"What?" Jen said staring at Wes

"My fiancé"

"Oh good for…you" Jen said forcing a smile Trip Lucas and Katie just stared

"Uh congratulations" Trip finally said Katie and Lucas followed by shaking his hand just then from down the stairs they herd another voice

"Hey Taylor I want to show you something from up there you can see the whole city"

"Everyone hide" Trip said they all hid well Lucas had to pull Jen down to her still shocked at what Wes had said. Just as they all ducked down two people walked into the room.

"Um it looks like someone lives here" said Taylor looking around

"Well uh people used to like 2 years ago well here let me show you the balcony"

"Ok but I feel like we are being watched"

"Do not worry no one is here the only other person that might come up here every so often is Wes and he is not all that scary now is he"

"No he reminds of like a teddy bear" she said kissing Eric

"Hey" Wes said jumping up

Taylor screamed "What are you doing here?" she demanded

"Showing Kira" he pulled Kira to her feet

"Well I guess two greet minds think alike hu Wes" Eric asked

"Not just us" Wes said

Eric and Taylor looked puzzled

"You found a girl" came Trip's voice from behind Eric that made him jump

"What the" Eric said not knowing what to say Trip walked over and gave Eric a hug

"What the what are you doing here"

"were all here" Trip said with a smile everyone came out of there hiding place Jen walked out of the tower but no one noticed "Oh who is this" he said looking over at Taylor

"Oh ya this is my Wife"

"You got married!" Trip said laughing

"Yes Trip"

"Any children?" Trip asked

"Well we are expecting twins" Taylor said

Lucas walked over "Never thought you had it in you "

Katie walked over "who did you guys meet"

"Um I pulled her over"

"And asked her on a date" Trip said

" No she hated me because I gave her…2 tickets" he said looking at her

"Ya I think it was 2" she said

"Well thinks just got good from there"

"Ya really good" Lucas said with a grin

"Oh guys would you like to come to Kira and my wedding?" Wes asked he looked at Kira and hoped he had like his friends

"Ya you guys should come and I am performing tonight in the park for a fundraiser you should come" once she said this Wes new she had liked them Kira got along nicely with most people as long as they would not criticize her or her music "OH and all my old friends are going to be there I can not wait" Kira said talking a little to Wes since she forgot to tell him that "oh and they are going to stay with us till the wedding"

"ok" Wes said he new better then to argue with Kira when it came to the issue of her past.

"Ok" Trip Lucas and Katie agreed to go

Later that day at the park

Kira just finished her final song

"And we will be friends forever and ever more" she sang the final line as everyone clapped once she did not join them so Wes began to get worried

"Do you guys think anything happened to her" he asked very worried

"Why?" Eric

"Well have you ever seen her she can not protect her self" Wes told Eric "You also saw her scream when a dog jumped out of the bushes and run behind me"

"Ya… But… never mind" Eric new he would not win this argument with Wes since he was worried about Kira.

About a half hour later Wes herd Kira's voice

"Wes look who I found" Following her were 4 guys

"UH who are they" asked Wes

"These are My friends Conner is in red Ethan is in blue Trent is in white and Dr' Oliver is in Black"

"Call me Tommy"

"Ok I was worried about you" Wes said

Conner Ethan Trent and Tommy looked at each other and laughed

"You were worried about her?" Ethan asked with his eyebrows

"What Kira you never told him" Kira hit Conner's arm and changed the subject

"So Wes you want to dance?" Kira asked


They began to dance. Lucas and Katie followed dancing Tommy started dancing with some girl so did Conner and Ethan. Trip and Trent just sat there and watched both had their eyes on the same girl…

The girl was Kira