Title: Bad Luck Isn't Contagious

Rating: This chapter is probably PG-13ish…due to some language and some sexual content.

Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I can't claim them (unfortunately for me). They all belong to hardworking people involved with the movie 'Bring it On.' I also do not own The Ramones, The Clash, or The Sex Pistols. They're just awesome bands. And, 'I Wanna Be Sedated' is not mine either. It's by The Ramones.

Feedback: Yes please, I really want to know what everyone thinks of this so far.

Summary: This will be a Torrance/Missy story eventually…Just give it some time, and the other characters of the movie will be in here too, of course.

Author's Notes: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, and who reviews this chapter. I really appreciate the feedback. This is the final chapter in this story, so you know, and it's also the point where I could make a corny joke about it being the end, and also just the beginning in several ways…but I'll spare you that.

There's a line in here where Torrance gets cut off, by herself, while talking, but her thought continues. The thought will be in italics and in bold. All time difference are marked by a straight line separating the story.

And, I had some comments about how I was making Torrance homophobic in this story, and I'd like to simply say that I didn't intend for her to be homophobic. Because, in my opinion homophobia is where you would be incredibly cruel and unjust or very scared of homosexual people, and I didn't mean for Torrance to appear like that. She's simply a girl who's scared of what everyone else would think if she was in love with a girl, and like so many people, whether they be straight or bisexual or gay, she's a bit scared of the prospect of falling in love. That's just my opinion, and that's what I meant to convey for her…Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy!

The blonde shifted from one foot to the other. "Look, I really like you." She really hated conversations like that, especially ones on the day before Nationals.

"But," the Pantone looked at her, waiting for the rest.

Torrance sighed, "But, I just want to be friends with you."

A simple rolling of the eyes. "Can't you think of a non-overused line?"

"Um," Torrance paused for a moment, hoping to think of something else. She might be saying that she couldn't be with the person, but she really would like to be friends, especially since she was going to date the sibling… "No," she admitted, suddenly slightly shy.

"At least you're honest." The Pantone shrugged and smiled a little bit. The smile was forced, but it was a decent effort anyway.

Torrance smiled back, relieved. "I'm trying to be. Honest, that is."

The Pantone had to know; had to ask the real question. "Why just friends?"

"Because there's someone else." Torrance should have seen this question coming. Either Pantone would have asked her this actually.

"Someone I know?" A quick smirk as a surveillance of Torrance's obvious discomfort became available. "Someone who lives in the same house as me?" The blonde girl nodded. "Go figure."

Torrance bit her lip, trying to judge the look on the Pantone's face. "Are you mad?"

"How can I be?" A shrug. "I can't help your sexual orientation."

"Actually," Torrance paused for a moment; it'd be easier if she didn't say the next part maybe. "I'm pretty sure that I'm bisexual." Easier, but not as honest, so she said it anyway.

"Okay," a grimace. That one hurt. The Pantone had tried and failed. "Well, I can't help who you fall in love with."

It was the night before Nationals, and the Toros were done practicing. Torrance and Missy were sharing a room in the hotel. They were talking to each other since the kiss, but they made sure to avoid all conversation about it. No words about feelings, about brothers, about each other. Then, Torrance cracked. "Thank God you're here this season Missy. I couldn't have done it alone. "

"Aw, tear." Missy rolled her eyes; her voice was full of sarcasm.

"No! I mean it." Torrance reached for Missy's hand, and they shared a smile.

Before any talk of feelings could happen, Missy heard the shouting coming from outside. Someone was still practicing outside, and it was really obnoxious. She stood up and walked over to the window and yelled back. "Shut up! If you don't have it now, you don't have it!" It broke any kind of moment there could have been.

A group of the cheerleaders, Jan and Missy and Torrance, were standing there together when Justin wandered up. "Hey babe," he greeted Missy. "You in a giving mood?" He flicked his tongue out at her in a way that he hoped was suggestive. He was nothing like his sister, because Missy wouldn't do what she did to Justin next to Torrance.

"Yeah, sure," she agreed as she flicked his head with her hand.

"Ow! Bitch," he grumbled, looking at her.

"I'll tell all of your friends that you were here," Torrance threatened, and Justin flicked her off, before stalking away in his 'Cheerleading Death' t-shirt. Missy chuckled.

"Told you that you should be glad that you didn't know my brother." But Jan was already fascinated by the lovely article of clothing that Justin had been wearing on his head, before Missy had snapped it off to smack the back of his head. Both girls rolled their eyes at Jan.

The day of Nationals went extremely quickly and so slowly at the same time. It took forever until they were able to perform, but then suddenly they seemed to be announcing the winner. Toros were second place. The Clovers had won. "Second place. How does it feel?" Missy turned to glance at Torrance, who was grinning.

"It feels like first!" And then the whole squad was cheering. They were cheering for themselves and the Clovers.

"You were better." Torrance admitted it to Isis who seemed to consider it.

"We were, weren't we?" Isis grinned, and Torrance grinned back. Truce.

"We won!" While Torrance walked over to Isis, Missy had turned around to talk to Les. She continued, "Almost!"

He chuckled, "Close enough!" And then she joined in the hugging of everyone on the squad, except a certain blonde who was talking to someone else.

"I have someone you should meet." Torrance smiled at Cliff. He had wandered down to congratulate his sister and friend.

"Whitney?" Cliff raised his eyebrows as the other cheerleader was brought over.

"You know her?" Both Cliff and Whitney gave her odd looks. "Right. She did practice at your house several time a week, didn't she?" Whitney rolled her eyes, already bored. If Torrance had a reason for bringing her over here, she better get to it.

"Whitney, tell Cliff the bands that you like."

"My favorites?" The blonde nodded. "The Clash, The Sex Pistols and The Ramones. Why?"

Cliff's mouth almost dropped open. "You like them?" Whitney looked defensive. Courtney refused to listen to that kind of music with her, plus she was usually hanging out with Jan lately anyway.

"Yeah, why?" Cliff never would have guessed Whitney to be the type of girl, the type of person, to listen to that kind of music…

Torrance smiled. Jack-pot. "What's your favorite song? Both of you." The good thing about friends was that they could set you up with other people who were better suited for you.

"I Wanna Be Sedated," both answered at the same time. It was a song by The Ramones. Huh.

"My point." Torrance smiled, and left the two to gawk at one another until their voices seemed to resurface. She noticed Missy standing over by herself.

"Look, my very own Spirit Stick." The brunette smiled, holding out the spirit stick before fake-dropping it. Torrance moved to pick it up, and Missy smirked, and then really dropped it. It clattered to the carpeted ground.

Torrance tried to shrug nonchalantly. "I don't believe in curses anymore."

Missy saw through it and chuckled before reaching down and scooping it back up. "Maybe I should pick it up just in case, huh?"

"Yeah," the blonde girl smiled back hesitantly.

"God, this is awkward." Missy uncrossed her arms and hugged Torrance. "Congratulations already!" The hug ended a few second later. "I think you were the only one on the team who I hadn't hugged yet."

"Congratulations!" Torrance echoed the brunette, but her mind was else-where. She still had to talk to the girl about what she had realized…Who she had realized that she wanted to be with. "Missy?"

"Yeah?" Missy bit her lip, unsure of what kind of talk she and Torrance were going to be having. "About bad luck…do you think it's contagious?"

"Why does it matter?" Missy's eyebrows scrunched together, puzzled. That wasn't the kind of talk that she was expecting. She was expecting a 'I want to be friends' or an 'I can be with you,' kind of speech. One of the two, though she was hoping for the latter, of course.

"Because, if it is…" then I'm going to catch it when I kiss you. But, the blonde didn't get to that part of the sentence. Instead, she smiled before bringing her lips to meet the brunette's. Missy smiled into the kiss, and the rest of the squad, the rest of the people there, didn't seem to matter for a few moments, and the kiss continued. Both girls happy for once.

People had mixed reactions as they noticed the kiss. A few people muttered that it was about time because they had suspected something between the two of them. Torrance's brother wondered how his sister ended up with such a hot girlfriend. He had hit on his sister's girlfriend…But Torrance and Missy missed their conversations, and Torrance's parents gawking at them. Missy agreed that it was about time, and Torrance, well, she was glad that she had finally seized the opportunity to be with someone she loved. Maybe it wasn't always like what Sparky had said. Not all cheerleaders were dancers who had gone retarded. Some of them grew minds, while the dance choreographers got to spend some time in jail.