A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in like…forever. I'm sure many of you have lost faith in me. That's completely understandable. I just want you to know that I did stop writing for a reason. I've had several very hard personal problems that I've had to deal with these past months. Again I apologize…please enjoy the new chapters.

The light haired boy turned, facing Neil, eyes closed. His dropped arm rose once again, revisiting its position on the blonde's shoulder.

" I'm sorry Neil"

Blue eyes grew wide as he tried to avoid his brown haired leaders hand. It was over quickly, only taking a few seconds before the pressure point on his neck had given way, along with his consciousness. Jay kept his fingers pressed to the blonde's collarbone area, lowering him to the ground gently. A sigh from behind him made him frown. Theresa walked to stand beside him. Her hand lifted to wipe tears from her chocolate orbs, looking at Jay, nodding.

" Right…for Neil"


" There…that didn't hurt nearly as much as you thought it would…now did it?"

A vacant stare was the only response that the smiling face of Cronus received.

The small girls body stood erect, soft stiff fabric wrapped around her body. A black tunic like garment stopping at mid thigh, long straight sleeves garbed her arms; a collar crept up her neck just below the bottom of her lips. The same crest, which rested so perfectly on her captives collar, shone brilliantly around her own, somehow looking much larger against her petite frame. A large smirk crept up the face of the black and grey haired man as he rested his hand upon his now docile hostage.

" My dear…you look beautiful"


The group of six had been walking for well over an hour now. Much conflict has risen about Jay's decision to leave Neil behind. They had hidden his body, lying quietly behind a large shadow of a rock, silent but somehow uneasy. The grimace of pain and wrinkle in his forehead from unspoken worry had not disappeared.

" This pathway never ends"

Tired feet and calve muscles seemed to override all of the six teenagers minds and common sense. The solid ground that had lay under their feet a short time before had been replaced with supple mush, giving way under any amount of weight. A jolt of panic rose to his throat suddenly as he whipped his head around.

" Herry!"

The soft muck had begun to give way under the heaviest of the group, dissolving into buttery liquid and engulfing his ankles, his knees, his torso, and bubbling as he choked for air, the muck rising to fill his mouth. The others screamed their comrade's name, desperately struggling to move, the same fate seemed to be in store for them as the dark bubbles rippled from were Herry had been, cresting into small waves and washing over the remaining group.


A throaty laugh cracked as Cronus watched his foes fall, engulfed in the black slime, flailing helplessly.

" It's beautiful isn't it my dear? Me…finally getting what I want…me…finally winning!"

He cackled again, eyes crinkling and morphing into red crescents.

" Yes sir"

A/N: I have such a good plot for this story…I'm so excited…eeeeee!.