The Note: Well this is it…you are about to start the final chapter of this segment. Ironically its 21 chapters like the original story. Nice...I didn't even think I'd get it to this point. I'm happy with it though. It's long—10 pages on Microsoft word…although I did offer a break marked with the 3 x's in case you wanted to get something to drink or whatever...hehe. Enjoy :) A larger note will be at the end of the chapter.


Chapter 21: The Last Request

I sat there in complete silence, unsure of what to think; scared to death; in utter pain. My mother stood closely next to me, guarding me as if she would stand a chance against these bad guys, so to speak, while Cell stood holding his arm, his body broken to the point where I thought he had to be bluffing. Android 17 wore a smirk of confidence that actually sent a wicked shiver down my back. His black hair was tossed lightly in the sudden breeze that swept through the street, dust rousing around his feet and his orange bandana tied around his neck fluttering smoothly. He looked menacing…and I became very scared.

"Well let's go," he said. "I'm getting bored with you, you weird looking thing."

From the side of his face I saw Cell frown. He didn't like to be insulted, no matter what nature it was in. He released his wounded arm and stood up straight, his good left hand making a strong fist while he cracked his neck.

"You think me beaten," he said. "Pity you have no idea that I share some of your powers, as well as your sister's and the best fighters this universe has ever seen. You couldn't beat me last time we met; you won't do it today."

"I also wasn't given the gift of that wizard's power," 17 replied. "And I don't give a damn if you're a lousy god—you're weak and done in."

Cell snarled dimly. "If you're so anxious, then shut your mouth and fight me."

"With pleasure…"

Android 17 took off like a bolt of lightning, flying directly for Cell in a wave of color. There was a loud smack, but Cell held his position firmly on the broken, debris-filled pavement. The attack caused a gust of wind to sweep around them, the flames from the car fire jumping across the sidewalk to a nearby building.

Mom knelt down next to me, her hands resting on my shoulders. "Sasara," she said quickly, but in a hushed voice. "Can you walk on your good leg if I help you? We have to get out."

Her request made me want to release a flood of tears from the mere thought of having to put any sort of pressure on this wound. I looked at my leg, the jagged piece of glass sticking out about seven inches. My eyes caught Cell fighting with one arm against his enemy…the picture made me realize that he probably wouldn't win.

"Take it out," I told her. "Hurry…"

I clenched my teeth and looked away, my eyes shut tightly and my hands curling into fists in anticipation of the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I heard my mom taking in a sharp breath; then I felt the shard shifting in my leg. I held in the cry of pain and prayed that it'd be over. Mom pulled it out slowly and ever millisecond was agonizing. I heard it drop and I dared a look. More blood came out and I immediately began breathing faster from the gore.

Mom leaned over and took hold of my already torn and destroyed skirt, her fingers gripping the material hard. She shredded off a decent piece from the edge and slipped it under my leg. "It'll have to do for now," she told me as she tied it tightly. "We'll find something else later."

I nodded, trying hard not to let my eyes dwell on my useless leg. A quake made us both snap our heads up and see Android 17 pounding Cell into the ground. At that point Mom stood up and pulled both my arms to help lift me. My good leg tried to get under my body and push me up fully, but I couldn't help but let out a staggering yelp.

My mother pulled my arm around her shoulders and held onto my waist as I limped two steps to the right. Of course we both should have known—unless she figured she'd try anyway—that we wouldn't get very far. Gero stepped out in front of us and grabbed Mom's arm and pulled her, my body shifting uncomfortably with her.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked ruthlessly.

"My daughter's injured badly, you asshole," she snapped. "Let me go."

"You will not speak to me like that!" He yelled and tried to slap her, but to my complete amazement she ducked and still managed to hold onto me.

"Shove it," she said. "Cell will kill you both."

"You're blinded by hope," Babidi said stepping in, his large eyes looking at the fight down the street. "Cell will die."

Gero pulled her again, this time with a better grip using both his hands and I fell to the ground. I ignored the pain of hitting the ground and my leg soaking up the fabric that tried holding in the bleeding, but I was more concerned with my mom. He pulled her to the sidewalk, his arm around her neck and his other hand yanking her arm.

I rolled over to move, but I knew I couldn't do anything. There was no way my body would allow me to attempt anything now. I was done in and I couldn't find even an ounce of adrenaline to aid me. I watched as my mother tried clawing with her scraped hand, her bruised legs trying to kick.

"CELL!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs. "CELL!"

I looked towards the fight. As soon as his name had been released from my throat he stopped and looked over to me. I couldn't see any expression, but I immediately regretted my decision to call for him when the evil android he fought took this opportunity to grab hold of Cell's bad arm and swing him around to ultimately release him into a nearby streetlamp—the aim was perfect.

The metal pole fell over and landed on the sidewalk, Cell's body falling to the cement and cracking it easily. Android 17 approached him slowly, one hand on his jean-clad hip and the other flexing its fingers intently.

Cell leaned up from falling on his back, his body slowly rising to a semi-sitting position. I saw that he was having trouble. I couldn't even comprehend it. I mean this was Cell…'perfect' Cell and he was losing so horribly it was pulling me apart. Gero had stopped trying to strangle Mom as he watched with glee as his evil android walked over to the doomed biomechanical being he himself had created. And you know what hit me just then? That this sick bastard didn't care about the time and effort he put in to create Cell; his oh-so-perfect masterpiece didn't turn out the way he wanted, so now he condemned him to death. That's just sick.

As for my mother…I could see her watching in horror as Cell held himself up only with on arm, his legs sprawled out before him and his head looking like it couldn't even find the strength to hold up. He was finished…just like Gero had said. Tears filled her eyes and easily streamed down her dirty cheeks. My heart broke to see her crying for this creature. It killed me as I wanted to cry for him too…I had an attachment for him, but it was nothing compared to what Mom felt…

"No!" She suddenly yelled out and somehow managed to break free from Gero's hold. He either wasn't paying attention or just allowed her to go since she ran directly towards Cell…a death wish as everyone saw it. I sat up as much as I could, my good leg twisting as if to push me up, but it was a hopeless effort.

Mom dropped to her knees next to Cell and held his head in her arms. I saw him try to push her away, but she wouldn't budge. "Don't do this!" I heard her voice crack to Android 17. "I beg of you…spare him."

The android laughed audibly. "What a pathetic loser!" He said. "I'll kill you both!"

Cell tried to push her away again, but she clung to him, putting herself in the line of fire. "Layrial, move away!" He said as he pushed himself to stand up—a deed I couldn't believe as I watched it happen. "You will not die again because of me!"

"I will not leave you this time!" She yelled at him, but he pushed her hard enough this time to make her fall. He ignored his actions and walked towards 17, though the boy made no move to back away from him as he approached.

"Fight me," he said hatefully.

"I'm done fighting you," 17 replied. "I'm just going to kill you now."

His hand raised, a small light engulfing its outline, and I saw that Cell made no effort to withdraw himself. Mom sat on her hands and knees on the sidewalk and the rest of us waited for this to finish.

The light in17's hand grew brighter and larger and I knew that any second Cell would be gone, if not my mother too. Where that would leave me I didn't even want to think about for a second. I was going to die no matter what, but what pained me more is I had to go last. For once in my life, I wanted to be first in line for something bad.

Then…without warning and without knowing at first what the cause was Android 17 spun to the side and aimed the attack at someone else. Cell looked up immediately and 17 held his fists firmly at his sides. I heard him growl with frustration.

"No, not him! Not again!" Babidi yelled out in fear.

Finally I got myself to turn my attention to the sky above the billowing smoke that still folded over itself into the blue sky. In front of it stood a recently familiar figure that brought a sensation of witnessing a miracle flow through my body. Kibito-Kai held the ball that was to destroy Cell in his hand.

"I see I'm just in time," he said proudly as he somehow dissipated the ball to nothing in his hand.

"No, no, no!" Babidi yelled next to me, his little legs stomping the ground. "Android 17, kill the kai!"

There was no reply as 17 jumped into the air, but as if the heavens were finally shining down on us, Kibito-Kai flew forward and smacked the android so hard that he went sailing out of sight. He had completely caught the android off-guard. The wicked men behind me gasped in unison, but I felt pure pride in what had just happened.

Kibito-Kai landed in front of Cell, who stood hunched slightly, but I could almost see a smile on both of their faces. As much as Kibito-Kai probably detested Cell, he hopefully knew that Cell was currently on the right side.

"I will not let this fall apart!" Gero called out and he disappeared from the sidewalk and flew towards the group ahead. Mom stood up immediately and pointed, but Kibito-Kai and Cell stood still. "I will finish the job myself!" The old man shouted.

Cell turned, his body standing tall and proud, even if he was falling apart around the seams. Gero geared himself towards his own android, arm ready to deliver a blow, but Cell's better arm came out and he jumped forward to pull the man out of the air. Cell's yellow feet landed on the sidewalk with the usual squeak, but his hand held Gero up a foot or more off the ground.

"Still think I've lost my touch?" Cell said with a large frown, but his voice sounding just as smooth and elegant as I've ever heard. I could only imagine the pain he was in as he forced himself to continue a fight.

"Put me down you fool," Gero said. "You're acting this way for a stupid human woman who is nothing but a worthless, powerless bitch. I created you—I'm the one who put you together."

"Yes and I thank you," Cell replied, but the frown didn't weaken. "Although I owe nothing to you for my true completion since you deprived me of learning a fuller version of the emotions I was at first not keen on discovering. But now Dr. Gero, I'm sending you back to our subservient home in Hell."

Cell tossed Gero's body up just enough to give him time to release a nasty shock of bright yellow light that nearly blinded me, even from the distance I sat from them. I heard a shrieking yell, but it faded fast as the front entrance to the convenience store Cell faced was blown away, along with the evil Dr. Gero.

I heard Babidi mutter something that was filled with fear, though what he said I couldn't say, but it was obvious he was scared beyond belief. He had turned sharply and dodged away before he got caught in any of the attacks Cell had left in him. I didn't dwell on it though; I was concerned with what was going on with Cell, my mother and Kibito-Kai.

"Android 17 will return any moment," Kibito-Kai said swiftly. "That attack I made was not enough to destroy him or even decommission him for a brief period. It merely knocked him off the platform for a few minutes."

Cell said nothing, but my mother seemed to be thinking over what the godly figure said. "So what happens when he comes back?"

"I must go after Babidi before he gets too far," Kibito-Kai said as he turned his head towards my direction, his neck craning up to the sky slightly. "But for now I will return Cell's strength to him so he can defeat Android 17."

Cell looked at the purple man and I could only imagine the look of shock on his face…though I'm sure it was similar to the expression I wore. This guy had the power to do such a thing? That's…amazing!

"You will heal me?" Cell asked in awe.

"Yes," Kibito-Kai said almost regrettably and put his hand on Cell's shoulder. "Do not move."

A strange glow of bluish light surrounded Cell's body, but that was as much as I got out of it. My mother took a step back, apparently never having witnessed this in any of her adventures with Cell. The android, on the other hand, looked as if he was being reborn with newfound strength. Kibito-Kai stepped away moments later and Cell created a huge wave of golden light that gushed through the street, his wings and arms flexing with the glory of his returned abilities.

"You must promise me you will not do harm to these ladies and take down 17," Kibito-Kai warned.

"Now that I'm good as new, I will not allow anything to happen to either Layrial or her daughter," Cell answered. "But since you have such a fantastic gift, you may want to tend to Sasara since she's lost more blood than I have and I daresay she can't live long with that condition."

I felt my heart take a double leap with his words—I didn't know he had realized I was so badly wounded. He just couldn't do anything about it at the time it happened, I guess.

"Miss Layrial, please come with me and I shall heal you both. The android is returning and I suggest you stay as far away as possible," he said as they hurried towards me, leaving Cell to his spot in the street.

Once Kibito-Kai and Mom were at my side, the purple elf-like man knelt down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, his other hand resting on my mother's. "Please do not move," he said as he closed his eyes and concentrated.

The feeling of life that washed over my body was nothing less than miraculous. The only way I can describe what it felt like was the feeling you get when you wake up after a really good night's sleep…only better. My leg healed up within seconds and any other bruised or broken part of my body felt completely restored and back to normal.

Kibito-Kai finished and stood up, his hands clenched into firm fists next to his side; however, he wore a small smile on his face. "I will go retrieve the wizard and put him back into the afterworld where he belongs," he told us. "After that task is completed, Goku and his friends should be freed from the spell and they can help relieve the planet of any other fugitives. Do take care of yourselves."

"Thank you so much," Mom said as he lifted his feet and began to fly away. The last I saw of him he was flying off down the street in the direction the little green wizard had retreated. I have no idea if he succeeded in his mission, but I was pretty confident that all was well now that the god was back in the picture.


I got to my feet immediately and Mom and I hurried further down the street and over to an ally that separated a woman's shoe store and a sporting goods shop. We hid behind the corner of the brick building that was the shoe store and watched as Cell waited in the middle of the street by himself.

I was about to say something when Mom pointed out that someone was coming in the distance. Sure enough, the long black-haired Android 17 landed with a furious entrance that spelt trouble for anyone who didn't have enough sense to run away…not that we were senseless…

Although we were further from the scene than before, I could still make out exactly what they were both saying. It could be because both were angry and their voices were cranked up to the irritation volume.

"Let's get this over with," Cell said. "I have better things to do than continue toying with you."

"You toy with me?" 17 laughed loudly. "Please, I've been banging your face into the ground all day."

"Only because you caught me off guard after I had been attacked by your little friend Jardinai," Cell said truthfully. "Now you have to deal with me at full power."

They didn't waste any more time chatting. Cell powered up, as did the other android, and the two released a powerful attack at the same time. It was the oddest thing I had ever seen, and I will tell you no one will ever see something like it again. Both held an enormous wave of energy directed at the other, but the ends of both attacks clashed to form a large electric ball in the middle. Cell braced himself, his feet actually pushing down into the pavement as he leaned forward with his arms, his wings spread out sharply behind him.

Android 17 stood in a similar stance, but the light prevented me from seeing more than one side of his body. He did seem to make a large push, the central ball being tossed closer to Cell, but Cell leaned forward even more to keep it from taking over his energy beam.

"Mom…can he do it?" I asked, my stomach twisting in all sorts of directions from the nerves that kept telling me we were still going to die.

"I'm hoping so," she said as she clutched my shoulders and kept me close.

We watched the light from the two androids' attacks bouncing in our eyes, everything else being blocked out as Cell and Android 17 pushed each other to the limit in a battle for their lives. The ground started to break apart more, buildings started to crumble and more dust rose from the debris that was littering the surrounding area. A massive crack started to snake its way down the middle of the street, the road splitting apart a good twelve inches or so before continuing its path down town. Cell's wings lifted almost to their fullest point and he pushed his arms out in such force I thought he was going to dislocate both of them this time. Android 17 was actually taking steps back. Cell continued to move forward slowly, the enemy trying with all his might to keep himself in the game, but the fact that Cell was stronger at was something that 17 was going to realize in a matter of seconds.

Cell was now walking with a normal stride, the other android backing up. I wish I could've seen his face as Cell's energy burst in a fierce explosion. Mom and I had confidence that we were both going to survive, thus we ran out to the near middle of the street to take one last look at the perfection Cell displayed. The entire city block before him was slowly being devastated as he released the final blow.

The sight I witnessed that day was nothing less than amazing. All I could see for a brief moment, (though it really did seem to last for an eternity in slow motion), was Cell standing tall and proud in front of a brilliant display of yellow, white and orange light as he finished a battle he was almost destined to lose from the start. Before I knew it, however, the blue sky hung overhead, the sun beamed down brightly upon us and Cell stood out amongst the ruins of the city that I had once strolled down without a care in the world earlier that day.

I was speechless. I honestly didn't know what to say or do as Cell turned slowly towards us in a relaxed and modest way. Mom didn't wait a moment longer to keep herself from running to him. She ran as you'd see a woman do in an old movie as they went after the hero…only in this story the hero was the most unlikely of characters you'd ever expect. In this story, the alleged villain saved the day.

Mom jumped into Cell's arms and I could see he didn't expect it. She gave him a great hug that almost brought tears to my eyes. For the first time in her life since knowing Cell, she was able to embrace her secret man when all the terror came to an end. I walked up to them, Cell looking almost…timid and kind. I had never seen him like this and those tears were really threatening to pour out of my eyes at any given moment. Not only had I survived this whole mess, but he had been reunited with the one woman he loved. He held her as no one ever had, as if he was afraid that if he let go he'd lose her again.

As soon as he noticed me, however, he let her go. Mom backed away shyly, as if forgetting her age and that she had a daughter witnessing her small secret romance. I looked at Cell, his face calm and angelic, but I knew that he hadn't gone all mushy inside just because he got a hug.

"You did it," I said with a smile.

"Of course," he said. "I wouldn't have allowed myself to lose that type of battle a second time…especially to that stupid 17."

I really didn't understand exactly what he meant by "not losing that battle again," but I didn't ask any questions. I was too busy looking at my mother, who seemed to be completely lost in her own train of thought.

"So…" I started, but she still kept her eyes focused on some unknown invisible object before her. "What will you do now?"

Cell let out a sigh and looked away from both of us, his magenta eyes glancing up at the sky for a moment before crossing his arms. "I suppose I'll leave," he said finally. "I've decided that it's not worth destroying this planet now…especially after I just nearly killed myself saving it."

I almost laughed. He didn't do it for the planet—I knew that like I knew my name. He did it to protect us, but mostly Mom. He had promised himself he'd never let anything else ever happen to her again and he followed through.

Speaking of my mother, when he said he'd leave her glazed-over eyes sparked back to life and her head shot up to look at him with a deep felt sorrow. She already knew at the end of that statement that she would lose him…and probably never see him again.

"You'll…leave for good?" She asked in a near choke from a sob she tried to hide. "Where will you go?"

Cell shrugged lightly, but the moment his eyes rested upon her I could see that inside, his heart sank at the sight of her sorrow. "Layrial," he said with a small smirk. "I will make this offer one last time…come with me."

I could see her taking in a deep breath, but before she even considered it she shook her head. "I can't," she said and a tear escaped her eye. "I…I can't leave Sasara. This is my home."

It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that her statement brought more sorrow to her than anything in the world. If she were holding her heart in her hand I'm sure I would've seen it crack and grow dark. I watched as that tear slid down her cheek and dripped away from her chin to be lost to the broken ground below. It pained me to even think that she'd continue living with that knowledge that he was out there somewhere and she wasn't with him.

"Go," I said before knowing I said it. Mom looked at me, as did Cell, with a small surprise. "Please go."

She shook her head. "I can't leave you, sweetheart. This is where I belong."

"No," I said more confidently. "You belong with him. He's been a part of your life since the day you met him. Mom, I've read your journals…I know what you feel. I've been around him myself and I know how you could fall for him."

"Don't argue with me Sasara," she started to lecture but I held my hand up quickly.

"No Mom, you listen to me," I said firmly. "I can take care of myself. You've raised me the right way and I can handle things on my own. I want you to be happy—I don't want you to live the rest of your life thinking about how you could've been with him and you chose not to. I know this is what you want—just do it."

I saw her continue to think it over, but I knew that she was still leaning towards leaving him be and continuing her normal life as a school teacher and a mother to a grown girl that was ready to move out anyway. Nothing was really keeping her here, but I think I had figured out right away what exactly was keeping her from jumping to this chance—besides me, that is.

"Mom," I said and looked right at her eyes. "Don't think about what he's done in the past…trust me, I saw it. That little wizard forced me to see Cell's life because he wanted to scare me. Cell's not what you've always described him as…he's not the monster he was before he gained his power. You can trust him…he does care for you. Believe me…"

She stood in silence for a long moment. I actually had a hard time believing what I had just said myself, but…it was true. She deserved this. After having this chance to know Cell—knowing that he saved me from several fates all day long, and then even battled an enemy that could have been his ally—I was confident that I could trust Cell to take care of my mother. He wouldn't allow anything to happen to her.

I took a chance to get a peek of what was written on Cell's face. He seemed a bit stunned at the conversation we were having, but in ways I could tell that he didn't expect any consideration to take place. I don't think it was because he didn't want to do it—Cell wasn't the type to offer anything if he didn't mean it—but he had been rejected after that question several times by her in the past.

"You're…you're sure you'll be alright?" Mom said softly. "I don't want you to think that I'm abandoning you."

"You wouldn't be abandoning me," I said with small smile. "You'd be fulfilling what you secretly wanted most for over thirty years."

Mom came forward and wrapped her arms around me in a large hug, her hand holding the back of my head as she sobbed softly on my shoulder. I held her, my own salty tears dripping from the corners of my eyes as I realized that she was going to go through with it…she was going to leave.

She pulled back, her hands holding my shoulders and her eyes looking me over one last time. "You promise to take care of yourself?"

"I promise," I said with a sniffle following closely behind my agreement. I looked past her at Cell, who seemed to be suddenly uncomfortable with this scene. He held his arms stiffly across his chest, his head turned slightly and his eyes fixed on something off to the side. He didn't look disgusted, but he didn't look sappy either.

"Cell," I said and went up to him, my mom's hands dropping away from me. His eyes slowly eased to the side to look at me and after a moment his head followed. "Please take care of her? I mean, I can trust you, right?"

His stunning pink eyes closed for a moment and a small smile broke the stiff look on his porcelain-like face. "A question that need not be asked, nor need be answered," he said with a sly smirk. He looked at me and it was then I wrapped my arms around his waist to offer one last hug to someone I truly owed my life too.

I could feel his arms loosen above my head, but he wasn't sure what to do with them. I glanced up and threw my arms up to his shoulders, my hands gripping the smooth black shell that covered them; I pulled myself up (painfully since he was so damn tall) and gave him a quick peck on the side of his face. His eyes grew a bit wider, but I backed away right after getting back down.

"I'm going to miss you," Mom said to me. "My little girl…I'm so proud of you."

"I love you, Mommy," I said and tried desperately to hold back any tears that were right next to the exit to spring forward. We embraced each other in one last hug.

"Layrial," the smooth, deep voice of Cell said. "We must go before I'm found again."

Mom nodded her head against my shoulder and backed away, her hand holding mine until she could no longer reach as she stood next to Cell. "Good-bye, Sasara…"


I couldn't say anything more than that. My lungs were busy holding in all the sobs that wanted to come forward. I was sad, yes, but I was also happy. It brought a smile to my face in the weirdest way when Cell picked my mother up around the waist and held her vertically next to his own strong body. She held onto him, chancing one last wave as his feet left the ground, and then clung to his neck for support. Cell actually allowed himself to send off a short wave that consisted of two fingers.

And then they were gone.

I stood alone in the street of a devastated city for who knows how long, my head tilted back to look at the sky where my mother disappeared with her secret android. It was so hard for me to get myself to realize that yeah, this was it. I was on my own. My mother was gone. I had just survived a horrible day…

But the only reason I survived was because of Cell. He saved me…so many times.

With that thought floating through my head, I turned away and walked down the street, my torn and dirty skirt flowing in the gentle breeze that swept through the deserted city, my bare feet carefully stepping along the broken road. After learning of such a fairy-tale story that was indeed real once upon a time, I was more happy than sad to know that my mother, Layrial, was to live ever after with the unlikely prince charming.

The End


Cassie's Farewell Note: Well I must say that this suddenly came up almost unexpectedly. However, I did promise everyone I'd finish it before I went back to school, so since my classes start this Wednesday, I've held up my end XD Only took me all summer to write it—hehe. Anyway, I know it was a super long chapter—the longest I've ever posted I believe, but I hope you find it worth it. I didn't want to chop it up on anyone because to me, it's a great chapter and couldn't be torn apart just because of its length.

And now, you all have a happy ending that I'm hoping was worth the wait of 4 stories. Did I make anyone cry? I was all happy and fuzzy inside when I finished it up. Honestly, I wasn't going to have Layrial jump off with him, but I think that after all this time has passed Cell could jump out of character just a little bit, yeah? Also, it's a gift for all of you that have hung on through this chapter and the previous three. So there you have it.

And a big thanks to those I've mentioned in previous chapters for any help you've offered me in bringing about some of the ideas I had for the plot. A major thanks, however, to jessiegurl2 for that email she had sent me with the debating questions going on between my main characters. I believe I've answered all possible questions anyone could have, but honestly—if you have ANY more, feel free to ask me. I will reply to any personal messages you send through fanfiction dot net here.

Will there be a fifth installment? A month ago I would've said most likely…however, the plot wasn't really sorted out further than a brainstorm idea I got while having a chat with some of my Cell friends, and now that classes are starting I don't know how much time I'll have. I also have plans for other stories in other genres (i.e. Harry Potter and possibly X-Men); I think for now I'm going to take a break from Cell. What I would like to really work on is maybe some artwork I can offer (if I can get it to come out right) that depicts some scenes from any of the stories. We'll see though…takes me a while to come up with a good drawing. If I do, I will post a new "chapter" to this story and those of you that have this story in your favorites will find out. Everyone else can check back in a few months xD

Oh, and to answer a question that may come up…Why didn't Cell kill Babidi and why was he having such a hard time with Android 17? Yeah, I know—he's Perfect Cell and 17 was weaker than he was in the DBZ saga. Although keep in mind that Babidi boosted 17's power with the majin stuff. So that was one reason. Also, Cell had gone through the day fighting one guy after another and after the fight with Majin 17 and Jardinai, he was starting to wear down. After he was attacked by Jardinai he was really drained and hurt. I never did mention what sort of dagger she had mostly because I couldn't really just throw it in there properly, so the answer to that is yes, it wasn't your ordinary dagger—it would have been made from a very hard metal that even Cell couldn't ward off; also, I mentioned when it happened that she got him in the purple part of his waist—I see that as a softer area compared to the rest of him. As for Babidi, killing him would've almost been too much for him since at that point Kibito-Kai didn't heal him yet. That and I wanted Kibito-Kai out of the scene, so chasing the little wizard was the easiest way. That way Cell was able to escape the planet without a long drawn out excuse.

Alright, I think I covered everything I wanted to say. I'm sure I'll remember something while in work tonight ;) But for now, I do have one request from YOU guys. If you do decide to be ever-so-kind and write a review (because you all know how happy they make me) I'd like you add the following, just for my piece of mind. Did you like the ending? I mean, were you guys truly satisfied or do you think Cell should've gone off on his own? Honesty here! Also, for those of you that have read all 4 stories (Cell's perspective fic not included) which did you like the most? I'm just curious :)

So there you have it. Take care to all of you! Thanks again for reading!