Here it is. Chapter 5. Hope you like it.
I have no connection to Smallville what so ever. It is owned by either the WB or ABC Family. (In which case it is owned by Disney)
Kent's house (Same time as chapter 4)
"Hey G-ma, can I talk to you in private? Asked Sky?
"Sure Laura, what's up?" Martha asked wondering what could make this day weirder.
"Who is that man holding Eden and were is G-pa? Is he in 'tropolis still? And Amy? Where is she, we were going to the movies. And Zendie and Scrubs my puppies that live here with you?
"O the puppies are umm not here. What do you mean that isn't your G-pa? Do you know his real name? And who is Amy?"
"What is with you all? First Mommy is acting all weird and so is Daddy but I thought that you for sure would remember me." Said Laura starting to cry. " G-pa's name is Lion Luthor and Amy is your daughter, my aunt! She is the best babysitter ever." Martha could only stare dumbly back at her. "Can we go see them?"
"Umm…" She was interrupted again by Clark.
"Hey Mom! We're back dad said you were upstairs, he yelled up, can you send Sky down. We have to go out for a bit."
"Sure hon.," She yelled back at Clark. "You heard your father get going." She said to Skylar.
"Okay buh-bye G-ma. Love you. Said Skylar as she ran down the stairs to her mother's arms. "Mommy!"
"O get down baby. Clark wait a minute, I think I am going to be sick."
"Are you okay? Do you want to stay here?" He asked even if she hadn't said anything he could
tell she wasn't well because she was looking so pale.
"No. No just give me a minute.
20 min. later
"Okay Smallville, Sky lets go."
Sky looked like she had been though this a lot but Clark still asked if she was alright.
"Yes I'm fine. Let's just get this over with."
There it is another chapter. Anyone who is a fan of abc's soaps could you tell ho "ZENDIE" and "SCRUBS" the puppies were? Zach and Kendal. And Patrick and Robin. My two fav. Soap romances. Review please!