Author's Note: Sorry it took me a while to update! I had SATs and I tried to study (didn't do a real good job at that)! I don't know I don't really like this fic I guess Ill see how this chapter does and see if I should write more or not! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Full Metal Alchemist! If I did Riza and Roy would be together:D

Playing House

It had been a week since they arrived and Riza hadn't done anything to Roy yet. Roy actually forgot about it. Bad idea. It was Saturday and raining Riza was getting ready to leave the house to go shopping.

"Colonel?" she called.

"Yes Hawkeye?" he yelled coming down the stairs.

"The others and I are going shopping, you are to watch Salem," she said as she pulled on her coat.

"What!" he almost tripped on the last step, "I don't know how to watch a kid, let alone by myself!"

"I'm sure you can do it sir," she pulled open the door, "Just make sure the house isn't a mess when we get back."


"Don't worry," she smiled, "But I heard Breda just gave him a whole box of chocolates," she waved then closed the door.

"What!" Breda gave the kid a whole box of chocolates? The kid is going to be bouncing off the walls! Well maybe he is one of those kids that chocolate doesn't affect him like that. Maybe.

"Salem?" he yelled upstairs. No reply. Suddenly he heard a crash in the living room.

When Roy got there he stopped dead in his tracks. The whole room was covered in chocolate and a broken lamp lay on the floor. But Salem was no where to be found. Suddenly there was another crash, this time from the kitchen. Roy ran to the kitchen and found dishes all over the floor. They were all broken.

"Riza is going to kill me!" he muttered.

"Salem!" he yelled, "Come here!"

He heard another crash this time from upstairs. As he got to the stairs he saw toilet paper all over the stairs. As he climbed farther up the stairs he saw the paper went all the way down the hall.

"Damn that little kid!"

Finally Roy stopped at a door with chocolate hand prints on it. He opened the door to find chocolate all over the walls, a broken lamp and picture frame, and feathers from a pillow all over the room. In the middle of the room was a sleeping Salem.

"The chocolate must have knocked the damn kid out," Roy picked up the kid and walked him down the hall to his room. He laid him on his bed then went back down stairs. He started with the living room and worked his way up stairs. When he was finished he passed out in Salem's room on the floor.

When Riza got home with the others she didn't hear anyone. She looked all down stairs then finally made her way to Salem's room. The others were down stairs putting the groceries away. She stopped at Salem's door and slowly opened it. Inside she found a sleeping Roy on the floor and Salem in his bed sleeping.

"Maybe I was a little rough," she giggled. Then covered Salem and Roy up with blankets. She then went down stairs.

When it was dinner time Roy and Salem finally woke up. After dinner Havoc, Breda, Falman, Fuery, and Roy taught Salem how to play poker. While Riza read her book.

I was around ten when they all went to bed expect Riza and Roy. They stayed down stairs. Riza read her book while Roy stared at the fireplace.

Finally Roy spoke, "I'm sorry for kissing you with out permission a few nights ago."

"Forgiven," she didn't look up at him, "And I'm sorry for giving Salem a whole box of chocolates then leaving," she looked up.

"You did that!"

"Yeah guilty."


"I wanted to get you back for kissing me and so I know you hate kids-"

"I don't hate kids, just strongly dislike them that's all," he smiled at her.

"Well do you forgive me Colonel?" she hung her head, "I know it was unprofessional and all."

"Nonsense I would have done it too," he smiled, "Its funny if you think about it."

"Thank you sir," she smiled.

"Now we should get some sleep tomorrow the Fuhrer comes back,"

Riza stood up, "Goodnight sir," she smiled.

"Goodnight Riza," she turned and left the room. Leaving room to sit and think.

Author's Note: Yeah I know boring chapter! I don't like this fic too much I'm thinking of another one so keep a look out! ;D Hope I get some reviews even though it wasn't that great of a chapter:D Sorry for any errors:D

Next time the Fuhrer comes home!

Thanks to all that reviewed!



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Atari Atagashi-Chan

Waltzing Blue Dandy