Summary- Jen goes back to Wes To only find out he is with Kira Ford. Will Wes brake off his wedding to be with Jen? And what does Trip have to do with all of this? Oh Wes and Kira do not know each other was once a ranger.

Wes sat in the park thinking about these past 2 years. 2 years ago he was a power ranger and fighting beside his team… fighting beside Jen. He found himself thinking more and more about Jen know ever since he had gotten engaged. He looked at the sky he frowned what had he thought he half expected to see Jen's ship arrive but he new it was wistful thinking he just wanted to see her one last time it was not like he loved her but he wanted to see her his best friend that had helped him become who he was but he new deep down he would never see her again.

"Wes what are you doing all the way out here" Kira asked as she sat down next to him

"Oh just thinking about these past 2 years"

Kira smiled and kissed him on the cheek "I am going shopping for a wedding dress with Taylor I have no idea what to get so I asked her to get"

"Ok and remember no matter the price get what you like best do not worry about it "

"But Wes…" Wes then interrupted her

"Weddings are supposed to be expensive ok"

"Ok" Kira said with a smile she really did love Wes for being a rich guy he was so nice and sensible just like… Trent. Kira and Trent had broken up due to her singing and always going from town to town singing Trent could not deal with it so they broke up she smiled as she thought of him and all they had been threw no matter what her and Wes would never go threw.

"What are you smiling about"

"uh nothing" Kira said she gave him another fast kiss and walked to the limo.

The next day Kira and Wes were driving around they had just found a perfect church Wes did not know why but they went past the clock tower he had not been there since the other rangers left

"Stop the car" he yelled opening the door. He Rushed into the tower and looked around nothing had changed he slowly looked around. He turned to see Kira followed him up

"how did you now about this up her" she said

"uh I lived her with my friends for a wile"

"oh ok" Kira said not pushing the subject they had not yet gone up the stairs

Kira walked up the stairs and Wes followed he stooped so he could try and remember all the times he had gone up and down these stairs Kira disappeared threw the door way just then he herd her scream and a male scream and then a small voice he rushed up to the tower to see what had happened he ducked as Circuit flew over his head

"What the" he said as he saw Trip was sitting behing a table on the floor

Yelling to Kira

"Who are you what are you doing her" Kira turned wide eyed to Wes "you said no one lived her anymore"

"Wes" Trip said he stood up "your with Wes why did you not say something" Trip said Kira looked at Trip still wide eyed "Wes?" Kira said nervously Jen and the rest of the team came walking up the stairs "Wes?" asked Jen

"Kira this is Trip Jen Katie and Lucas…Trip Jen Katie and Lucas this is Kira my fiancé"