Ranko 1/2 Dreamgirl


Chapter Twenty-Five

After his spectacular victory over the dreaded Happosai, Ranma puffed his muscular chest out in triumph as if he was the master of all he surveyed.

"Whew!" "That fight took everything I had. I have no idea if that modified moxibustion wrecked Happosai or not. But how did he get so young and viral? He had so much more energy than in the past. If not for my previous life and martial arts training as Karate Kid, He would have beaten me for sure. Oh! I forgot about Ranko!"

The pigtailed boy ran towards his sister who was lying on the ground, shivering in a fetal position.

"Ranko? Are you all right?"

His sister laid on the ground shaking like a leaf as if petrified in terror, her naked body reddened in shock, embarrassment, and humiliation. Her eyes were downcast, staring into space. Her hand was cold to the touch as Ranma checked for a pulse.

"I-I don't know what came over me, Ranma. I-I just..."

"That's all right, Ranko. Just rest and relax. You'll be all right. I'm taking you to Dr. Tofu," Ranma responded gently.

"I'll be OK. It's Kumo! Happosai might have killed him," Ranko sobbed with tears in her eyes. Despite her concern for her fiancé, the day's events had finally taken their toll, wearing her out and causing her to collapse into a world of unconsciousness.

"Don't worry, Ranko, I'll take a look at him." Ranma ran over to Kumo who was sprawled on the ground and barely moving "Gasp! Happosai must have really done a number on him. I don't know if he'll ever recover. Wait! He's starting to move."

"Ungh!" The muscular, young man stirred from lying on the ground. With a great deal of struggle, he got to his feet in such a way that took all of his superior balance skills to keep standing. Then he looked at Ranma, putting his hand out thus refusing any help to remain standing.


"I'm OK. How's Ranko doing?"

"She's unconscious right now, but she'll be all right. Right now I'm more concerned about you. Can you remain standing?"

"Yeah, I'll be all right," Kumo replied, making his way to his brother students while faltering and wobbling, barely staying on his feet.

"Here, let me help…"

"I'm fine, Ranma! I got to see how my friends are doing. Who could have imagined that kid would have been so powerful?"

"I really don't know, Kumo. But we can figure all of that out later. Right now I'm taking Ranko to Dr. Tofu's. I'll be back later to see how you and your friends are doing." That being said, Ranma took off, flying into the air with Ranko in tow.


"Blast it! It figures that Ranma would have to have ruined everything! As soon as I've recovered from this I'm going to fix Ranma up and fix him up good!" the Happosai Moroboshi hybrid thought to himself as he practically limped home.

"Hey, Ataru!" Shinobu Miyake, Ataru's first fiancee, called out, running over to him. She was a short, attractive young girl with long, brown hair and black eyes. She also wore a sailor-suit uniform since she had recently come from school.

"Hey, Shinobu baby. How are you?" Happi said, practically drooling all over himself at the sight of the girl.

"I'm all right. Have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

I heard Lum took off and left."

"That's right, so there's nothing stopping me from going out girl hunting." "But this time I actually catch them. Heh, heh."

"Well. Maybe you and I can move on with our previous engagement," Shinobu responded with a sense of urgency.

"Maybe so, baby. Maybe so." Happi looked Shinobu up and down for a moment, popping up all around her here and there.

"But there's one thing that's bothering me. Have you heard about the pervert that's terrorizing the neighborhood? He's even worse than you. He actually tears off the clothes of young girls, stripping them naked before feeling them up!"

"Huh? Oh, that guy. I'm not afraid of him. You'll be safe with me, sweetie," Happi reassured her, putting his hands all over her in a groping fashion.

"Get your hands off of me, you pervert!" Shinobu screamed as she struggled to get free of him, trying to slap the fast-moving boy in vain. Then she increased her pace to get away from the amorous young man who easily kept up with her.

"Come on, baby. I'm really digging you. You feel me?" Happi kept up the pressure, keeping his hands all over the girl, groping and squeezing.

Shinobu's eyes widened in shock and surprise. Then she lost her temper!

"You're the one feeling me up right now, and I don't like it!" the girl exclaimed, finally breaking herself free of his grip.

"Never mind. I don't even want to talk to you anymore! You're no better than that other pervert! Get away from me!" the girl screamed as she took hold of him in a burst of superhuman strength and speed, hurling him miles into the sky.


"Well, ain't that a bitch? I'm going to have to lay low until I can recover from what Ranma has done to me. And when I get my hands on him, POW, right in the kisser! Gee, I'm hungry. Can't wait for dinner." With that, Happosai used the wind to glide his way home.


After having spent an hour tending to Ranko's wounds, Dr. Tofu left the examination room with a tired look on his face. "Whew!"

"How's my sister, Ranko, Doctor Tofu?" Ranma asked, having been pacing back and forth in the main lobby for several minutes. For the first time in years, he had felt helpless to do anything about the situation his sister was in.

"Ranko will make out just fine. What happened to her was more psychological and spiritual than physical. It's like someone or something practically raped her mentally. I've never actually seen anything like it," the doctor responded, looking at the notes on his clipboard.

"You're more right than you think, Doctor Tofu," Ranma said with a pause. "Happosai was the one that did this to her."

"Happosai, Ranma? There have not been any underwear thefts here in Nerima for over several days now."

"True. But there has been a whole lot of trouble going on in Juuban with a pervert who has stripped young girls naked, feeling them up and more with more energy than a spring chicken."

"I've heard of that. But isn't Happosai actually too old to actually be doing all that?" Dr. Tofu replied, looking up at Ranma and waiting for an answer.

"Not right now, he isn't. Somehow, Happosai has managed to take over a younger body, allowing him to fully indulge in his perversions with more youthful energy and vigor. I know because I fought this younger version of Happosai, barely defeating him. You've seen what he's done to Ranko."

"That explains a lot. I have to take a look at my other patients. For now, Ranko simply needs some rest," the doctor replied stoically as he adjusted his glasses.

"Can I see her?"

"You can see her, but don't do or say anything to excite her. Just let her know how much you care about her and that she has your support," the doctor answered, pointing to where Ranko was and going off to see another patient.

As Ranma made his way towards where Ranko was convalescing, he heard a familiar voice.

"How is she?!"

"Ryoga! What are you doing here?!"

"I happened to be in the area when I heard about what was going on. I was going to deal with that perverted kid myself, but I ended up fighting some gangsters on my way here. So is Ranko all right?" the lost boy asked with concern.

"She took some serious hits, but she'll be all right. Why do you care so much about Ranko anyway, Ryoga? I thought you were going to marry Akari," Ranma asked, fearing the answer to the question he gave as soon as he said it.

"Akari was very ill when I started living at her home with her, Ranma. Her great-grandmother brought me to her so I could make the last days of Akari's life happy which I did. I was even with her when she passed away in her sleep. I miss her, but I'll recover from her death." Ryoga was visibly saddened, but he seemed to be getting over his grief.

"Gee, man. I'm sorry to hear that, pal. But do you still live there now?"

"No. Her cousins came and took over her sumo pig farm. I really didn't want to live there since everything there reminded me of Akari. I did have some feelings for her, you know. Anyway, since Ranko's all right, can I go see her now?"

Ranma was a little irked with Ryoga's enthusiasm, so he interrogated him further. "Um. Are you in love with her, Ryoga?"

"Uh, no! Not at all! Heh, heh. I was just interested in how she was doing. Why would you ask a question like that?" the boy replied, putting his hand behind his head, blushing in embarrassment at the question and Ranma's scrutinizing gaze.

"The incident with the Koi rod comes to mind."

"You got that backward, Ranma. You were the one who fell in love with me whether you were a girl or guy. I'm surprised you'd even bring that up." Ryoga's eyes regarded his erstwhile rival shrewdly with arms folded on his chest

"Well, it happened."

"Let's forget about that event, all right?" Ryoga asked, looking away from Ranma, being more than a little bit embarrassed.

"I guess you know all about Ranko's engagement to Kumo Gobancho, right?"

"Yes, I know all about that. What's with all the questions, Ranma?" Ryoga asked indignantly, feigning innocence. "I figured you'd be happy to have to have someone come and visit your sister."

"Normally I would, but I'm actually surprised that you'd be the first one to want to come and visit her. By the way, exactly how many times have you 'appeared' whenever my sister was undressed or in a compromising position of some sort?"

"I told you already, Ranma! I was looking for you at the time. Since your ki signatures are similar I zeroed in on her instead."

"I asked you a question!"

The two young men stared at each other for a moment. Then Ryoga spoke up. "I don't know how many times. What are you trying to imply?"

"Ranko has implied that the reason you keep finding her scantily dressed was due to the fact that you were interested in her. She's even implied that you may have even been interested in me because she looks like what I did when I was cursed to turn into a girl."

Ryoga laughed out loud. "You need to get over yourself, Ranma. It's like you think everything that happens around here revolves around you. What kind of narcissist are you? Besides, Ranko's a whole lot better looking than you ever were as a girl."

"I know that, but you've always been obsessed with me on some level. I hope you haven't replaced your obsession over me with her."

"I haven't! I think you're the one with issues, Ranma!" Ryoga exclaimed.


"Yeah! I also think having been a girl for so long has affected your mind. Are you jealous of the fact that Ranko is so much hotter than you were?"


"Then can I see her or not?"

"Let me go back inside and ask the doctor." After having gone inside, Ranma came back in a couple of minutes. "All right. You can see her, but no yelling and screaming. Understand?"

"All right."

Ryoga walked inside with Ranma right behind him. The room was small by hospital standards. While there were no windows, a medium sized air conditioner kept the room temperature down. The small table next to Ranko's bed had a pitcher of ice water in it in addition to a couple of plastic cups next to it.

As he moved closer, Ryoga regarded Ranko who breathed heavily, her large breasts heaving up and down in a consistent rhythm.

"Gosh! She's beautiful! I hope she gets better. Maybe I can talk her into dumping that steroid pumped jerk she's been seeing and be my girlfriend. Ranko is such a wonderful girl. And this has nothing to do with Ranma either! What an ego that guy has!"

"Why is your nose bleeding, Ryoga?" Ranma said in regards to the trickle of red coming out of the lost boy's nasal cavity.

"It's must be the air."

"There's no air coming in here, Ryoga."

"Then it must be the lack of air in here," the formerly lost boy answered as he took hold of a handkerchief to cover up his nose.

"I don't believe you, Ryoga! You know Ranko's engaged, don't you?"

"I know! I know!" Ryoga protested much.

"Ungh. Ranma? Ryoga? What happened?" Ranko groaned, waking up and shaking her long hair and the covers loose in such a manner as to make Ryoga's heart go pitter patter. However, despite all this, Ranko's normally apple blossom colored skin was pale as her heavily drowsy eyes cracked open slowly.

"She's so beautiful! Sigh!"

"Ranko, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Ranma. I just need to get up out of this bed and... Ungh!"

Ranko had tried to sit up and had failed to do so, making the blanket that covered her up to her torso fall to her waistline as she fell backward.

"Take it easy, Ranko," Ranma said as he took hold of the upturned blanket, and covered his sister up with it.

"Gasp!" Ryoga exclaimed after seeing Ranko's naked upper body. The former lost boy blushed, not being able to take his eyes off what he was seeing. Despite the fact that Ranko was exhausted her bosom still stood at attention, something Ryoga did not fail to notice.

"Just like Ryoga to appear out of nowhere to see me naked," Ranko said with a knowing look in the lost boy's direction.

"Um. Um."

"I caught you looking, Ryoga. Why are you here?" the sparkling redhead asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, Ranko." The bandana-wearing boy twiddled his thumbs and looked down ashamedly.

"Hmm. If I didn't know better, I'd think you wanted to see me naked. Do you like me or something, hmm?" the barely conscious girl asked.

"Well. Heh, heh," Ryoga answered, putting his hand behind his head, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I knew it!" Ranma announced.

At that moment Dr. Tofu walked in. "I'm going to have to ask you and Ryoga to leave. Ranko needs rest along with some peace and quiet.

"All right, Doc. Come on, Ryoga. Let's go," Ranma demanded, taking hold of Ryoga by the scruff of the neck and leaving the room.

"All right, Ranma. You don't have to be so pushy about it."

Ranma kept hold of Ryoga until he had taken him a block away from the clinic in a vacant parking lot.

"That's enough, Ranma!" Ryoga said, finally breaking himself free of the other boy's hold. "I've heard of overprotective brothers, but you're really taking things too far!"

"I don't think so, Ryoga. You couldn't keep your eyes off of her."

"What do you expect, Ranma? Ranko is drop dead gorgeous! Besides, she needs a real man to protect her, unlike that muscle-headed jerk she's hooked up with."

"Kumo did all right. No one but me could have taken on Happosai in his new form," Ranma stated matter of factually.

"That Kumo guy is such a joke! So what, if he won the Street Fighter Tournament?!" Ryoga stammered hotly.

"There were some powerful martial artists in that tournament, Ryoga," Ranma replied, regarding the other boy.

"I've seen some of those guys. I've even fought and easily beat up the boxer and that Spanish matador. I even defeated a tall skinny, Chinese wearing a long robe. Those guys didn't have a chance against me; I beat them with so much ease I was embarrassed for them," Ryoga replied.

"I suppose you could just as easily defeat Sagat, the Emporer of Muay Thai, or M. Bison, the powerful dictator of Shadowlaw."

"Those two are a little stronger than the ones I've defeated, but I'd beat them as well. They're not that tough, Ranma. None of them could hold a candle to me, or even to you for that matter. I would have entered that tournament and won it years ago except for the fact that I got lost too easily in the past. Besides, there are some other really powerful fighters that hardly anybody knows about. One or two of them may well enter the next Street Fighter Tournament. And when they do, they'll show that tin pot dictator what real fighting is."

"Maybe so. But Kumo is a whole lot tougher than you think he is." Then Ranma stopped for a moment.

"Oh, no! Kumo's still there! I gotta go see how he is!" With that, Ranma leaped into the sky and flew off towards Tomobiki-Cho.


"What?!" the tyrant screamed, pounding on the base of his throne in a rage.

"That's right, Master Bison!" the chalked faced, goatee-bearded Malhavoc affirmed. "I've reviewed the videos, thus I've seen the evidence."

"So you're telling me that some amazons seduced me when I was younger in order to create a female version of myself who can do all the things I can do?"

"Yes, Master Bison. I have the tapes right here."

"Play them. I want to see this supposed daughter of mine."

"Yes, Master Bison." Malhavoc played the DVD's, showing Bison's daughter, Bedea doing the same maneuvers and fantastic techniques Bison often did. Bison also saw the daughters of Rugal, Geese Howard, and even Ryu Hoshi. However, the big difference between Ryu and his "daughter" was that Ryu's daughter was all together possessed of the Dark Hadou.

"Hmm. I still don't believe it! I'm glad you showed this to me, Malhavoc. Leave the discs here, so that I may view them more in depth. Have you sent your ninja back to find out more about these Amazons?"

"Yes, Master Bison."

"Good. That will be all. I'll call you back if I want to see you again."


In haste, Ranma returned to where he had battled Happosai/Ataru Moroboshi hybrid more than an hour or so ago, looking around.


"I'm right here, Ranma," the once powerful martial artist answered. He and his brother students were sitting on a nearby park bench. They had barely recovered from the beating Happosai had given them, and in addition to that, they still had a hard time moving.

"Are you and your friends all right?" Ranma regarded Kumo and his brother students with a sense of concern as they caught their breath.

"I'm all right. I have no idea what that kid hit me with. It was like he drained the life out of me," Kumo answered.

"That guy is horrifically powerful and a pervert to boot. I've dealt with him several times in the past. The best thing we can do for you and your friends is to get you to Doctor Tofu. He'll know what to do," Ranma explained, regarding his sister's fiancé.

"We can go see this doctor, but we do have physicians at the Gobancho Compound." Then Kumo stood up, motioning for his comrades to do the same.

"I don't believe this!"

Everyone turned to see, "Ryoga! What are you doing here?!" Ranma exclaimed.

"Is this the guy who you told me was so great, Ranma?"


"If he can't protect Ranko from an old man like Happosai, he needs to find himself another girlfriend," the former lost boy replied.

Ryoga had his arms folded on his chest in a judgment of the seemingly muscular, powerful martial arts master. He was about to say more when Kumo interrupted him.

"Listen here, Ryoga. You got a lot of nerve talking trash after lying in Akane's bed for over a year and then blaming Ranko for it. On top of that, you cursed her out."

"That's all in the past! And I'll say whatever I want! I knew you were overrated! All those muscles you seem to have are just for show!"

"Ryoga, there's no need to say something like that," Ranma interjected, trying to calm things down.

"Well, it's true. These guys can hardly move."

"We'll make out just fine, Ryoga. We…"

"We all took some serious damage, Kumo," his brother student, Kuro stated stoically. "We should see if this doctor is as competent as Ranma says he is. After that, we should return home."

"Yeah, all right. Let's go."


Inside of his spacecraft which was hidden away on top of one of the uninhabitable mountains of Japan, Oz who was Norman Osborne in another universe while Kumo Gobancho was Peter Parker A.K.A. Spider-Man planned his revenge against his old enemy. Being an oni from another planet, the same planet Lum, the green haired, horn-headed girl with the striped bikini came from, Oz was also dressed in similar striped clothes even though the shape of what he wore was much like what he wore as the Green Goblin in the Marvel Universe including the hat that leaned backwards. His spaceship was in the shape of a flying saucer being 50 feet in diameter, the inside of his spacecraft which was a whole lot larger than it appeared to be from the outside, being practically the size of a mansion and having all the necessities of life.

"It's time I get revenge on my long-time enemy," Oz thought to himself as he watched the events of what had transpired with Kumo in his fight with the Ataru/Happosai hybrid.

"There will never be a better opportunity since both Kumo and his lover are both in a most compromising position. There is only the matter of dealing with Ranma whose martial arts skills are actually greater than Kumo's. Ranma may well, be the best fighter on the planet despite Kumo's superior strength."

Oz reclined on his main chair, smiling as he thought what he would like to do to Kumo and his fiancée. Then he activated his saucer-shaped spaceship and took off for Nerima.


"Now, Akane, it's time I spend some quality time with you, teaching you how to cook," Madoka said calmly, regarding her impatient daughter shrewdly.

"All right, Mother. But I don't know why I'm even here. I already know how to cook," Akane answered.

"Not from what I've heard. Right now I'm going to teach you how to boil water."

At that point, Madoka sensed someone at the front door with hostile intent.

"One moment, Akane. Don't touch anything; I'll be right back."

"In a few seconds, Madoka was outside facing a shapely young woman with thick, full, blond hair that went a couple of inches past her shoulders, wearing a white shirt and a red aikido skirt. In addition to that, her ensemble also had a resemblance to what a Jusenkyo amazon would wear. The young lady's blue eyes regarded Madoka harshly with a strong sense of seriousness.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Madoka said with caution from the front of the compound.

"I sensed a powerful ki here, so I figured I'd investigate. And here you are."

"I'm happy for you. Now since you've found out what's here you can leave now," Madoka responded firmly.

"Not so fast, woman. You're a powerful person I want to kill and destroy in order to prove to everyone how powerful I am. And if you should manage to defeat me, well, I would have to kill you for that," the woman said with a smile.

"Are you one of those renegade Amazons?" Madoka asked intently.

"Renegade? As soon as we've obtained the power we seek, we'll deal with the other Amazons. But for now, I shall deal with you for the nonce."

Then Madoka walked further away from the house, standing face to face with the Amazon warrior.

"Do you want to tell me who you are?"

"My name is Gossamer. Now prepare to die."


AUTHOR'S NOTES: Be here next time and see what happens!