Draco took off his cloak and knelt down next to Potter, "We've only got half a kilometer to the castle, get up you sodding blighter. I'm not about to carry you." No response came from Harry's prone form. Draco carefully wrapped Harry in his cloak and lifted him up, held him close for warmth and began the slow trek up to the school.

On the front steps Madam pomfrey and Snape waited, a frigid wind bit into their faces. Poppy stood on her tip toes squinting into the distance anxiously awaiting the boys' arrival. Only an hour earlier Poppy had been in the hospital wing taking inventory when she got the news. Dumbledore had wandered in, "Poppy you have a good supply of warm blankets and you're ready for all circumstances, yes?"

Without looking up from counting vials of potion she replied, "Of course, I always-"

"You'll be needing everything shortly, Young Mister Potter is expected back soon." He seemingly paid no attention while she gaped at him in disbelief. "Meet Severus at the entrance once you've gathered everything up." And he left.

Seconds passed as she gathered her wits, Dumbledore had gone before she could send a barrage of questions his way. Nearly three months had passed since Harry had vanished, 83 days to be exact; many had feared that he was no longer alive. Pomfrey knew he was a resilient young man, but three months by himself against all odds? She had been concerned as well, and couldn't imagine what state he'd be arriving in.

Her medibag was at the ready, having completed inventory on it earlier, she then grabbed several blankets and her wand and dashed out of the infirmary.

And so they waited, Silence rung out between her and Snape, it was a very professional relationship they shared; one of potions user and supplier. Through the drifting snow figures appeared in the distance. "Is that them do you suppose Severus?" Excitement and worry underlined her words, "Oh goodness, it has to be. Grab the blankets won't you," Poppy left no time for Snape to reply as she bounded off to meet Harry.

"Bloody woman," he scoffed under his breath. Snape was not a fan of exuberance, nor enthusiasm. Excitement was the bane of his existence. He picked up the blankets and began after her.

Reaching the boys first Pomfrey was alarmed to see Draco, "What is wrong with him?" She screeched, "put him down, put him down. What have you done?"

Severus chimed in for the first time, "Malfoy hasn't done anything," Turning to Draco he instructed, "don't set him down out here in the snow, I don't know what she is thinking." He draped a blanket over Draco's shoulders, "You apparently have lost your senses as well. Why weren't you levitating him?"

Draco stared back blankly, he had no idea why he hadn't just used magic.

Snape wasted no time whipping out his want and taking the burden of Harry's weight from Draco's arms with a fast wingardium leviosa.

"Oh, yes, don't just stand around. Let's get going." Pomfrey said after she came to her senses while they walked she cast numerous diagnostic spells and did what she could to help Harry en route. As a group the four made it back to the castle.

Back up in the infirmary Dumbledore and McGonagall had arrived and sat patiently. The headmaster insisted that they should wait there instead of rushing to meet everyone along the way. "It would only delay them, it is better for us to wait here."

It wasn't long before the doors burst open and Pomfrey was shouting orders. "Severus, put him on that bed right there," waving her hand toward the closest one. "I need the Murtlap essence from the bottom shelf near the window Malfoy. And the jar of yellow paste to the left. In my office there is a large bottle of platelet replenisher, I'll need that too."

Harry was in poor condition, three broken ribs, ulcers, quite a few cuts and scrapes some of which were infected, several burns, and his clavical had been broken and knit together poorly.

Malfoy hurried over with the potions, while Pomfrey stood over harry, casting spell after spell. "Give him two capfuls of the platet replenisher," she ordered.

He opened the tall rectangular bottle and filled the cap with the green liquid, citrus scent filled the room. He parted Harry's lips with his fingers and cupped his hand under Harry's chin and was pouring the liquid into his mouth when Snape snatched it out of his hand, "You're doing it wrong, you have to raise his head first." The potion's master took over.

Draco took a seat on the adjacent bed, and stared at the scene next to him. What now? Was all he could think, I wonder if my father knows yet. Dejected and confused he rested his head on his hands and stared at the tile floor.