Please be nice- it's my first fanfic! Tell me if you want more!


Dr. Temperance Brennan slid behind her desk, opening the file that her boss, Dr. Goodman had just given her. Sighing, she started reading.

There was a knock on her door, and she glanced up to see that Seeley Booth, her partner and FBI agent, was walking in. "Hey Bones- got a new case!" He smiled his boyish grin and walked around to pull her lab coat out of her arms.

"Well, what are the circumstances?" Brennan asked, impatient as always to get going.

"Well, a charred body was just found in some local woods. The FBI can't get an ID, so they called me, and I called you." He grinned again, a pointed toward the door. Come on, let's go."

Brennan sighed, a million thoughts running through her head. "I'm coming Booth." And she did- she always did.


Tempe stared down at the body, not quite comprehending the facts. It seemed as though the body wasn't human, as if it was just some puppet that had been burnt. She shook her head- no, that couldn't be right.

"Booth," She began, looking up at her partner. "I don't think these are human remains. In fact, it as almost if some burned a fake skeleton…" She trailed off. That would have to mean that someone wanted them out here...but that couldn't be true. Why would someone want the FBI to purposely come and investigatecrime?

Booth nodded his head. "Okay. I guess that I'll tell everybody that we've got a hoax…" He wandered off, muttering to himself about stupid teenagers and their pranks.

Tempe stood up, wiping her hands on her jumpsuit. Looking around, she noticed a distinct pattern of stones on the path running through the forest. Puzzled, she distinctly remembered seeing this strange symbol somewhere else. Walking in the direction of the rocks, she looked up ahead to see if there were more. To her immense surprise, there were three more rock formations on the path that she could see, before it curved out of sight.

There appeared to be one of these structures every few feet. Glancing behind her, she could see Booth talking to another FBI agent. The sun was glinting off of his face, making her heart pound. For some reason, Special Agent Seeley Booth had been occupying her mind a lot lately.

Shaking her head, Temperance Brennan followed the stones, wondering where it would take her.

Booth dismissed the man that he was talking to and started to walk back toward the clearing. "Bones! Hey Bones- we need to get going! I just got wind of a…" The agent trailed off, noticing for the first time that his forensic anthropologist was no longer there. Bewildered, he looked back to where all of the Jeffersonian trucks and FBI vehicles were parked, thinking that he maybe missed her.

Not seeing her with anyone else, Booth turned and his glance strayed toward the same creations that had caught Tempe's eye. Intrigued, he followed the same path, continuing on as he saw a blue jumpsuit on the ground- one that looked suspiciously like Brennan's.

Picking it up, Booth could see that one of the arms was torn and that the zipper was breaking away from the lining. Cursing, Booth called out for Tempe, knowing that this article of clothing was taken off by force and not of her own free will.

He called out again, his panic rising to an unbearable level. "Bones! If you are out there, then you better answer me! I'm serious now…" Booth trailed off, seeing a small Polaroid picture taped to one of the rock configurations ahead. He jogged up to it, and upon seeing it, his heart stopped. In the picture was Temperance Brennan, unconscious and slumped against the rocks, somewhat beaten and bruised. Her jumpsuit lay beside her and her clothes that she had on underneath were mussed up.

Cursing again, he ran to the end of the path, but couldn't see her, the perpetrator, or any other clues. As fast as he could, he ran back to where all the cars had been parked. Most had already left, but there were still a few cars from the FBI and Jeffersonian. Yelling, he gathered those left around him.

"We have got a problem everybody! Dr. Brennan informed me that the body we found was a ploy; I came out here to tell all of you and now Dr. Brennan is missing, her lab-coat town off, and a Polaroid picture taken of her unconscious body." Saying all this was making Booth wanted to puke. This couldn't be happening…not to his Bones.

"We need a team here immediately to search the woods and surrounding areas. We also need someone here to search all cars in the general vicinity." The stunned faces around him were killing Booth even more. The thought 'Bones is missing…she could die…' kept running in his head. They had to find her…they just did.

Tempe awoke feeling slightly nauseous, sore, and with a pounding headache. As she opened her eyes, her first thought were of confusion. She was tied to a chair in a warehouse or apartment. She tried to open her mouth, but realized that it was bound and gagged. Fear threatened to surface, but she pushed it back down, knowing that she couldn't panic right now.

After she had calmed herself down somewhat, she decided to look at her surrounding. As she studied the things around her more and more, the searing panic rose like bile in the back of her throat once more.

Every inch of the walls were covered of photos of her; walking to her home, walking to the Jeffersonian, walking with Booth or walking with Angela. One wall of pictures were even of her in her apartment, cooking, sleeping, writing, and sitting. A scream rose in her throat, and even with the gag in place, a small shriek made itself into the room.

As if in response to her yell, a door to the room opened and a man came in.

"Hello Temperance."