Until the End of Tomorrow
By: Starlight-x


Errandal came awake slowly. For a moment he blinked, unsure if he were actually awake. Everything seemed dulled, color less brilliant, contrasts less sharp. He frowned as he sat up, his hand automatically reaching for his head. He felt heavy, unsure. As he glanced around the room his gaze fell on his father laying on floor, eyes closed peacefully. "Father?" Errandal stumbled from the bed, his legs unwieldy. As he dropped to his knees next to his father his memory began to come back slowly.

He gave a loud cry, the sound so wild and mournful the guards opened the door and burst in. "What's wrong?" One demanded.

"My magic, it's gone. Damn him, he took it from me." Errandal bent over his father's form. "Why did you do it?" He shook his father.

"He was afraid for you."

Errandal looked up. Relena stood in the doorway.

"He didn't want you to commit something you couldn't atone for so he took it upon himself to ensure that you couldn't."

"He should've just killed me." Errandal sat back on his heels. "I've become less then I was, less even than a human."

"Don't talk like a fool." Heero spoke up. He reached down and dragged Errandal to his feet. "You made yourself whatever you are, your actions brought you to this moment."

Errandal slapped Heero's hand away. "You can afford to talk big, you still have your magic after all."

"If you really wish to push the issue I would be more than happy to fight you fist against fist, no magic involved. But that wouldn't accomplish anything."

Relena stepped in before the rash Elf could do something of the sort. "Errandal, you tampered with the lifebond of two full blooded elves. That in itself is an action warranting the harshest punishment. Because of your father's intervention I agreed to spare your life, since he took the ultimate punishment on himself, but I still must banish you from Asthernall.

"Just kill me." Errandal straightened. "Banishment is crueler then death. Living without my magic is just a slower death."

"I promised your father." Relena stood unmoving. "Perhaps a few centuries out among the humans will teach you the compassion you seem to be lacking. If you change in that time then your banishment may be lifted. Until then relearn to live."

She gave a nod and a couple of guards moved forward to take Errandal out of Heero's grip and escort him from the city.

Heero came up behind Relena and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled, relaxing back against him. "You always know just what I need."

"This lifebond certainly has it's advantages." Heero murmured against her hair. "So, what are we going to do now?"

"I think that my people will slowly regain their confidence. Eventually I would like to drop our barriers, but I don't think that will happen for quite some time. Still with Zechs and Noin bound to Glade I have no fear for Asthernell anymore." Relena twisted in Heero's embrace to look up at him. "I think for now we should just hold our bonding ceremony."

"That was just what I was thinking." Heero bent down and kissed her.


There were no decorations. Everything was in it's natural state. The grove of Elai had begun to return to the beauty it had held formerly. The breeze blew gently, rustling the newly sprung leaves.

The fountain itself was clear. It wasn't perfect yet, but it was approaching that.

Groups of elves clustered about. Some talking quietly amongst themselves while others watched and listened.

Heero held Relena's hand as they waited for their cue. The binding ceremony was being held on schedule regardless of Errandal's attempted interference. Orestephal had been buried and his successor appointed to the council while his son had been exiled. Now, it was time for something more lighthearted.

The elves, thrown into a state of shock by the events that had occurred were beginning to lighten up, smiles appearing here and there. Regardless of the general feeling about Relena's choice of bondmate, bonding ceremonies were joyous times and evoked a feeling of cheer.

The leader of the Elder's council who was going to preside over the ceremony moved into position giving them their cue.

"This is the right thing to do." Relena whispered, tightening her grip on Heero's fingers.

"Of course." His answer was reassuring as he led her to their place.

Relena glanced about, seeing her friends mixed with her people. She felt Heero's presence through their bond, as strong and as sure as the warmth in his eyes when he looked at her. She felt the glade itself, healing, her brother and Noin's energy suffused throughout the earth and light wind that blew. If her eyes filled with tears, well, it wasn't something unexpected. I am so blessed. Heero's fingers curled around hers possessively. She spoke her part, verbally confirming everything her heart felt for the man who stood next to her. She listened to his response, feeling their bond deepen and solidify as the ceremony came to an end.

"Now nothing can separate us." Heero kissed her, ignoring the crowd around them.

"As long as we're together." Relena smiled up at him. "Forever."