'm hurt."

"Shut up and start stripping."

Riku raised an eyebrow. "Is that an invitation?"

"The tree bark, I meant start stripping the TREE BARK." Sora emphasized wildly.

"I know what you meant." Teasing him was an enjoyable past-time for Riku, he turned so many interesting shades of purple and was currently magenta. The older boy recalled Kairi having a dress that color before they burned it in a bonfire last week, down to the last overblown bow and gaudy ribbon.

"Lecherous old man, and you call me a pervert." He muttered rubbing the back of his head and avoiding the mischievous gleam in the older boy's eyes.

"Only for your reaction my boy." The gleam in his eyes became downright evil.

"So, which do you prefer? Uke or Seme?"

"Huh?" Sora gaped at him.

Various heated images suddenly raced through his head due to an already over-active teenage imagination and severe lack of masturbation.

Him naked.

Riku naked.

Him lying in bed naked .

Him lying in bed with Riku naked...

Fingers snapped in front of his face.

"Hey! Snap out of it we got work to finish. Do you want to get the bottom while I get the top or not? I can just shape the tip while you get nailed. That sound good?"

Riku looked at him expectantly with a vaguely sinister smirk.

Two things suddenly occurred to Sora.One was that he might be suffering from sun stroke after all because these hallucinations were freaking him out. There was no way Riku could be implying what Sora's frazzled brain thinks he's saying. He was talking about nails. NAILS! The second thing was that wearing a large red jumpsuit had it's upsides after all, partially for comfort and partially to disguise a very embarrassing side-effect of puberty.

'I really AM a pervert!' He thought, slightly hysterical.

"Uh yeah, that's great why don't we just do that." Taking a deep breath he tried to concentrate on relaxing his tense muscles and focus on reality, completely missing his counterpart's desperate attempts to stifle his amusement.

Spike here had no idea just how transparent his face was.

"Look, why don't you start making your way to Pyore before it gets too late and I'll start stripping ... the tree."

Missing (ignoring) the pause completely, there was no pause, no pause what so ever. Sora agreed and made a mad dash for the dock, kicking up clouds of sand behind him.

Riku chuckled and went to work.

Throughout his trip to Pyore Sora tried to rationalize why he reacted the way he did over his best friends ribbing and an hour and a half later on his way to the dock from the markethe was still utterly clueless. One minute they were lobbing coconuts the next he was imagininghis best friend naked, not that it was that difficult mind you they'd gone skinny dipping often enough together for him to know that Riku's skin tight shirts didn't do him justiceneither didthose pants...

His breath hitched at THAT particular thought before the sound of scattering nails brought him to his senses.

"Darnnit!" Muttering under his breath he bent to retrieve them while passerby gave him tolerant looks full of knowing mirth.

"So young but already getting a little foggy upstairs if you know what I mean." An older womanyelled to someone who was obviously her husband and that sat not inches away from her ona swing seat they shared on a porch across the cobbled street.

"Now now you remember what it's like when you're that young dear, all flustered and shy like a little guppy peeking out from the coral. Trust me, once he's tasted the right meat he'll turn into a right sharp toothed little piranha! Won't ya boy?" The older man guffawed loudly causing the nearby gulls to squall their protests at such offending noise.

"Don't be vulgar." His companion reprimanded gently before calling to Sora.

"Just kiss the girl honey and everything else will work itself out." She smiled knowingly.

This of course did nothing to improve Sora's hand-eye coordination or the color flooding his cheeks. Him? Kiss ... Riku? It boggled the mind! He's only kissed once and that didn't count because he and Kairi were ten! And, and it was a GUY! His best friend!

Sora pictured it in his mind, feeling awkward. Then, he thought about how it would feel...

His groin tightened. Time to go.

Racing to his dingy he paddled his way back to Destiny island, biting his lower lip in hopes the slight pain would bring him to his senses. It didn't, he started imagining it was Riku's teeth on his lip, chewing it, licking it ... sucking it.

He cursed and doubled his paddling speed.

By the time Sora set foot on sand he was sweaty, tired, and more relaxed, physically anyway, then before. He was even smiling as he waved to the still frolicking half naked female population of the beach, namely Selphi and Kairi.

"How's the water?" He called.

"Perfect, you guys should come in too and get out of that hot sun!" Kairi shouted back up toward shore. Male shouts and the sound of splashing reached Sora's ears. As he squinted through the glare from the water he could see that Wakka and Tidus had decided drowning each other would be easier than death by blitzball, and less obvious too...

"Sorry, I wish I could but I can't run off and not do my share of the work, it wouldn't be fair and he'd kill me if I did."

"I agree, he's vicious. Remember when you used our nail polish to paint designs on his pants?" Selphi giggled, lazily floating in wide circles.

"How could I forget." Sora rolled his eyes. "He dyed my hair blue! It took weeks to come out!"

"You were shrieking like a banshee. You chased him down and went through four islands before you finally caught him." Kairi snickered.

"Didn't he finally collapse because he couldn't stop laughing?" Selphi laughed in rememberance, nearly sinking herself.

"I would of pounded him too if I hadn't started laughing too. We weregrounded for a week after that." He ran his hands through his hair sheepishly.

"Look, I better get started that way maybe we can hang before you guys have to go."

"Ok, good luck and take care!." The girls waved.

As he made his way back to the cove he heard the sound of a saw cutting through wood, meaning Riku had begun shaping the panels.

Turning the corner Sora stopped dead in his tracks and came to the realization that having to work all day on one of the hottest days of the season didn't bother him as much as seeing the older boy working without a shirt. Especially while suffering from intense hormonal frustration due to a severe lack of, to put it delicately, long denied release and suppressed longing.

The phrase, smacked in the back of the head with a board didn't begin to cover it.

Tostart with it wasn't painful in a concussionary way, quite the opposite in fact, and there was little bleeding except from the lip being ripped into by his teeth, but the seeing stars and resulting brain damage was the same.

Sora had a nice side view of Riku leaning over the tree stump working on the wood with precise, rhythmic motions. The sun beating down on his back and the stacks piled next to him explained the sweat glistening on his tanned skin.


That's not supposed to happen in real life!

When people sweat they look dirty and smell bad not ... glisten.

The older boy's body was sharply contoured but not thin or gawky. Muscles bunched smoothly under his skin in a slow steady rhythm that followed the pace of delicate pants issuing from his all too succulent lips. Sora looked away almost wildly and wondered what the hell happened to him in the past couple of hours. One minute he's suffering the misfortune of having to work in hundred something degree weather and the next he's thinking about the best MALE friend he has and grew up with in terms that SO just went above and beyond adolescent curiosity it was out of this world, universe even.

He licked the blood welling from his abused bottom lip, suddenly wanting to knead those muscles and drape himself over Riku's back and squeeze his tight behind.

At that point Sora's train of thought should have wreaked due to the overload of so many conflicting emotions leaving behind the remains of sensless destruction, not speed up to death defying speeds.

'I wonder how he'd taste?'

The good news is the fun isn't over. The bad news is you have to wait for the next update for more.

I warn you now that it may take me some time to update but on the bright side I have no intention of abandoning this pet project of mine. I had said that this was fun for me to write and I wanna do more but there is one other small problem for me to address...


So here's the deal, REVIEW and tell me what you think, anything you think. Tell me what you think would happen, what you'd want to happen. A plot of sorts may sneak up later on but for now it's pure pleasure for me.
