Jason walked along the pier looking out at the water. It was all he could do to keep himself sane while he waited for Stan to call. He had Stan and every man there was in the organization searching for Helena Cassidine. She would not be able to hide from him for long.
Jason had been calling the hospital every fifteen minutes for an update on Carly's condition. Bobbie finally had to tell him she would call him if there was any change. The staff could not take care of Carly properly with his constant interruptions.
The staff at GH was having a hard time focusing with all the attention Carly was drawing. Jax had remained at the hospital and after Bobbie had placed a call to Lucky all the Spencer's were rallying around Carly to show their support. Then there was Sonny, Max and the boys. Not to mention the media who had to be removed from the hospital. It was growing harder and harder for the hospital to control the situation.
Luke had been searching for Jason every since the call came in from Lucky. He knew Jason would be hunting down Helena and there was no way Luke was going to not be part of it. Besides, there was no one on earth that knew Helena better than him. He was not close to niece, but she was family. No one hurt a Spencer and got away with it. Not as long a Luke still had blood pumping through his body.
Luke finally found Jason on the docks peering out at the water. He approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
In one fluid motion Jason turned reaching for Luke's hand with on of his and drew his weapon with the other. Luke hit the ground hard. Jason's sliver muzzle pointed directly at his forehead.
"Whoa there cowboy. It's me." Luke said with his hands pushing the gun away from his face.
"What are you doing here? I could have killed you."
"Doubt it." Luke replied dryly. "I have more lives than a cat. Nope. It would take the devil himself to take me from this world." Luke cracked a small smile.
Jason paid no attention to Luke or his comment. He turned back to the water and continued his gaze.
"I'm here to help." Luke continued. "There's no place on earth that old bat can hide from me. I'll find her and then you can drive a stake through her black heart."
"I don't need your help." Jason replied in a monotone voice. "I will find Helena and deal with her myself. This has nothing to do with you and your feud with the Cassidine's."
"Like hell it doesn't!" Luke yells back. "Look Morgan. I know you think of yourself as my niece's protector and that's all well and good, but I am the protector of everything Spencer and that includes Carly. I really don't care if you like it or not. Anything or anyone that threatens my family deals with me. We can work together or not, but I will track down that vampire and drag her ass into the sunlight so I can watch her turn to dust."
Jason turns and looks at Luke. "Fine. You can help, but we need to keep her alive long enough to get the antidote from her in order to save Carly. Once Carly has the antidote, I will kill her myself, with my own bare hands. I want her to suffer. I want her to beg for her life."
"Damn Jason. I've never heard you sound like this before." Luke pauses and shakes his head. "I like it. Can I watch?" He grins. "Let's go catch us the vampire queen."
Luke puts his hand on Jason's shoulder and both men start to walk down the docks.
Jason's phone rings.
"Are you sure?"
"Keep looking. She's in town somewhere."
Jason places the phone back into his pocket then looks at Luke. "Ok great vampire hunter, where do we start?"
"At the beginning." Luke replies. "All vampires return to their lair at dawn. Helena's lair is underneath Wydemere."
"Wouldn't Nicholas have known she was there?" Jason questions.
"Nicholas can't begin to know all the nooks and crannies of his home, but I do." He smiles and the two men head off toward the launch that would take them to the island.
Robin was in the lab waiting the results from the blood test she had just run. She couldn't believe she had let Sam talk her into to doing this. She had violated the boundaries of her friendship with Jax. If Jax found out that she had snuck into the daycare center and taken a blood sample from Little John he would be furious, but Sam had convinced her that there was more to this kidnapping than one deranged old lady. Helena had to have a reason to believe that Little John was a Cassadine. She would never risk herself this way if she wasn't sure she was right.
The computer beeped and the results were in. Robin's hand shook as she drugged the mouse to the icon that would reveal the truth. She had been in this position once before and although she knew what the truth would cost her, another friendship; she could not let a lie continue if she could set the record straight. She clicked on the icon.
"Damn" She thought to herself. "Not again."
Now that she knows the truth what would she do with the knowledge?
"Nicholas needs to be with his child. Nicholas is not AJ. Nicholas would love and cherish the child. He would never allow anyone or anything to hurt the baby. Jax had no right to do this. He had no right at all."
Robin hit the print key and tucked the print out into her pocket. She stepped out the room and walked straight into Sam.
"Well?" Sam questioned. "Was I right? Are Carly & Jax hiding something?"
Robin hesitated. Should she tell Sam? Sam did not have Little John's best interest at heart. Sam wanted to stick it to Carly. That's all she really cared about. "The computer crashed. I have to go over to the other lab to run the test. I should know the results tomorrow."
Sam looked disappointed. "Let me know as soon as you can. Someone needs to knock Carly off her pedestal and I want to be the one to do it."
"Sam, I've been exactly where you are before and believe me revealing one of Carly's secrets to the world will not bring Jason back to you. He will just cling to her more. He will circle around her and protect her. In the end the bond she has with him will be even stronger and he will hate you.
"That's your past with Jason. It will turn out differently this time. Jason will see Carly for the manipulating little tramp she is and he will thank me for showing it to him."
"Delude yourself all you want. Can't say I didn't warn you." Robin walks away with her hand clutching to her pocket.
Sam watches Robin walk down the hall and turn the corner. "Computer crash my ass." She mutters under her breath as she sneaks into the lab. She walks over to the computer and clicks on the icon that states, "Show last results."
There it was, right in front of her everything she needed to take out Carly. The results that showed that Nicholas was a 99.9 match to Little John. He was definitely Little John's father.
Jax had taken Little John home to the nanny and had also called in a security team to make sure he stayed safe from Helena. He had come so close to handing over his son to Nicholas. So close to condemning him to a life of looking over his shoulder for Helena.
He peered into ICU and watched a broken Carly lie there motionless. Her face was pale and her eyes sunken into her head.
"Jason was right. I caused this. I'm the reason she's lying there barely clinging onto life."
Jax couldn't stand to look at her anymore. The pain of knowing he had caused this was too overwhelming. He had to walk away.
Jason was out there somewhere hunting Helena down. Sonny had called in a team of doctors from across the world. They were due to arrive in a few hours. He was here, doing nothing. There was nothing he could do. He had set the wheels in motion for all this to happen and he could do nothing to stop it. Nothing to save her.
Jax was so caught up in his own misery that he did not hear Robin calling his name from the other end of the hall. She had to pick up her pace to catch him.
"Jax." She said a little more loudly than she had meant to. "Didn't you hear me calling you?"
"Sorry." Jax answered. "I was thinking."
Robin reaches in her pocket and pulls out the lab results. "Thinking about how to keep your secret?" She shoves the paper into Jax's hands.
Jax stares at the paper. His face clearly displaying his shock when he saw the 99.9 figure and Nicholas' name.
Robin spoke in a low chastising tones, "I can't believe you did this Jax. I can't believe you let Carly talk you into stealing another man's child."