Yay! My first SetoXTéa story!

Disclaimer: Another story and another pointless disclaimer that claims I don't own Yu-gi-oh and any of its characters and I never will. -sighs-

Truth and Love

Chapter 1: Meeting at the Mall

"They will find out sooner or later anyway! I would really like to tell my friends myself instead of them finding out themselves! Then who knows what would happen? Joey especially would make a big deal out of it."

Seto frowned. He didn't see why she was making such a big deal of this, and why now? They had been together for the past 4 months… today! Wow! He never realized how long it had actually been.

He sighed. There was no way he was going to win this argument. They had had the same argument many times before and he had somehow always managed to get her to wait a little longer. Somehow he didn't think she was going to wait this time. Better not prolong this argument; he had a surprise for her. Then again he could make an agreement with her…

"Alright Téa, you win." She jumped up happily, ready to hug him but stopped when he smirked suddenly. "You can tell all your friends about us this afternoon on one condition." He held up one finger in front of her face then cupped her chin in his hand. "You can them if, and only if you go out to dinner with me afterwards to celebrate."

She looked strangely at him. "Celebrate what?" She had a feeling she knew what he was talking about but she had to check.

"Why, don't you remember?" He feigned shock then a hurt look. "Exactly four months ago you became my girlfriend."

She gaped at him. He actually remembered! "Of course I'll go to dinner with you!"

Seto smirked at her again. "Excellent. I've already made the reservations. Be ready to go by 6:30, and wear something semi-formal." He cupped her chin with his hand and brought his lips down on hers. She responded warmly to his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and entangling her fingers in his hair. Seto's other arm encircled her waist, pulling her closer to him and deepening their kiss.

Téa reluctantly pulled away when she heard a door slam and feet thumping down the stairs. She smiled at Seto. "Wouldn't want Mokuba finding us like this!"

"Well it's nothing he hasn't seen before." He smirked at her and pulled her back to him for another kiss.

"EEEEWWWW! Do you guys have to do that in here!" Mokuba was standing at the doorway to the room slowly backing out with his hands covering his eyes. He couldn't see where he was going so he tripped over the leg of a chair sitting just outside the doorway. He gave a yelp as he went sprawling on the floor with the chair next to him.

Seto jumped up from the couch he and Téa were sitting on and dashed over to Mokuba, Téa right behind him.

"Are you alright Mokuba?" Seto asked worriedly.

Mokuba sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah I'm fine; my head just hurts a little." He perked up a bit. "At least I got you two to stop." He grinned up at them.

Téa shook her head but was smiling all the same. Seto glared at the opposing chair. "That chair should not have been stationed directly outside the door. It is an accident waiting to happen. I shall have it removed at once."

Mokuba burst out laughing. "Um… S-Seto? It's j-just a ch-chair." He tried desperately to hold in his laughter.

Téa was also trying to hold in her giggles and was failing miserably.

Seto turned and looked sternly at his girlfriend before turning back to Mokuba. He ruffled his brother's hair affectionately. "I know. I was just kidding." He smiled. "Come on Mokie, I think it's time we all had some breakfast." Seto helped Mokuba up off the floor and they walked towards the kitchen together.

Téa was left standing in the hallway alone so she picked up the chair and moved it to a much safer place on the opposite wall. That done, she checked her watch. 11:27. She was meeting the gang at the mall at 12:00.

Not feeling particularly hungry this morning she went straight up the stairs to her bedroom. She had her own bedroom at the Kaiba mansion for whenever she slept over, which was usually when her parents where away on business trips and meetings.

"Hmm… 11:55. They should be here soon." Mai sighed. She hadn't seen the gang in about six months. What would they think of her? Would they still accept her? She was especially nervous about seeing Joey again. What if he has a girlfriend! Oh no! She would probably make a fool of herself if he did, but if she didn't who knew how long she could keep her secret bottled up inside of her. That's right. She was going to tell him how she felt about him. Today. If he didn't feel the same then she could just leave and go to London or something, they would never find her there. They probably wouldn't miss her either.

"Mai!" A very familiar voice called her name. She turned around and came face to face with her problems little sister.

"Hey hun! How are you doing?" She looked around. "Where's Joey?"

Serenity smiled at her. "Hey! Long time no see! Well I'm fine and Joey's running late again, so I said I'd come and tell you guys that he'll be late." She stopped and looked around. "Isn't anyone else here yet?"

Mai laughed. "No, I got here a couple of minutes ago and you're the first person I've seen that I know!"

"Hey guys!"

The two of them turned in the direction of the voice and saw Yugi, Tristan and Duke walking over to them. Tristan and Duke immediately went straight over to Serenity and were both complimenting her and trying to get rid of the other. Yugi rolled his eyes as he stood next to Mai.

"Hello Mai! Glad you could make it! We didn't know if you were coming or not."

"Hi Yugi. Of course I came! Why would I give up a chance to see you guys again?" She nodded towards Tristan and Duke. "Are those two still fighting over her?" Yugi nodded. "Wow. They haven't changed much. I'm surprised Serenity hasn't chosen one of them or told them both to buzz off!"

"Yea, I think she just doesn't want to hurt either of them." He shrugged. "So, who are we waiting for?"

"Just Joey and Téa I think. Did you invite anyone else?"

"No. Well they should be here soon-"


"Joey, please! You don't have to yell. I am right next to you!"

Yugi turned around. "Speak of the devil."

Téa was taking very big strides towards the food court where she was meant to meet the gang. Following quickly behind her was Joey, who was yelling at her at the top of his lungs.


Téa whirled around abruptly and glared at Joey. "Joey! Just drop it already! I will explain it all later! Alright! But other than that I don't want to hear another word out of you about what you saw!" She turned around, still fuming, and stalked towards where she could see Yugi and Mai staring at her and Joey.

She put on a sweet smile as she came up to them. "Hey Yugi, hey Mai! Watsup?" She glared at Joey who had sulkily followed her and was now trying desperately to pry his two friends off his little sister.

"Hey Téa!" Yugi looked curiously at her. "What did Joey see that caused him to yell at you?"

Téa waved a dismissive hand at him. "Oh don't worry, it's nothing." Now was not the time to tell her friends her big secret. She would wait until a bit later when they were all calm and preferably not eating something. She turned to Mai, "So Mai, how have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Yeah I'm great! Say, do you guys want to go shopping now that everyone is here?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea. How about we head back here for lunch at about 1:00? Then we can go see a movie or something?" Téa offered.

"Lunch! Movie!" Joey jumped into their conversation. "Let's go already!"

Mai laughed. "We're not going to eat yet! First we're going to go shopping for a bit."

Joey's eyes widened in alarm. "Sh-sh-sh-shopping! Nooooooooooo!" He fell to his knees and in distress.

"Joey!" The whole gang cracked up laughing when they saw the position Joey was in. Even some random shoppers laughed and giggled as they went passed.

Mai held out her hand and helped him up. His face was bright red, but it was unknown whether this was caused by embarrassment or from holding Mai's hand.

When Joey was up he reluctantly let go of Mai's hand and dusted off his jeans, muttering something. He then turned and stalked off, glaring at a few, still laughing shoppers, the gang slowly following him.

Téa sighed in relief. Joey had made the perfect distraction to their earlier fight. She frowned. She new it was a bad idea to do that, but Seto persuaded her when he… She giggled at the memory.

Yugi looked up when he heard her giggle. He could see it in her eyes that she was thinking about something. She had a big smile on her face and was staring into the distance. What's she so cheerful about I wonder. Before she looked really pissed off, oh that's right Joey and her were arguing. I wonder what that was about. Ah well, I'll ask her later.

Yay! First chapter completed! Woo hoo! Now, on to the next!

-and don't forget to leave your feedback. I want to know what all of you think of my humble writing ability!