The rabid squirrel looked around the room and saw that everyone was looking at it with anger. "Uh-oh!" he ducked and dove back into Demyx's pocket, but Demyx reached in and grabbed it.

"You're not getting away this time!" Demya said.

"Kill it, Demyx!" Axel yelled from across the room.

The rabid squirrel looked up at Demyx with pleading eyes, "Please, spare me!"

Demyx was put in a trance, "Yes master!"

HEY! How come Demyx didn't eat it like I wanted him to?

Voice: Because I have the controls.

Me: Hey!

Voice: Hello

Me: Shut up!

Voice: Why? You're the one talking

Axel: Who are you people!

Roxas: I don't know, but they're starting to scare me because ou can't see them!"

Me: Now you can see me!

Xemnas: Hey! This is a MEETING not a welcoming hall!

Me: Whoever said it was?

I appear with my blonde hair down and my eyes boring into Xemnas with anger, "You need to get out of my story!"

I began to type with Xemnas falling out the window again.


Meanwhile Demyx was saying, "Squirrel, sqquirrel, sqquuuiiiiirrrreeeelllllll!"

Larexen looked at him with anger, "Shut up Demyx!"

Me: GASPS! Cloud is not a black sheep! Opps, srry! Need to pay more attenchen to typing rather than Final Fantasy VII-srry!

Axel looked around and up at the cieling, "Where'd that voice go and where did that girl go!"

"Who knows and who cares! I;m going to Hollywood with Xemnas's cat!" Roxas declared.