
Chapter 7

Disclaimer: NCIS and its characters do not belong to me. I've begged and pleaded to no avail.

A/N: Wow, I received quite a response to the last chapter; I thought everyone enjoyed cliffhangers. I'm kidding. But, hey, at least you only had to wait a day to find out what happens. You've got to give me credit for that. This is the final chapter, so thank you again to everyone who has read and reviewed. You are wonderful. Jeanne Luz and TonyZivaFan, thanks so much for all that you do. You can't know how much I appreciate you. OK, here we go.


As the sound of the gunshot echoed in the hallway, Tony and McGee stood frozen for a moment; the looks on their faces were mirror images. Both were thinking the same thing: Not again. Not like Kate. Please no, not again.

It took only a few seconds for their instincts to kick in and both ran to the door of the break room, weapons still drawn. Tony felt an icy ball of fear take up residence in his stomach. He wasn't a religious man, but as he walked into the room he sent up a prayer that Ziva was still alive.

They both held their breath as they entered the small room.

Tony was the first one through the door and he saw Gibbs leaning over the body of a man, and Ziva tied up in a chair, apparently unconscious, but alive. He let out the breath he had been holding and heard McGee do the same as he entered behind him.

Tony went to Ziva and began to undo the binds that held her to the chair while McGee went to Gibbs and called Ducky to come upstairs and pronounce while Palmer went back to NCIS to get the truck so the unidentified man could be transported to the morgue. Gibbs searched through his pockets and finally found an ID.

"Names Ibrahim al Attar." Gibbs announced.

As Tony removed Ziva's ties, she fell forward. He quickly reached out and grabbed her, holding her upright.

"McGee, get me a cup of water, would you?" Tony requested.

McGee walked to the sink and ran a small cup of water, then brought it back to Tony. Tony thanked him and took the cup. He dipped his finger inside and brought them out to sprinkle the water over Ziva's face in an attempt to help her regain consciousness. After a few tries, her eyes began to flutter. She opened them and looked up at Tony.

"What happened?" She rasped.

"You were knocked out. How do you feel?" Tony questioned.

"A little dizzy, sleepy." Ziva answered and her eyelids began to droop again.

Tony gently shook her arm. "Ziva, try to stay awake for me. We need Ducky to check you out and then you can sleep."

"OK." She nodded her head in agreement and fought to keep her eyes open.

A few moments later Ducky arrived.

"How is she? Is she injured?" Ducky moved towards Ziva with a worried look on his face.

"She was knocked out with chloroform, but other than that, she's ok." Tony answered.

"Check her out, Duck. Make sure chloroforms the only thing he used." Gibbs directed.

Ducky gently examined Ziva while Tony continued to help support her body. She still couldn't hold herself up. She slipped in and out of consciousness.

"Alright, my dear, you can go home and rest now. Tony will take care of you." Ducky finally pronounced after a thorough examination of Ziva. He placed a kiss upon her cheek.

Ziva glanced up at Ducky and smiled.

"Thank you, Ducky."

He nodded at her and stepped aside to give Tony instructions on told him to call him if any problems occurred.

"Tony," Ziva spoke up again. "Take me home. I'm so tired." She requested.

"OK," Tony replied softly and moved to gather Ziva into his arms. He gently picked her up and carried her from the room.


Ziva woke a few hours later with her head throbbing. It took her a moment to orient herself. She realized that she was in Tony's apartment, in his bed and he lay beside her. He held her close to his body with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She looked down and realized that she was again in his t-shirt.

Ziva didn't remember much about what had happened. She had brief images of Tony, Gibbs, McGee, Ducky and a man lying on the floor in blood. She remembered talking to Ducky and the feeling of being carried.

Tony felt Ziva moving against him and woke.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He questioned, tightening his embrace on her.

"Ah, my head hurts and I can't remember what happened." Ziva replied.

"Let me get you Tylenol for your head and I'll explain." He said.

Ziva turned in his arms and kissed him softly.

"Did you put me to bed?" She asked.

"Yep. You weren't exactly up to it."

"Thank you." And she kissed him again.

"Welcome. I'll be right back." Tony got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of Tylenol. He popped the top and shook out a couple of pills, then ran a glass of water. Tony returned to the bedroom and helped Ziva to sit up in the bed while she swallowed the pills and washed them down with the water. Then he climbed back into the bed beside her, pulling her close again, before beginning the tale of the night's events.

"Do you remember being at the awards ceremony?" He asked first.

Ziva turned to face him and laid her head on his chest just under his shoulder. She ran her fingers over his chest and he began to stroke her side.

"Yes, and I remember telling you to meet me in the hall. Then I remember waiting for you just outside the door. I felt someone grab me from behind, but before I could react they placed something over my mouth and I can't remember much after that."

"It was a chloroform. We found the cloth in a plant near the door to the Athens Room. After I realized you had been taken, Gibbs, McGee and I informed security and had them seal the building while we started a floor by floor search. Gibbs found you on the fourth floor in a staff break room tied to a chair. The guy was about to shoot you." He explained.

"I don't understand. I know it was a Hamas member, I saw him on the floor, but I thought the whole cell had been captured." Ziva replied.

"That's what we all thought. After we found you Gibbs went back and questioned the suspects again. Apparently one member saw Gibbs coming and slipped out before the others were caught. The other members knew, but didn't say anything. They were hoping he would be able to carry out the plan."

"I see."

Tony suddenly hugged her to him tightly. She returned his embrace.

"For a minute, we didn't know who had been shot. I thought-"

"Shh, Tony, it's ok. I'm ok."

"I know. How's your head? Does it feel any better?" He asked.

"Much." She replied.

"Good." Tony said and then he kissed her gently. Ziva responded eagerly and began to run her hands over Tony's chest.

After a few moments, Tony pulled back. "Hey maybe we should wait until tomorrow, give the drugs time to wear off."

"Tony, I'm fine." Ziva said and captured his mouth again.

Tony wove his fingers into her hair and began to trail kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He realized that Ziva was not responding and looked up; she had passed out again.

Tony chuckled, "Never had that happen before."

He tucked the covers in around her and pulled her to him again, wrapping his arm around her waist. She felt soft and smelled sweet and the fit was perfect.

I'm beginning to like this sleeping arrangement. With that thought, he turned out the light and went to sleep.


A/N: You didn't really think I was going to kill Ziva, did you? Thanks again for reading. I hope you have enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.