Chapter One

Catherine walked into the women's barracks, it was completely disserted, "Ah, just like home," She whispered to herself throwing her duffel bag on the cot and hearing it whine under the weight.

She rolled her eyes. Lieutenant Waters had shown her where to go. She ran her hand through her blonde hair, so this was home.

Catherine Woods was your average twenty two years old. She was around 5'10", with long blonde hair that was dark underneath. She had big brown eyes and a thin build and face. Her mother said it was a waste of her pretty face to be in the navy but Catherine couldn't disagree more. She loved the military and she strived to be the best she could be at what she did.

She was in demolition, and explosives, not to mention she had a degree in linguistics. She could master a language in a matter of days and did it for fun. That was one of the reasons Lieutenant Waters said he was interested in her.

"Come on, I heard she was in here." Catherine looked up not expecting anyone to be looking for her. Four guys barged into the barracks and stared at her like she was an alien.

"Hi," She waved and gave them a sardonic smile. Two of them waved, one raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down and the other just looked…bored. That one was the one that caught her attention.

"Hi," Said one of the ones who had waved back. It was an informal meeting in the navy but she shrugged it of the whole situation was unusual to begin with. He was around 6'1" with surprisingly blonde hair; he had a sharp nose and an angular face. "I'm Red,"


"Yeah long story," He held out a hand and Catherine took it happy at the gesture of friendship. "This is Silk." He pointed his thumb over his should to a black guy, with a do rag on; he was around 6' and nice smile obviously a ladies man.

"Mmm," Catherine crossed her arms and stared at Silk. "You are fine, what is a pretty thing like you doing in the marines?"

"I got bored, and you are on thin ice." Catherine shook the man's hand, he nodded seeming to stop looking at her as if she was a piece of meat.

"Ignore him," She looked back at Red ready for the next introduction, "This is Flea."

He nodded politely in Catherine's direction and actually inclined his head to her. He looked like a guy out of a boy band at around 5'11" with nothing really standing out in his face; he had brown eyes, brown hair, pretty standard.

Catherine shot him a quick smile and turned to the last guy. He was around 6' with brown hair that was shaved to a strip on his head with the front brushed up to a short Mohawk. He had a tattoo on his neck and seemed to have little interest in their introduction.

"And this is Lake,"