Disclaimer: No, you're right – I don't own Harry Potter, so unfortunately I can't go writing around on statues that I've finished the book. Shame.

So You Want To Be A Death Eater?

Chapter 4 – Spell Casting

Well. Well! That was pretty abysmal, wasn't it?

My wrist, in fact, is throbbing from aiming Cruciatus Curses at you lot. –sigh– my talents is just wasted on all of you.

On the off chance that your wand waving may be a shade better than your singing (which, might I add was the most out of tune I've heard since the last hearing of Happy Birthday) I will attempt to teach you some spells.

First up, we will decide which one. Are we sitting comfortably? Alright, then I'll begin. First person to put their hand up…

"Malfoy! Oh well volunteered, the Imperius Curse, eh? Tricky, tricky… Now stand up and get yourself into twos – No Crabbe you may not pair with Goyle, we'll be parcelling his remains to his mother in one of Nott's silken handkerchiefs.

"All right, now the incantation we shall be shouting is Imperio and thinking about the action you wish to force your victim –cough– colleague to perform. Each pair shall have their turn, however only so I can see exactly who's having difficulties and… assist… Of course, it's nothing to do with putting you all under pressure and sneering at you individually. No, no, of course not.

"McNair, on three. One, two – Well, I say, Malfoy. You do make a fetching ferret, don't you?"

I don't quite think it's as amusing as the others, but after having a 6 month case of writer's block, I feel that I'm getting back into it.

Your views would be much appreciated.

x Imperial Princess x