The bloody moon
The demon with the blood red eyes and his three followers were lounging around the fire one of them had created. It was dark and the four were resting. The demon suddenly stood up and walked off.
"Leave him Hotaru (sp?)"
"But Akari …"
"She's right. You know he can take care of himself. He'll only be angry if we follow him."
"But Botenmaru (sp?)…"
" Stop whining and get some rest while you can." With this Botenmaru turn his back on Hotaru and began to snore.
The village was on fire. The villagers were being slaughtered by the dozen, the blood bursting from them in fountains of red as the cold hard steel of the katana pierced them. A little boy with bright blonde hair ran between the legs of the invaders and the dieing villagers. Screams filled the air, forming a maelstrom of noise. A giant silhouette loomed in front of the child.
"Aren't you a pretty little thing. I think I'll keep you."
The man then lunged at the child arms flailing, the child terrified slipped agilely under the man's arms, drawing a long dagger that his mother had given him when she shooed him out of the house, telling him to run. Neither of the two were aware of the pair of crimson eyes that were watching, while disposing of the invaders with an easy that couldn't be described. He stabbed the dagger into the man's stomach with all the force his little arms could muster. The blood began gushing out all over the child's arm, Scared of what he'd done he pulled the dagger out, only to get a splay of blood in his face for his efforts. The man with half his guts trying to escape only to be stopped by his hands, screamed for his brother to kill the evil little bastard. At this the child ran with the man's brother chasing him. Starting to pant heavily the child started to panic. Thinking quickly the child slipped into a dark alley. The pursuing man ran straight passed the alley.
All of a sudden the screams stopped. The child crept out of the alley only to be met by the man with the blood red eyes.
"I could kill you with ease."
The child just glared at him.
" Good you're not crying. I like your spirit kid, what's your name?"
"Come with me and I'll make you the second strongest samurai in the world.
Saying this he turned and walked away. The child, Akira ran after him. The two of them disappearing into the night.
A/N: Please review and tell me if you think I should continue this.