Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Wish I did though….
Ok this story takes place in Konoha village, but they're not ninjas. Everything else is the same like Naruto is still hated andSauke's clan is still dead.Yeah I know lame, but I do not know how to describe fighting scenes that well. And besides mostly is about how Naruto gets to find his sexuality and his true soul mate with help of Sasuke. Anyways, thanks to Sasuke, Naruto's problem begins and it's not going to be pretty to be Naruto….
STAGE ONE……………………………………...THE BEGINING
The classroom was half full by 7:45 am and school started at 8:00 am. Uzamaki Naruto enter the room only to find Uchiha Sasuke seating on his desk. Uchiha Sasuke was the most popular and smartest guy in school not to mention he was adored by most of the girls in Leaf Academy School. Well, a least he seem that way because in reality Sasuke was a rude, unkind jerk who dislike Naruto. That's what Naruto thought most of the time when some one mention Sasuke's name. And now he had the nerved to sit on his desk, Naruto was not happy.
Unlike Sasuke Naruto was the most dislike by most people in Konoha village. He had blond, messy hair and Blue eyes. One thing that you could notice about Naruto was his birthmark on his cheeks that looked like wiskers.(I think both Naruto and Sasuke are very hot)
"Hey, you're siting in my desk!" Naruto exclaimed.
"No, this is my desk from now on," The black haired one said coolly to the blond.
"You know what? You want to take this outside because I'm getting tired of you," Naruto face shown that he was angry and he wasn't going to let Sasuke push him around.
"Fine," Sasuke replied.
The door open and a certain pink haired girl enter the room. Haruno Sakura looked at both Naruto and Sasuke about to start a commotion out of nothing. She was always stopping them from fighting and it was annoying.
"You guys act like little kids, trying to pick fight on school grounds," Sakura yelled at Naruto and Sasuke.
"Sakura, this is nothing of your concern. So stop defending your boyfriend, Sasuke," Naruto barked at Sakura, who blushed at Naruto's comment. The truth was that Sakura had a crushed on Sasuke.
"Naruto. Sasuke is not my boyfriend. We are just friends," Saskura argued, of course she did wish to be Sasuke's girlfriend. It wasn't because she wasn't ugly encounter she was quiet pretty when she wasn't mad. But Sasuke wasn't looking for a girl right now.
"You just jealous that a least some one likes me unlike you, who has no one that likes you," Sasuke said evilly.
The bell rang throughout the whole school indicating that is time to get to class. And yet, the three teens didn't hear it because they were so into their argument with each other.
" Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura . Please take your seats as you can se class has begun," Iruka-sensei scold the three of them for making a racket in his room.
The three teens looked around embarrassed for there was some many faces looking at them. There was Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, kiba and other that stared at them with amusement. Some even hated them, like Ino that hated Sakura because they both like Sasuke. Or like Kiba who thought Naruto was a dumbass. And who doesn't hate someone who is better at everything, which is Sasuke.
"Fine, I'll sit next to Sakura ," Naruto exhale like he had no choice. He sat next to Sakura only to make her angry, as he was taking Sasuke's place. Then the classes begin.
At the far end of the last row to the left a quiet girl was staring at Naruto. Her heart went up and down with excitment every time she thought about him or looked at him. Being in love with Naruto it made Hyuuga Hinata happy, but it made her sad at the same time because she knew he would never look at her. Any one never noticed her and she wasn't going to be noticed especially by Naruto. Hinata was beautiful, her hair was long, silky,and black, She had the most unusual color eyes which were white eyes.She was also well developed in the body department. Not only was she beautiful but also she was smart, nice and she was the heiress of the Hyuuga family. How come she couldn't get what she wanted, to be Naruto's girlfriend. The answer, she was too shy and if Naruto rejected her after she confessed her feelings about him she'll die.( I think she really would die) So the only safe thing to do was to watch over him and always hiding her feeling she has for him. The class went on and Hinata kept staring at her dream boy.
It wasn't so often that an upper classmen like TenTen would approached Naruto during lunchtime. But when it did it took him by surprise.
"Yo, Are you Uzamaki Naruto?" TenTen asked.
"Yeah, that's me," Naruto answered surprised.
"Really well o.k. Then here's a message from Sasuke to you," TenTen handed a folded piece of paper into Naruto's hand which were a bit wet since he barely went out of the bathroom. After delivering the note TenTen left to join the other upper classmen.
Naruto unfolded the paper and read it what was on it:(Naruto, we will meet and settle our problems with each other after school at the Uchiha abandon buildings near the river.)
This was a challenge Naruto wasn't going to step down out of, he was looking forward for the fight. He decided to eat since he can't fight whithout a full belly.
As soon as the school had let out, Naruto went straight to the battlefield. Where was he to find Sasuke and beat the crap out of him. The Uchiha clans buildings, was where all the Uchiha family died, except for Sasuke. Most people never dare to enter the place, but Naruto didn't care and he would do what ever it takes to show Sasuke he is not afraid of him.
" O.k. Sasuke, I came so let's settle our problems right here, right now," Naruto scream with all his might towards Sasuke, which was no where to be found.
A last Sasuke shown himself as he dropped down from a tree branch he had been hiding in. Sasuke looked at Naruto and headed towardshim without saying any word. Sasuke came closer to Naruto; the space between them was about a yard distance. "As you wish," that was all Sasuke said to Naruto.
Naruto care at Sasuke and made the motion of punching, but it was block by Sasuke who used his arm to avoid it. Again Naruto tried to land a punch on Sasuke's face but he as too slow that Sasuke dodged every punch or kick Naruto tried to give him. Now it was Sasuke's turn, he grabbed Naruto,s arm and his face came close to Naruto's as if he was going hit him with his head. Instead he leaned over and gave Naruto a tender kiss on the lips. Naruto froze and everything around him became unreal to him for about a minute.
"That what I wanted to solve. My problem was that I was attracted to you. Naruto!" Sasuke stated.
"The truth is that, I'm gay and I just didn't wanted to get serious about someone especially with you or wit any one. That's why I was always away from every male in our class and I've always made the impression of hating you the most. Because in reality I like you a lot, but the more I did this, the more I wanted you," Sasuke said almost angry that he punch a wall near him.
Naruto was only staring, it was kin of a shock to him that Sasuke would spill out his dark secret to him, but Naruto did not want to know. He did not know what to do. Then Naruto stood up and turn facing the path way that lead towards the village. he couldn't take so Naruto left running leaving Sasuke behind. As he run, Naruto looked back and saw sasuke getting smaller by the minute, then he could not believe Sasuke was gay and he had just been kiss by a guy.
As soon as Naruto reached inside his apartment he collapsed on his bed. This new experience was too much for Naruto to handle. Now that he was safe in the covers of his bed Naruto thought about the situation he had with Sasuke. For one thing he knows now that Sasuke is gay, that's for sure. Two Naruto kind of responded to the kiss, which was creeping him out. At the moment that the kiss was implanted he had done nothing to hit Sasuke. Could it been because he was confused because it was out of nowhere he didn't know how to response. He should of punch Sasuke on the face. Maybe it was because Naruto did not know his sexuality as much as he thought he did. What if it turn out that he was gay but didn't know. Well he like girls but he never actually had a girlfriend before and he didn't like some one inparticular..
"OH, NO. AM I GAY AS WELL? THAT CAN'T BE. I DON'T WANT TO BE GAY," Naruto said nervously
'That's it, I need to know if I'm gay, but first I need a date ," Naruto said positive.
So this was the plan Naruto was going to get a girl to take her out to the annual festival in Konoha village, The White Day Festival.
Well how did you guys like the chapter...I know I like it that is why I wrote it, right? Anyways PLEASE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW or I'll die and it will be all of you guys who read and didn't review. I also promise that the next chapter will have more good stuff.