Akanishi-san: So I decided to make a new KakashixOc. Yeah. Call me what ever you want. OC freak. I know. Yeah. Well anyway, I think I'm going to make this one long, like adventure type. All right! So with that promise done, read and review everyone 3

Attention: This story will take place after the Chuunin Exam. AND Sasuke did not leave. Naruto stopped him from doing so. All right?

Chapter 1

I scanned the area where I ran, trees zipping past me as I leaped from tree to tree. I glanced back once to make sure my 3 comrades were safe behind me, and they too, alert. Looking ahead, I squinted to see a rather large cliff, a small house like building on it.

"We are almost there." I stated, commenting to the others. However, everyone did not even twitch at my words. We were, still far from the destination and the mission was far from over. We were on a mission to take a small box to a village north of Konoha. Higher up, towards the boarder, where high mountains and cliffs were at. The Hokage told us the item in it was top secret. But what, we don't know. All we know is that it was top secret. Pft.

I rolled my eyes, but kept my senses alert. We were anbu, and that was our job, and I should not complain, but hello? At least they should give us an idea of what it is, or how valuable it is. Okay, maybe I am being unreasonable. But hey, that's my opinion. Whatever.

Once again, my group returned to silence, tense. As we drew nearer to the village, I frowned. Something was going wrong. There was nothing to stop us, it was too easy. The Hokage warned that there might be some people trying to stop us from delivering the box. But nothing…

I felt my comrades also tensing, they too, suspicious. I raised my hand to signal a slow, and with a flick of my hand, we stopped, all balanced on tree branches. Scanning the surrounding again, I signaled my group to watch. With that done, I pulled my hawk mask to the side of my face, letting my red hair fall onto my face a little.

Making seals, I closed my eyes and opened them once again, feeling chakra rush to my eyes, giving my eyes more energy to look around. It's not like a Byakugan or Sharingan, but my eyes were pretty unique. First of all, I was able to see far, even without the help of chakra. And when I use chakra with it, I can see things that are very far away, and also see things in darkness.

To specify, I have eyes like a hawk. Thus, my nickname. Hawk Eye. When hawks prey on water animals, they can see shimmer of fish under water. I can see that too, except I see chakra. In the darkness, I can see chakra and any other living things quite clearly. Plus, my eyes were bright golden color with tint of brown in it, giving it a hawk-y look, I guess. Well, that's what the people say at home.

"Commander Aki," Someone spoke, and I felt them tense even more than they were already. "We can feel people coming this way." With that, I heard clatters of kunai and shuriken being drawn.

I nodded in response, and returned my attention to the house. With my eyes now mixed with chakra, I saw that there was nothing amiss going on. Or so it looked. With that confirmed, I turned around and looked around ourselves.

I saw that my comrade was quite right, some people were heading this way. I saw glimpses of dark clothing, and I saw light reflect against something they held. Weapons. I counted them, to see that there were 5 of them, all armed. I was disgusted from that, but it was to be expected. The bright side, however was that they were all coming from the same direction. Just incase, I looked around and made sure no one else was approaching.

"5 armed ninjas north." I said, drawing my eyes back, pulling my mask over my face once again. I rested one of my hands on one of the two daggers on my hip belt, gripping it tight. Pulling it out, I shifted into my fighting stance, letting the other hand go back into my back pouch to make sure that the small box was still in there.

Satisfied, I returned my attention to the enemies coming. Silence followed, only broken by some clattering noise of the weapons being drawn by my comrades. Seeing glitter of light from the weapons the enemies held, I let out a breath to calm myself for the battle. "They will come in 10…9…8…7…6…" I counted down, and when I breathed zero, sure enough, cry of battle split the silence, all 5 armed ninjas coming into view for everyone.

I let out my own battle cry, and I joined the fray. I dodged some kunai and shuriken, swinging my dagger half moon, and drawing the other dagger with my other free hand. I swirled again, bringing the blade into a crescent moon cut, clipping one of the ninjas who were trying to get one of my comrades.

Startled, the ninja leaped away, blood dripping from his left arm, where I struck him. "Aki!" Someone yelled my name, and I whirled around just in time to avoid a kunai.

I smiled to my comrade for thanks, but with no other delay, I hacked at the ninja who threw the kunai. The fray ended quite fast, we were prepared, and something the enemy was not prepared. They had hoped to ambush us, but they did not know of my presence. My eyes.

I smiled triumphantly as I jabbed at the last ninja standing, and with him down, I glanced around to let my grin broaden to see no comrade injured. Dropping down from the tree branches, we all checked for the pulses of the enemies to make sure they were dead.

"All clear." One of them said to me, placing his weapons back into their pouches. "Is the box safe?"

I nodded, reaching behind me and feeling the box in the bag. "It's safe." I replied. I glanced at the other 2 anbu and nodded to them. With that, we all leaped back up into the tree branches and we were back on track.

"There was nothing amiss at our destination." I said, talking quietly, but loud enough so my comrades could hear. "And that surprises me, for if the item is very valuable as we were told, they might control our destination before trying to ambush us."

One of the team nodded. "I was also thinking about that." He said, "Could that attack be just a tester?"

"Could be." I heard someone reply. "Their team might be already up in the temple, waiting for us."

"If they are, Aki can see through them before we even reach there." The last one said, triumph in his tone.

I nodded, smiling. "Of course. I'll be always on the look." With that, I brought chakra towards my eyes and looked at our destination. Seeing that nothing was still going on up there, I frowned. "If they are up there, they are doing a great job of hiding."

"Should I go ahead and check?"

I thought on his words, but shook my head, leaping for another branch. The jump was a little far. "No, I think it'll be fine."

But everything was not fine. Soon as I landed on the far branch, explosion met as I landed. The ground shook, and I forced chakra towards my feet, keeping my balance. My comrades followed, all balancing onto their tree branch.

We all looked up at the temple, to see smoke rising from it. "Aki?" Someone asked, but he did not even have to ask. I was already looking.

I frowned, scanning the place with my chakra powered eyes. "I see 10 to 15 people up there, and they are attacking the temple." I muttered, keeping keen look. I them glimpsed someone rush from the back, followed by another that looked like anbu. I cursed, thinking that the running figure was the owner of the temple, being chased by them, but I held back a breath as I saw the anbu hack at the ninjas attacking.

Feeling questioning looks from my comrades, I relayed my view to them. They all murmured words, but I focused on the view. I squinted, forcing more chakra up to my eyes, trying to see more.

My eyes widened to see that the anbu was a Konoha ninja. "It's Hatake Kakashi." I breathed, and withdrew my eyes back. "He is protecting the monk, we must hurry."

The three nodded, and we all ran. I quickly made symbols, and sent a flare of fire up into the sky, signaling the anbu to come towards us. The enemy probably knew of our presence anyway, and Kakashi looked like he needed the help.

I had seen Kakashi on occasions, only couple of times. We were never assigned on same missions since he quit anbu to be a Jounin, directing Team 7 with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. But of course, I knew who he was. He was quite famous. The Copy-Ninja. I frowned, wondering why he was there in the first place, wearing anbu outfit, but that had to be placed away for now. Now was the time to protect the monk.

Bringing chakra up to my eyes once again, I saw that Kakashi saw the flare, and was guiding the monk towards us. "He's coming this way with the monk." I said, bringing my eyes back to my surroundings.

The three nodded, bringing their weapons out. Once again, when Kakashi and the monk neared, I breathed out numbers, "10…9…8…7…" And like last time, when zero slipped out, the 2 burst into where we stood.

The enemy was now reduced to 7, 3 Kakashi had most likely taken care of on his way over. "Aid Hatake Kakashi." I ordered one of my comrades, who nodded and leaped down, shielding him away from an enemy attack.

I got a glimpse of Hatake Kakashi looking at me in relief. But my eyes returned to the battle, and bringing both my daggers out, I hacked at the enemies.

The enemies were quite stronger than the last, and I now knew that the one we had encountered earlier were just guards. I spun around in crescent moon, trying to hack at the enemy, but they all avoided my sharp dagger, all looking hungrily at the monk.

I growled in frustration, leaping backwards from an attack. I heard a yelp, and I averted my eyes to see one of my comrade leap away from his enemy, blood steadily trickling out of his wound he received on his arm. I quickly ran to his side, hacking at anyone who came close.

"Are you all right?" I asked, twisting, kicking my enemy away. My other comrade had also come, and he was also protecting the wounded comrade. I glanced down to see that Kakashi and my other team mate was doing fine, protecting the monk who looked very frightened, and holding onto a stone in his arms.

But I had no time to ponder on that for an enemy was attacking me once again. I heard my team mate growl in reply, and no answer except a thud. I whirled around, to see my wounded comrade on the ground, the blood still flowing.

I cursed, and hacked at my enemy, and ran to his side. Quickly reaching for his wrist, I looked for his pulse. "I got you covered." I heard my comrade say, and I trusted him on that, and focused on my wounded soldier.

I looked hard, searching for any sign of life. But…I had failed. He was gone. I looked at his wound, to see black liquid also flowing from it. Poison. I growled, leaping to my feet. Running to my friend's side, I told him, colorful language following it.

Although we had been trained to not to show emotions during battle, my team was close to level of best friends…My comrade yelled with fury, and ran to the man who had struck our now lifeless friend.

I jabbed at another ninja, but to my horror, I heard another cry of agony, and I turned to see my comrade fall as well. Instant kill, he was struck in the chest. Fury rose to my head, but I kept my patience, warding away my sorrow. I felt tears forming to my eyes, but I kept them back. I yelled, growling fiercely as I struck a blow at my enemies, tears were there, but I didn't care. My heart sang out sorrow for my 2 lost friends.

I leaped down to the ground hacking at another enemy, reaching Kakashi and my last comrade. He too, was hurt to my disgust, and to make it worse, I saw the black liquid dripping from his wound on his leg. I felt my heart twist, my eyes wide with horror. This can not be happening!

He smiled at me as if everything was going to be okay, and kept his battle up. The battle ended, as I struck a blow at the last one standing. I quickly turned, and caught my comrade in time to cushion his fall. "NO!" I yelled, looking at my last comrade's pale face. He just smiled at me, and with that, his eyes closed. Eternally.

I felt hot burning tears drop from my eyes, and I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned around to see Kakashi there, looking at me with eyes that showed sympathy, and sorrow, matching mine.

I laid my comrade down to the ground, and turned to the monk. He was shaking, looking at the dead. "I…"

I shook my head. "We are anbu. We serve to fight." I said, smiling the best I could, knowing the tears were still running.

My eyes went to the stone in the monk's arms. The stone. It was smooth and round, the size was pretty big, barely small enough to be able to cup it in your hands. The color was light red colored; the stone shimmered from the sunlight. I suddenly felt burning hate towards it. That was most likely the box in my back pouch was for, the thing that led my friends to death. I kept my glare at the stone, and pulled out the box in my back pouch.

My voice did not betray my thoughts and feelings. My voice was level as I handed over the box to the monk. "Here." I said, holding it out for him.

The monk shook his head. "It…is not for me. I do not have the honor of even touching it."

I frowned, but nodded. "Hatake Kakashi, please assist the monk back to Konoha. I will stay and take care of my fallen comrades." Even though my voice was level, my insides were crying, twisting in agony. I just wanted to be alone, away from the rock, away from the box, away from everything. My friends…3 of my best friends had died in one night, in front of my eyes.

Kakashi looked over to the fallen. "You can't do that all by yourself." He said softly.

I shook my head. Why can't he just say yes? I turned, and walked towards my fallen comrades. I knelt beside one, and brushing my finger on his cheek, I felt my eyes burn. Rubbing my eyes with back of my hand, I stood up.

"Miss…" I heard the monk speak. I turned, looking at him. I saw him hesitate, but he extended his arm out, holding the stone out to me. "I would like you to hold this." He said.

At that moment, I just wanted to yell 'NO!' at him. I didn't want to do anything with the rock, the one that led my friends to death! However…the look on his face…I nodded, walking over to him. I reached over and took the egg from him.

As soon as my hand touched the egg, I felt it hum in my hands, warmth suddenly spreading through me. My eyes widened in shock, and the monk smiled. "You are the chosen one." He said, and I had no clue what he was talking about. "Please take care of him and the necklace in the box."

I opened my mouth to speak, but my jaw just dropped to see that the monk was slowly turning to air. "I have fulfilled my duty." He said, and he was gone.

Kakashi was also looking quite clueless as me, but he seemed to have gotten more ideas than me. The proof was that he recovered before me, and he was looking at me with a sorrowful look. "Kaname Aki, right?" He spoke.

Startled, I jumped, but seeing that it was him, I nodded numbly. Everything was happening so fast! First my comrades, then the stone, then the disappearing monk! "Yes." I said.

Kakashi nodded, and I saw him look over to my fallen friends. "I will send one of my dog-nins back to Konoha. Aftermath team should come in at least 2 days. Until then, we can stay here. You are wounded, and I think you need time to think."

I nodded once again, feeling something to be happy about. I was able to stay and be with my friend, to see to their end, not to leave them here. "Thank you." I whispered, my voice was failing me.

I saw Kakashi make hand seals, and with a puff of smoke, I saw a small dog appear. Having a short conversation with Kakashi, it leaped away after looking at me.

I slumped to the ground, and I finally realized that I was still holding to the stone. The red stone hummed in my arms, warmth spreading through me. I growled at it. My anger towards it was not gone. I still had distaste towards it.

As if my feelings were felt, the stone suddenly stopped its steady hum to just soft vibration and it decreased in its warmth. I raised one of my eyebrows at it. Seeing my expressions change, Kakashi spoke. "That is alive, as you can tell by now." He said. The words did not sink in as he said them; I just stared at the stone. "Take out the necklace." Kakashi said.

I said nothing as I felt for the box, pulling it out. I handed it to Kakashi, who opened it. Taking out a necklace, he unhooked the ends. I glanced up to see Kakashi reach around my neck. Startled, I tried to leap away, but felt that I had no strength to do any of that. I was tired. Tired from everything.

When Kakashi stood back, I felt the necklace around my neck. "It is yours." He said softly.

I looked down to see that the necklace was made out of silver, the ornament was silver as well, twisted into a crooked shape like a cross, a ruby red colored stone twisted on. I fingered the stone, feeling the warmth from the stone increase a little, as if hesitating.

"What is this?" I finally made myself ask.

Kakashi looked at the stone in my hands, then to the necklace. Looking at me now, he spoke. I wish I didn't hear it. I really, really didn't. My brain was already over worked from the day's experience, and the words he spoke just made it worse.

"It is a dragon egg."

Akanishi-san: What do you think? Please review