I'm finally back and writing again! I'm sooooo sorry to everyone who was waiting for another chapter of ENAE and this one but I had heaps of stuff to do, but the main thing is I'm back! Yes! So no more hesitations, get reading!

Big thanks to kittyluvr, dragonluvr85, dragoneyes5000, Greater Lights, 16forever, DragonZHell, Rosenkruez, Living Arrow, and MorningRUM for your wonderful and most inspiring reviews!

Disclaimer: the truth is the characters own me! You see, they tell me what they do in their spare time, or just some random story, and then they expect me to write it all up and post it on fanfic! It's true! -shifty eyes-

Truth and Love

Chapter 2: Phone Calls and Confusion

Bring, bring… Bring, brii-


"Um… Mr. Kaiba?"


"I just called to inform you that Mr. Trovski of the New York KaibaCorp Branch is requesting to see you. He says that he has urgent news."

"Well I'm busy, so tell him that he can see me tomorrow. Schedule a meeting with him in the afternoon."


Seto sighed. Too much work! And he also had to make time for Téa and their dinner. Speaking of Téa he wondered if she'd told her friends yet… he hadn't gotten a distress signal (a.k.a. phone call) from her. He hoped she was doing okay…

"Yay! Food!" That was all they heard before Joey disappeared into the midst of the crowd of hungry people in the food court.

They all laughed as they followed Joey's example and split up in search of food.

Téa suddenly had a craving for coffee so she went straight to the coffee shop and bought herself a big, steaming cup of it. She also got herself a burger and then went in search of the others to see if they had a table. While searching she was deep in thought.

She had enjoyed their past hour of shopping, and had bought quite a few things, but she was still worried. Worried about how she was going to tell her friends, when, and how they would react. She was especially worried about Joey. For the past hour he had ignored her, yet he kept shooting suspicious glares towards her. She hoped that he wouldn't take her news too badly.

She had decided to announce it to them all at the same time, maybe after they had finished eating? Then at least they would be comfortable, and sitting down! Hmm…

"Over here Téa!" She looked in the direction of the call and saw Yugi beckoning to her to come join him, Mai and Duke at a table. She went over and put her food down in front of the chair next to Yugi. Just as she was sitting down Serenity joined them with Tristan tagging along behind her. As they sat down Yugi turned to Téa and was about to ask her something when he noticed something.

"Hey Téa, since when did you start to drink coffee?" Everyone else at the table had also noticed and looked at Téa as she answered.

"Oh, um… it was a couple of months ago. I was at a café and they got the orders wrong and gave me a coffee. I didn't realize that it was the wrong drink until I drank some. I've been hooked ever since!"

Her friends nodded and went back to earlier conversations and their lunch. Téa inwardly sighed in relief. She didn't want to tell them the real reason as to how she had gotten to like coffee. The real reason was that Seto had gotten her hooked on it, but that was one thing that she really wasn't going to share with her friends! A small voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey Téa, are you okay? You seem a bit worried?" Yugi asked her looking concerned.

Téa opened her mouth to reply but before she was able to Joey's voice was heard muttering something loud enough for the entire group to hear as he arrived at their table with his tray full of food. "Oh yeah, she should be worried when she tells you about her little secret." He glared at her then turned back around and sat next to Mai.

All of her friends looked at her expectantly with questioning eyes as she sat there and blushed. Obviously Joey had decided that she should tell her friends without delay. He did seem pretty upset though, I mean, he did see…

-Brrrrr brrrr…. Brrrrr brrrr-

"Oh!" exclaimed a surprised Téa as she pulled her ringing phone out of her pocket. She looked at the caller id and immediately excused herself from the table as she answered the phone.

He sighed. He really didn't want to call her and interrupt her outing but this was important and she needed to know right away.

Seto sighed again as he retrieved his phone and dialed Téa's number. He just hoped she wasn't in the middle of something.

"Come on dear! We want to surprise our little sweetie when we get there! She'll be so happy with the news we have!" Téa's mother called to her husband who was lagging behind.

He just grunted and continued heaving heavy bags towards their taxi in the airport parking lot.

"Hey Seto!" Téa happily chirped into her phone once she was out of earshot of her friends.

"Hi Téa, listen, I have something really important to tell you…"

Téa listened intently while he spoke. When he had finished her mood had changed from happy to annoyed from the news. "Ok. Thanks for telling me Seto."

"Have you told you're friends about… us yet?"

"No, and I might have to postpone it again because of this!"

"Ok, well good luck and I'll still see you tonight right?"


"Great! See you then."

"Love you, bye!" Téa hung up her phone and turned around and came face to face with a very excited Mai.

"Spill." With that one word she crossed her arms and looked expectantly at her.

"Umm hi Mai, how long have you been standing behind me?"

"Long enough to know you," she leaned in closer. "Have a boyfriend!" She looked really excited and that kind of scared Téa a bit.

"Uhh, well… you know Mai-"

"C'mon girl, spill! I want to know everything! Who-"

"Hey the guys will be waiting for us! C'mon!" Téa hurried away from Mai and back to the table with her friends. Yugi looked up at her as she sat back down again.

"Hey Téa, what was that all about?"

Mai also came back to the table watching Téa. She went over to Joey and whispered something in his ear. Téa paled, Uh oh! Please don't be talking about what I think you're talking about! She sent the silent plea across the table.

"Uh, Téa?"

Téa shook her head. "Sorry Yugi. What is it?"

Duke, Tristan and Serenity had meanwhile been watching what had been going on and were now very confused, but despite of that they decided to leave it until later seeing as Téa was obviously really bothered by something right now. The three of them sat there in silence for a while with the other four whispering around them. At last Tristan spoke.

"Hey guys, you wanna go see a movie now? Or go for a walk or something?" He looked hopefully around at the others.

Serenity smiled at him. "Sure Tristan, that's a great idea." She turned around to Téa and Yugi as Duke glared jealously at Tristan. "You guys want to go for a walk to the park or something?"

Téa and Yugi turned around.

"Yeah ok." Yugi replied as Téa looked a bit unsure but then nodded her agreement.

Duke looked at Joey and Mai who were still having a quiet conversation. "Come on you love birds. We're going for a walk." He smirked as both Joey and Mai looked up with blushes evident on their faces.

Seto put his head in his hands. He was starting to get a headache from all this built up stress. Maybe he needed some fresh air. Good idea. He would go for a short walk then be back to finish up. He pushed the button on the intercom.

"I'm going out, I'll be back shortly."

"Yes sir."

He nodded in approval to his secretary's voice. She never disagreed and always did what she was told. She was a good find.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts of work and everything else as he walked out KaibaCorp's doors and into the fresh air. He took a deep breath in and then out and headed off on a brisk walk to Domino Park.

There we go. Finally finished another chapter! Huzzah! So sorry again! Hopefully the next chapter won't be too far away.